Comments ( 3 )
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Tomorrow, Red and Blue Rescue Team are coming out on Wii U Virtual Console - in Europe, home of VC games, at least. With Super also coming out here this month, I think now's the time for celebration.
I probably won't be getting the VC games, because I already own Blue Rescue Team and I don't like buying games I already own, but at least I can lurk in the Miiverse community for them now. But since they're one different systems, will there be one community or two?

Group Admin

5039231 hoorah for SMD! Soon the waiting will be over!

They're also coming out in Australia on the 20th, the same day as Super there. Dun-dun-dun-duh-duh-DAH!
(Wait, so eShop games only come out on Thursdays in Europe? Okay then.)

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