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I am just kind of curious as to what hints and signs you use to see if someone is a Social Justice Warrior?

My big sign is that they are more often than not displaying some sort of Marxism in their actions, but mainly in that they usually have no regard or understanding of property or ownership of things.
Often you see them whining about Youtube copyright claims or pirating content on the internet and not understanding why its wrong or why the owners of the content would want to control it.

Group Admin

That's not necessarily an SJW or anything Marxist.
It might just be someone who genuinely doesn't understand how the copyright laws are rationalized to things done on the internet.

One way to spot them is if they show signs of radical feminist support, attacking minor things for suppost hate, labeling themselves "progressives", acting smarter then you, labeling everything against them as Nazi or fascist even when it makes sense, Even coming up with things that makes no real sense like trans-race, safe spaces, censoring free speech because it hurts peoples feelings and demanding white people genocide... In true the SjW comes in several breeds but there social bend is always a authoritarian breed of Leftist thought.

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5019037 that is completely true that some people don't have the common sense, but my big thing is that I usually notice a SJW doesn't follow property rights or feels obligated to do things like that because they are (in spirit of their stupid hashtags) "Resisting Capitalism".

Otherwise, with people like Angry Joe and Nintendo, Anita and Full Mcintosh and gameplay footage/ their cover and just that it feels like many claim to be pirates.

I'm not sure if I can answer that question for certain, because after all, in any given comments section for a YouTube video about something related to Israel or even the Holocaust, you are going to get angry comments from both the SJWs and the Stormfags, and will have a very difficult time telling them apart.

And it goes beyond the realm of YouTube comments sections, numerous other websites have the same problem with the lack of distinguishing features between the two, to the point that there is a sub-Reddit that makes a game about distinguishing the two.

Though 5019063 has offered a fairly safe definition.

There are many many ways to spot them but here are a few things that might make someone an SJW.

1. Calling for "tolerance" for certain "protected" groups such as women, gays, ethnic minorities ect while refusing to return said tolerance for opinions they disagree with especially if they are uttered by straight cisgendered white males.

2. A tendency to take first world problem such as "manspreading" and blowing them way out of proportion.

3. Falsely equating the situation of women in first world countries such as America to those of Saudi Arabia with misleading statistics such as the "wage gap" theory and ridiculous conspiracy theories about a "patriarchy".

4. A ridiculous hysteria about "rape culture" with grossly inflated college campus rape and general rape statistics along with a hefty dose of guilty by association fallacy and blantant misandry by stating that men should be taught not to rape when anybody with the slightest ounce of common sense understands that rapists know rape is bad but simply don't care.

5. Injecting race, gender and other various identity politics into issues which have very little if anything to do with the issue at hand. A good example of this is the whole standoff in Oregon where armed protesters took over that government building, a lot of SJW's responded by saying things like "if they were black they would already be dead" or "they are whining over having their land taken that they stole from the Native Americans in the first place."

5018987 That is not a sign of SJW, that is just someone who dosen't like copyright laws and I am not a fan of the current copyright system either. It is extremely corrupt and full of double standards that benefit major corporations at the expense of everyone else. It isn't even just liberals either, there are some libertarians who believe all copyright and patent laws should be abolished because they believe they are a form of government protectionism.

5018987 5019037 5019063 5019369 5019544

For me it comes down to one simple question...

Do they attempt to justify the actions of themselves or others with "power plus prejudice," "historic oppression" or a similar argument?

Yes = They are an SJW

No =
1. They aren't an SJW.
2. They are an SJW but there is not enough information for anyone to accurately make that claim.

There are of course reasons why someone may be falsely called an SJW. Like these for example:
1. They disagree with the accuser. (Sound familiar?)
2. They are further to the political left than the accuser (Now what happens when "left" is switched for "right" I wonder?)
3. They say something that sound kinda-sorta like SJW rhetoric to anyone that is prone to kneejerk reactions.
4. They're just poor saps that fell for SJW lies. (this is the most common one)

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5019544 but even with that, you still follow the law until it can become amended. My point is that besides the most compulsive of kleptomaniacs it seems that the SJW's advocate and support theft and disregard for property.

Winter Storm
Group Contributor

My most general definition of an SJW is someone who espouses progressive ideologies through regressive, authoritarian means. The person who wants to hold a diversity event and bans all whites and men from attending. The one who wants to make a campus "safer" by demanding that a university treat everyone accused of rape/sexual assault as guilty.

All in all, they want something progressive, but they want to use an iron fist to bring it about.

