☭Communism☭ 126 members · 19 stories
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Kapitalism 101 Which ones? All of them. I can't stress that enough: If you want to get into Marxist theory, This is thee channel for it. Watch his 101 series, then his 202 series, and 303 series.

I just wish he'd come back. It's been over a year and nothing new from him :(.

Libertarian Socialist (aka an Anarchist), but still applies.

A bit crude, but over all accurate "in a nutshell" version.

And a bonus:

Not related to communism per se, but still important. More for when people throw those annoying little "CUMUNISM KILLED X PPL!" arguments in your face. Of course, by itself its quite lacking. It only mentions 10 (though there a long list at the end of it. Pausing skills required since it flies by at a hundred miles an hour) and fails to mention anything america (or any other capitalist power) did directly, or the deaths caused by capitalism's inability to provide people with basic needs. But it's a start.

And of course, who can forget THE #1 source for anything Marxist:


I hope you don't mind. Wolf-Baron should see this and learn what it is he supports:ajbemused:


In all honesty, if he had any type of intellectual honesty, Wolf Baron should just go to Revleft or Libcom if he wants a real argument from people who honestly know what they're talking about (for the most part) rather than picking on a group full of easy-target popunists.

But I know his type. He won't, because he's more interested in making himself feel better by winning against easy targets than intellectual debating.

This is for him.

Stalins Moustache
Group Admin

4263931 Wolf-Baron is so committed to what he believes no amount of common sense or explaining things over will shake his beliefs. I mean the guy both defended sweatshops and said when libertarians come to power he didn't know who would feed the poor or build the roads


In other words, typical lolbertaridiot behavior.

4264582 And this is why Revleft has an "Opposing Ideologies" board / Restriction system.

Stalins Moustache
Group Admin

4263931 Comrades over at this thread there's three of them ganging up on poor little me, backup is required


.... No. I think not.

Seriously, why the hell are you picking fights with the Capitalist group? It's beyond pointless. You know damn well it's not going to do anything. Hell, you pretty much just said why yourself. So... seriously? Why?

All you're doing is inviting a bunch of trolls over here. :ajbemused:

Stalins Moustache
Group Admin

4265023 I suppose but they're are already a bunch of trolls here sadly :flutterrage:

If I were you, I would worry more about educating the people in this group.

It seems quite a few (a lot, sadly) people are.... quite lacking in that department. This quote Sheogorath of TES IV Fame seems to apply to too many here, sadly:

Look at you. No concept of what you've stumbled into. No sense of place. You don't even really know where you are, do you?

That needs to be fixed. Which is what I'm TRYING to do here.

You have the interest, that's good. Now put it to good use. Don't waste it on idiotic dick-waving contests that you can't win because there are no winners to be had.

Stalins Moustache
Group Admin

4265228 agreed comrade.
On a side note however I think we should maybe have a competition or something, despite the fact that I cannot think of any prizes :applejackunsure:
Also nice Sheogorath quote by the way

4263871 Shouldn't the actual manifesto be included here? Actually, I'd dare suggest that the Communist Manifesto bears more relevance than any of these videos. Seeing as it's literally all of communist theory in written form.

It's funny how you listen to dumbass YouTube videos instead of reading ACTUAL history books. You know, paying attention to facts is quite essential when it comes to knowing what the hell you're talking about. Unfortunately, you don't know what you're talking about.

Tell me comred, why is it hard for you to understand the simple fact that communism has NEVER worked? It has only resulted in blood, dehumanization, and complete and utter failure. Capitalism, on the other hand, has provided humanity with more wealth and prosperity than any other system in history. Please tell me why that is so hard for you too understand.

4266449 Actually the only thing that has ever existed is different degrees of mixed economies. The ones that were too far left gave the government too much power and the people got fucked. The ones that were too far right gave companies too much power and the people were fucked. But if any system, communist or not, gives the ultimate power to the people, not companies or the government, that will be what's good. In some capitalist situations (and some possible communist situations, though we haven't tried that out yet) the people have some power, but it's really tough for them to exercise that power and they only have power in certain situations and they still don't have that much power. I'm not pro dictatorship of any kind, but in an economic sense, communism would giver the people most power.

4266464 communism gives people power? Why don't you tell that the Chinease or Korean people or former Soviet citizens.

Capitalism, contrary to whatever you believe, does give people power. It gives people the power to pursue their own destiny and provide themselves with what they want and need. You can open your own business, pursue your dream job, and live the live he or she always wanted. Believe it or not, I know a guy who went from being homeless to being a millionaire in just a single year. I don't think that'll ever happen under a socialist leaning economy.

4266491 Communism is far from perfect and you make a good point about it but Capitalism has some major flaws as well like all systems of course.

