Honest Fictions 114 members · 54 stories
Comments ( 14 )
  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 14

It seems a little strange for the Honest Fictions to be delivered to the founder's personal blog. Why not to the group itself?

I suppose it could be done, it'd have to be in the forum to avoid the MST3K rule for stories.

I Am The Night
Group Admin

4491145 Due to the MST3K rule, stories cannot be published as a story.

However, adding them to the forums could work too. :)

I might do that instead.

4492664 Maybe you could have a folder for people wanting their or other stories to be Honest Trailer-ed.

4492688 Submit your stories for others to be brutally honest about! MWAHAHAhahaha!

Sorry, I got a little carried away there.

4492835 Isn't that the premise of Rage Reviews?

4492837 The getting carried away or the submitting? <rimshot>

4492846 Thank you! Thank you, we'll be here all night!

4492854 Or at least until the sleep deprivation renders us useless.

4492862 I'm already working my sorry arse off on riffs, stories and roller coasters. Don't ask about that last one.

4492875 Well now I want to ask about roller coasters...

That sounds like a good idea.

I Am The Night
Group Admin

4507817 Already done. :)

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 14