I HATE Starlight Glimmer 143 members · 54 stories
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months ago, I encountered an audio dark fanfic called "the friendship test" in which Starlight reveals that she is really still evil, and secretly never truly forgave the mane six for ruining her cult and still did not truly understand friendship. In a dark area, the mane six are her victims, and she devises a plan only a monster could concoct in order to test just how strong friendship truly is. Although very sad, especially for Rarity, I must say I loved the story, the voice acting for each and every character is spot on, the mane six are kept in character, the story is well written, and the atmosphere builds unease and suspense; instead of it just being about a sick in the mind murderer without a real plot, like some dark fics make the mistake of doing. It's basically a Starlight revenge story. While listening to this audio story, it made me especially realize that I miss evil Starlight, that is the Starlight from the cutie map and the cutie remark part 1 (than part 2 screwed up everything by revealing her back story) but Starlight is better as a villain, her backstory and redemption arc being jacked up gives me more reason to think she should have never reformed. She's a character of pure evil
She doesn't deserve to be treated like a friend, and doesn't deserve a reformation, at least IMHO. The friendship test fic also makes several points, in several episodes Starlight is still showing signs that she's not entirely over her bad deed of using her magic to cause harm, and to get her what she wants. Several episodes shows that she can make somepony feel bad/look stupid without feeling remorse, as she did in the cutie map. Although her continuity was messed up after her reformation, the fic keeps it in her antagonist form. It only makes sense, that a person who destroys the lives of others and ultimately tries to doom the world is a flat out sociopath/psychopath and these people either can't change, or are very difficult to change. These people may even seem like they change, only to later show hints that they haven't. Starlight Glimmer by definition, is a sociopath, and I feel this fic is trying to convey that, on how her reformation is so bad that it's almost fishy. How can a sociopath suddenly go good that fast, especially when they don't do some form of harm in the long run (which Starlight actually did). Imagine if MLP was not a children's show aimed at especially babies and little girls, would Starlight really have reformed? Anyway, I recommend this YouTube audio fic (the friendship test) for anyone that's interested and to say that Starlight honestly, should have stayed a villain, at least in my opinion.

Yeah I agree on that, I would definitely hate her less, or maybe don't hate her at all if she was still a villain (though her reason to be a villain is stupid), unfortunately, the creators want the fans to like her, so they made her good and sometines, I have the impression that she's taking over the show, if it continues like that, she'll be more important than the mane six.

I'm reminded of a fic that I read that also didn't pull any punches when it came to Starlight.

its better make a character people love to hate. the best example of that is the joker from batman. Starlight as a villen is the only way I like starlight. hell its the only way ill have her in my own fanfic. but for whatever reason the writhers love this awful character so now shes just a character we hate to love

Where? I'd like to read it.


Her reason for villainy was dumb alright, but I get the feeling that Hasbro changed her for the sake of the kiddies, instead of the older audiences. Hasbro totally messed up here.
Being the creator's pet, Starlight is being treated with way too much importance nowadays, never add a new character that will constantly overshadow the main characters, for this reason, I barely watch the show.
The unicorn I once loved has become my most hated character ever.


Very nice, I like how it didn't include the fact that Starlight's a sociopathic monster all because in her childhood, she watched her friend leave.
It's written quite well, with little to no grammar mistakes, and etc. Makes perfect sense that a sociopath like Starlight wouldn't suddenly say "Oh no, this isn't what I want." "I want to be good"


I have nothing to say but "bravo and well said" 👏

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