5018987 It comes down to nothing more than passionate thinking and beliefs in my book... I am african american and female, I've lived around very passionate people all my life and see how they develop there progressive or regressive ideas. But are unwilling to give the people around them time to adjust and change to those ideas. But in those passionate peoples minds, they know they are 100% right. Basically meaning they'd probably fight tooth and nail just to see some form of justice or immediate change, which usually never works out till about ten or so years down the road(if at all)...

So the ultimate sign to me is someone who has a passion for a collection of ideas that might grate or supplement social standards. But after all is said and done, I really don't call anybody a sjw personally, it's just a silly term to enforce. It's like constantly calling the healthcare act, Obamacare...:facehoof:

5020118 Yes, but is what they are calling for tactics aside really "progressive"? There is this one news story that I saw recently that made me cringe, I just don't even have the words for it.


They are so obsessed with race, gender, sexual orientation ect... that it seems that they are complete and totally missing the point about what tolerance actually is. The quote in question is as progressive as you can get and I don't mean by its political definition, but by the dictionary definition, judging people not by things they can't control like race, gender, sexual orientation ect... but by who they are as a person. It seems very insulting if you think about it that people need or deserve special treatment on the basis of being part of some protected group even if that group may in fact have been wronged in the past.

5020289 That kind of absolutist certainty is dangerous no matter what side of the political spectrum it is on. It honestly has gotten to the point where the sjw's are starting to remind me of the religious right. It just turns what they are saying into a circle jerk where it allows the bad ideas to choke out the good ones and inevitably breeds authoritarianism. It is one of the main reasons why we should abandon the current political spectrum and start over, I used to be a liberal but then became a libertarian once I realized that the authoritarian strains of thought have hijacked both.

5020328 It is what it is, I use to try to look at the grand scheme of things. But gave up after I realized that it was making me into a very bitter and hateful person... It's not very fun living like that, so that's why I accept that there will always be injustice till the day I die. However the only thing that makes it bad or personal is it's ability to make me concern myself about it.

Otherwise I'll live just fine.:twilightsmile:

Winter Storm
Group Contributor

5020328 The underlying ideas tend to be well-meaning in some way, i.e. trying to make sure people have a fair representation, fair pay, etc. The problem in part lies with the fact that they have no real understanding of what fairness is, and how merit is tied with it.

This, utterly and completely true.


whining about Youtube copyright claims or pirating content on the internet and not understanding why its wrong or why the owners of the content would want to control it.

whining about Youtube copyright claims

You do realize that literally anyone can file a copyright claim on youtube and not receive any punishment for a false claim because it doesn't actually violate their copyright or even if they don't actually own it? And that reviews and parodies, and void, even reactions are perfectly legal?
Mystery Science Theater 3k was basically a react show.

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5021944 yes, but the only non SJW who i know of who told people to flag something en mass was MundaneShat.

The only time i can think of SJW's honoring someone's rights was when they changed Tumblr-con to Dash-Con.

How to spot an SJW:

ask them.

If they say no, they're a dirty SJW liar.

If they say yes, they're fucking with you and are super cool and you should be their friend.


Angry Joe

Because chastising people for behaving like pants-shitting toddlers automatically makes you an Ally Of Evil, amirite?

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5056613 no, but peddling feminism and diversity for diversity's sake is.

When did that happen?

5056610 Not always, there are some SJW's that are "owning" the label though there are indeed people posing as SJW's in order to troll actual ones and most of these cases are fairly obvious. That does remind me of another tactic SJW's use and that is the manipulation of language by either making up new words or re defining words already in use. An example of making up new words are these new gender neutral pronouns some of them are pushing like "zere" and "zeer" as replacements for "him" and "her" under the assumption that we shouldn't "assume" things like gender. Don't get me wrong, I am sympathetic to transgender people, but for about 90% of people the gendered pronouns aren't really too much of a problem and not all transgender people are all that easy to spot.

An example of re defining words is how they have re defined the word "privilege" with phrases like "check your privilege" in order to shut down anyone who they arbitrarily see as being part of some "privileged" class daring to disagree with them. I have heard many SJW's argue with a straight face against rebuttles to this that "the oppressor cannot be oppressed due to having social power over the oppressed classes". This ignores various historical evidence such as slavery where some "house slaves" while they were still slaves were sometimes used to keep the field slaves in line as well as basic common sense which says that while some people can have certain social advantages due to various factors that hardship is something nearly everyone can and will face at some point in their lives.

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5056744 Aliens colonial Marines, MKX character models, Poutrage over that one woman from Fast 5 being casted a Wonderwoman. Etc.

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