☭Communism☭ 126 members · 19 stories
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So, I joined this group because I have left leaning ideologies and believe in a world which promotes fairness.

Big business in this world has too much power and influence, and they hold back left wing ideas. They run in so many countries and seem to believe that because they are so rich and multinational that they are above the law. Take Amazon for example, until recently it did not pay any UK corporation tax, and that is shocking because it means that the country will have to put austerity measures on the working people to make money instead, as opposed to taxing people who earn billions a year. With increased globalization in recent decades, these multi national companies often use human rights abuse in other countries such as china to their advantage. Why, because they will not have to spend money protecting the human rights of the people and can make the goods as cheaply as possible to ensure they make maximum profit.

I also hate the first past the post system of voting. The west says that their democratic but yet their democracy is so unbelievably corrupt that it's absolutely meaningless. If you have a country with three constituencies (I know that would never happen but bear with me, because it will translate into real world affairs,) and two parties, if one of the parties won two constituencies but only by one vote in each, but the other party won only one constituency but by over a million, the first party would WIN. And they say that that is the WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

I am very disturbed by the current migrant crisis and I me and my family are donating stuff to the camps in Europe. I'm a member of a lot of political groups but I wanted to find one on here which had the same types of viewpoints to me.


So in other words, you're a liberal.

..... oh boy. As if we don't have enough of that around here. :ajbemused: Seriously if this was Revleft you'd be restricted by now.

4684156 So, what do you not agree with what I said? I'm up for a debate.

Well you seem to want things to be better and more left but are you open to learn more about Communism? If so then stay and learn.

I mean, I don't want genocide but I want equality. The idea of the vanguard party instead of democracy I will actually give more credit to than most people, because it is true that that way things do get done more, and that one party in communism usually does have strong moral ethics, or at least has roots of it.

Personally I believe if democracy can be FIXED and if we can have proportional representation that would be the step forward, but I can certainly see the appeal of a more authoritarian state if that authority is good and fair. Unfortunately in most communist countries this has not been the case, Stalin did awful things with the 5 year plan, starving millions of peasants and using slave labor, and similar things happened in China decades later under Chairman Mao.

If communism is to work we need to not have people like that in charge. I would have kept the New Economic Policy that Lenin set up if I was dictator in Soviet Russia, what Starlin did was just evil.

strong moral ethics,

Define that.

Personally I believe if [bourgeois] democracy can be FIXED

Which it can't.
I could go into massive detail on this, but this guy does it better.

Stalin did awful things with the 5 year plan, starving millions of peasants and using slave labor, and similar things happened in China decades later under Chairman Mao.

That sounds dangerously close like Black Book of Communism.
Protip: Don't get your history from the black book of communism. I'd say take anything written in there with grain of salt, but even that's giving it way too much credit.
For that matter, I'd take any claim (especially ones that involve "Millions of people") with a large dose of salt, especially if it's a western source or if it's coming from "defectors".

4684931 It was not by The Black Book of Communism, I researched before I typed all of that to make sure I got my facts right, and I got them from this video.

4684931 What I mean by "strong moral ethics" is that communism at its core is based off principles of equality and taking care of others. Compare that to say Hitler ' s regime, which was based of principles of nationalism and aristocracy. Whilst not all communist leaders were good, and some were down right monsters, at least they were striving towards a fair and good system that Karl Marx envisioned.


Since my fellow admins are missing I'm now running this group. I will now be giving daily threads as best I can. I will ask. What is there you wish to learn. Or you feel should be heard? As the only remaining Commissar I am now Premier so I must here the people's voice. So my newest member; speak.

4684931 I watched the two videos.

It is unquestionable that those two videos have a lot of truth to them. Investments for campaigning is vitally important for a party's success. And yes, the media will often use a large amount of propaganda in their favor, (although newspapers like The Guardian are much more liberal.)

Now I have told you of the threat big corporations have on our society and well being, and it is indeed something that desperately needs to be addressed. But if big business today had truly ALL of the power, though it still has too much, then left wing governments would never happen, but yet they do. If working people with left wing ideas come together they can make a difference. Also, a lot of people are smart enough to not listen to everything the media says and not to read certain newspapers such as The Daily Mail.

I would agree though that propaganda and the power of big business needs to be stopped. There are also multiple ways I would fix a lot of the problems with our current democracy that the guy in the video said.

1. Educate people more about politics from a very early age at school so that they can have active political minds and not be swayed by right wing media.

2. Where I live in the UK we have BBC News which is neutral in its telling of the news, and as it is a publicly owned news service it is expected to be so. But let's censor all propaganda from private newspapers and turn all news into something strictly informational. That way, it would be easier for people to come up with their own opinions and think for themselves instead of being manipulated with right wing newspapers.

4685186 I joined this group so I could discuss left wing politics with people. We could all sit down and put forth our ideas, and have debates.


Well then I'll do my best to keep debates going

4684096 im guessing from your post you're in the same place as me so maybe you'd like to look at something like this....

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