Martianmen 51 members · 34 stories
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Being serious right now (Corey :ajbemused:) when I ask this question. I have so many questions on my mind at every time of the day with no answers. I have so much I want to say, but no way to articulate. I have so much I want to be, but no way to pursue my goals. At least that's the way I feel.

This is why I speak with you guys: to vent. Not to spark any controversy or anything as my latest thread asking about religion could have, but to get closer to you guys and to relay my point of view to some people I know care, and I care just as much about what you guys have to say about the topics you each post. I don't post for likes or dislikes, I post because you guys are the heart of this group, its life fluid. Without y'all, this group would not exist. It'd fade into oblivion.

But moving on to my question about what you would truly want to be, and how I answered that I have too many questions to find a good answer? All I want to be is a thinker. A person who can put their mind to a task or a dilemma and work through it.

4417173 I want to be the one who fixes America's problems. As unlikely as it seems, I'm still going to try my best.

Group Admin

4417181 People like you are the ones I am wary of. Everyone has their own different vision of a "perfect" or "problemless" America that is always way too idealized to ever exist in a real, stable world. I understand dreamers, but dream a different dream if that's the case. Or even a smaller, less impactful one.

If you are any bit effective at doing that, you will become one of America's problems.


Being serious right now (Corey :ajbemused:)

Did you really have to specifically point me out. It's like you thought I wouldn't take this seriously.

Edit: I enjoy being singled out sometimes. Don't really know why but I do.

I want to have a positive impact on Australian/American national security. Either through law enforcement/intelligence/military service.

That's my goal for life.


Trust me, I'm very aware.

Group Admin

4417217 Very noble of you. Hope you're taking steps today to make that dream become a reality.


Did you really have to specifically point me out. It's like you thought I wouldn't take this seriously.

Hmm. I wonder why. Either way, we all like being pointed out from time to time. It's all in good fun.

4417173 Me I want to be a warrior, not just a warrior but a protector, like the Jedi in Star Wars, protector first warrior second.

Baby steps. Like that bloody assignment I got.

4417254 Then join a militia and go fight the good fight. Whatever the good fight is.

Group Admin

4417254 A protector of what exactly? People can protect millions of things, both physical and abstract. Ideas and people and places and systems can be protected, either for the good or for the bad. You could be protecting the KKK for all I know.

And to want to be a warrior is to want to spill blood on the battlefield. Why not be the peacekeeper, the negotiator, the preventer of conflict instead of the one blindly charging into battle?

4417173 I want to be a teacher, someone who imparts knowledge onto the next generation of people as well as helping them acquire the tools to think critically about things and not just blindly accept everything someone tells them. Hopefully I won't bore them to tears doing it.

Group Admin

4417274 You've got to have a passion for your job. I've had teachers who I could just tell were there for the paycheck and teachers who were so zealous over their material that I couldn't help but feel energized (and a bit creeped out) by their fervor.

4417280 I aim to be the latter. I too have had teachers that seemed like they wished they were somewhere else, and it's one of the worst experiences in school one can have. I want to be like the teachers that got me excited about what they were teaching, the ones that cared enough to stay up until midnight grading papers and still come in excited about the next day's lesson. I despise teachers that give off the feeling that they hate their students though. If you hate children, teaching is the last profession you should go into.

I want to be the next yogscast.

Group Admin

4417296 Precisely. Those are indeed the best teachers, the ones who love their jobs and can see past their paychecks.

But now that we're agreeing over everything, how are we to learn from one another? I can sit and nod my head dumbly as I listen to IceJJFish on youtube:

4417173 try to end political fighting, or at least help get the idea out there

4417173 i wanna go into robotics engineering right now, something technical, maybe try to make it big in the world


Do what you want cuz a pirate is free ด็็็็็้้้้้็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้༼◉Д◉༽ด็็็็็้้้้้็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้

Group Admin


try to end political fighting, or at least help get the idea out there

Good luck with that. So long as there are politics, there will be pushes for political power; just as so long as there are differing nations with differing ideals, there will be wars.

4417378 As long as there are people in general, there will be wars.

Group Admin

4417408 Don't be so pessimistic. People like people in general, or just don't care about what other people do. People don't like people with ideals that have the potential to negatively affect their way of life, however.

4417243 Also in all seriousness I plan to follow in the footsteps of my father and his family, military service. My family has been sending boys to the military for over one hundred and fifty years.

4417263 Already signed my enlistment for the USMC, just waiting for my basic training date
4417273 I want to be a protector of my family, friends, belief, nation, freedom, and human rights, also on the warrior part, that's just how I was raised, the phrase to define my upbringing is the one drilled into my skull, "Si vis pacem parabellum" it's Latin for "If you want peace prepare for war", I was always taught times of great peace follow times of war, strife and challenge.

