Martianmen 51 members · 34 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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Imagine if you were displaced, thrown into another world that works almost completely differently than what you're used to. What would your course of action be? To what extent would you go in order to return home?

4410495 I'd call it a day and lay down... For a very long time...:moustache:

4410495 if its a primitive dimension I would rule them as a god.


What would your course of action be?


No, that was actually not a joke. Ever consider what "works almost entirely differently" really means? Imagine, say, you go to Magical Midget Donkey land, where the six elements of Concord are the basic building blocks that compose everything else.

Including air.

You are going to miss those oxygen molecules very, very fast.

4410495 Better be minecraft. . .

4410495 I would do what I always do, be insane. And if the universe in which I am sent says what I consider insane to be the socially accepted norm, then I would fit in just fine.

No matter what scenario you send me to I will always be insane by my own standards Martian.

4410495 Depending on the universe planet etc.... I'd probably do one of two things: Die if it's a inhospitable planet or show the native species of the planet some good ol' fashioned hostile takeover

4410495 Well first I'd have a quick little freak out session, then I'll figure out what goes on and try to find a way home if I can't find one with a reasonable time period say 1-2 years then I'll live my life doing what I do best, fighting/training/being a gentleman.


I would first try not to turn into a jackass and kill everyone, you know, typical displaced shit, then, I would adapt, and over come, because that's what humans do.

4410495 Become a male prostitute. That answers every question you could possibly ask.

Group Admin

4410806 You immediately earned a like after the first sentence.

I'll try to adapt...

But if I can't, I'll go out with a bang. Laugh hard, party harder, fight like hell and die fighting.

Diversifying your business strategy, as it were? I suppose attention whoring alone wouldn't pay the bills.

4411320 Aw honey, are you jealous I got all the good corners? I would let you in, but you'd scare away all the customers.

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