4417316 Well, here's something I was discussing in a thread about the Vietnam War last night:

You know this photo:

There's a backstory behind it. The guy getting executed, Nguyen Van Lem, was captured near a mass grave filled with 34 civilian bodies where he and his unit had murdered an officer, Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Tuan and his entire family for refusing to teach them how to operate tanks. The only survivor was a 10 year old boy who was severely injured. When questioned, Lem said he was happy to carry out his orders to murder these people and would do so again.
The guy executing him, General Nguyen Ngoc Loan, had personally witnessed the murder of his officer, along with his officer's wife and three small children. When the guy was brought to him, he executed him on the spot. Unfortunately, people only saw the photograph and thought "OMG South Vietnam is like so brutal, we should protest even harder guys" without even learning of the situation behind it. He later got his leg amputeed after being wounded by a machine gun, and when he eventually emigrated to the United States and opened his own pizzeria, he was forced to retire early because some shit stain recognized him and a bunch of people started harassing him about the photograph.

4417420 See, now when I say that, I don't imply that humans are just naturally warlike. My reasoning is that so long as the potential for it to happen exists, it'll happen eventually. Everything is subject to the same sort of concept. Murphy's law, really. I believe in the goodness in my fellow man, but I also look closely at how situations develop. In many things, I can't help but to feel everyone involved is a mixture of a victim of circumstance, and bad decisions made with good intent.

It's funny you should mention threatening a person's way of life though. I spent a fantastic amount of time in the shower today, contemplating the true horror that a person can go through when they see their society crumble because of circumstances.

4417473 Oh come now, that's not a militia. Where's your American spirit? Go out there, find a tricorne and a musket, and go yell mean words at Englishmen.

4417481 I'm part English, and really a musket, I want a gun that can fire in pretty rapid succession mate.


I wanna be
the very best


Or animate stuff for minecraft
I always wanted to do that

4417494 Tsk, tsk. Bald eagles everywhere are crying their eyes out.

Group Admin

4417457 Hope to see you in the service when I get there, then.


Group Admin

4417478 That picture is more incriminating than a story as far as the media is concerned. I fucking hate the news nowadays, anyway; every word that comes out of a reporter's mouth is to be taken with a salt mine, because they only tell you what they want you to know for ratings.

Remember this: the media is a business, through and through. They need money and cover stories to run. Just like a politician needs money for a campaign or an entrepreneur needs start-up cash to create in a product.

4417525 You're right, but the media isn't completely responsible for this one. The original photographer won a Pulitzer for this photo, and apparently the story around it was written as what actually happened. People that saw the photo didn't read the story though, and immediately assumed it was evidence of South Vietnam being oppressive and brutal. It was just another case of a large number of people acting stupid and not thinking before they made judgments, just like a lot of news stories today.

Group Admin

4417545 Except the people of today are expecting the full story and the media is actively attempting to stir up tension in its yellow journalism bullshit for, as I've stated earlier, ratings and profit.

4417525 true but the media usually has independent reporters and each news station have different views on it. I look around and make my own views from it

Group Admin

4417554 They're there to report what's happening, not to have opinions on what they're reporting. Leave the opinions out of the headlines and allow the viewers to draw up their own thoughts instead of feeding them half-assed news articles about what you think as a reporter.

I've always had one dream or another that I've been chasing, but a little more than a year ago, things changed.

Currently, I'm working in my spare time to develop skills to become a writer/cartoonist/polyglot, but that isn't my end goal.

When I was younger, I always wanted to be a cartoonist because cartoons where entertaining and I grew up reading them every day. However, when it came time for me that I felt that I had to make a decision in which direction I went in life, I didn't follow my dreams and studied art because I was afraid. Comics in the newspaper where getting smaller and there really wasn't a model to make content on the internet and make a living from it. Or at least that's what I thought. I studied something else and now that I graduated and had a bit of time to think and see what other people are doing online, I've decided to pursue my dreams once again.

However, I'm not going to be just a cartoonist. I have an idea for a bilingual blog for English learning and a bunch of others. I'm not going to limit myself to one profession, and if the opportunity shows up to try something new I'll take it. I don't want to be a profession. I want to live.

I guess if I had to give a strict answer, I want to be a role model. Like LordVad said, I want to inspire others to follow their dreams and do good in the world, whatever it may be, starting with those closest to me.

I visited my therapist a while back (because I have a few "Lost Marbles." *rimshot*) and I opened up to him about my fears about getting a new job that I didn't like because I was afraid that other people would only see me for my job. If you ever see a newspaper headline on an article about an accident or murder, it always refers to the victim/deceased by their profession. That frightened me and I didn't want to risk such a travesty. I don't want to go down in history for something that wasn't me.

This is what he had to say:
"Whether you're a salesman or an artist, it doesn't matter to worry about what you'll be remembered as when you're dead. You're dead. You have bigger things to worry about. So, would you rather spend your time worrying about how you will be remembered after you die, or would you rather live?

"On or off" but nothing in between, I prefer to think in steps. Too many options. Afraid of what comes next. I need instructions. How will I decide?

I wanna be a robot made of chrome. You could be my mechanical friends, so I won't be alone.

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