4266491 The communism that have been established right now doesn't give people power because it gives the government power. But I believe a far left thing would give people power as long as everything was kept really democratic.

Also, if you want a job, the someone will have to hire you. They're the ones who have the power whether to hire you or not. And whether you get the job doesn't necessarily depend on your skills bur rather how many spots are available and how many people are applying and how skilled the other applicants are too. Also, some people have medical issues and things preventing them from getting many of the better jobs. Also, what education you had matters and in post secondary sometimes it's really hard to get into and whether you're accepted kind of matters on the same things the job matters on, as well as how much money you have. Stamina, cognitive ability, and many more physical things are needed for success and such things are genetic things you're born with. Though you can change them a bit, they'll always haunt you. Also, it's mostly high-intelligence people who get to the very top, and there are only a few spots at the very top. Everyone tries. And it's not that simple. There are a lot of things that can happen in one's personal life and outside factors that affect what some people perceive as "how hard they try." It's not as simple as "I want to rule everything and have everything so I'll just try and I'll get it." No, decisions are made by multiple people, not just you. But the people who make the decisions don't care about you they care about profit. So maybe it would be better for the people who make the decisions with you to care about you as well. That won't necessarily happen in a communist society, but under the right circumstances it can. Those circumstances haven't occurred yet. Even for consumers, they have a limited amount of power. Advertising, fact hiding, everyone putting stupid chemical in all the stuff you have to buy, etc, totally affects what choices you have. So not much freedom. None of it is as simple as you think it is. Also, most people can't do their dream job. Also, while it is possible to go up the ladder, not everyone can go up the ladder, because people need workers for the jobs that are full-time and low-pay. Also, it's not necessary for anyone to become a millionaire. What's necessary is for everyone to get what they need.

Yah. You're right about employers only employing the most qualified people in terms of health, education, and capabilities. That's because there's a standard in which a person needs in terms of health, education, and capabilities. Not everyone can do the same job. Every individual is different; therefore, there are some things people can do that others can't. That's one of the aspects of human nature that communism/socialism doesn't live up to.

And you're also right about the flaws of capitalism you just listed above. Nothing in this world is perfect. It just so happens that capitalism not only works in the real world, but can succeed. This is shown thought recent history. The fact that you have a device that can communicate with me via Internet (provided by the greed of the bourgoise) means that capitalism has provided you and the rest of the people living under the system with prosperity that was inconceivable just a century ago.

Oh, and about you saying communism needs certain conditions that hasn't occurred yet, that's as rediculous as saying "I really want to live in Equestria, but certain circumstances haven't happened yet." The reasons those "circumstances" haven't happened yet is because this circumstances are NOT compatible with reality. Thinking that everyone with somehow have a common ideology and class consciousness is stupid. Like I said, every individual is unique. Everyone thinks differently and has their own ideology they adhere to.

You know, I always think about a wonderful quote: "a socialist sees a mansion and thinks that no one should be allowed to live like that; a capitalist sees a mansion and thinks that everyone should be allowed to live like that."


And of course, who can forget THE #1 source for anything Marxist:

4266926 This is just an archive. I don't doubt it's in here somewhere, I'm just surprised it wasn't mentioned directly.

4263871 This one is also pretty good:


Yah. You're right about employers only employing the most qualified people in terms of health, education, and capabilities. That's because there's a standard in which a person needs in terms of health, education, and capabilities.

A clear sign that you've never been employed in your life. Ever. Or if you do you have some cushy job that family connections got you.

That only applies to very particular, very specialized jobs. Jobs that are extremely rare and hard to come by (And getting harder and harder to come by for reasons that I'll get to in a minute).

When it comes to other types of jobs (retail, desk jobs, fast food, construction, etc.) This is just flat out wrong: Not only are they jobs that most anyone CAN do, it's jobs that employers look to employ not the most capable of people but rather the cheapest. The cheapest they can replace the most easily at the lowest cost.

For example: Over here we have a Menards. When this Menards was built about a decade or two ago, they put a large sign saying "help wanted." That sign has never come down since.

Why is this? Because they offer some pretty nice benefits: Profit sharing, raises, etc, After a certain amount of days working. But here's the thing: They do everything in their power to make sure you don't get that far. They on purposely write you up for everything, often times things that have no "right answer" so to speak (For example: I was a carry out. My job was to both help carry things outside for people, AND to make sure the carts were in their proper place because they didn't let carts sit outside AT ALL. Okay if I was walking down the hall with some carts (there were different types by the way) and someone called "carryout needed". Well I was brown bread. If I dropped the carts and came to the isle like I was supposed to, I'd be written up for leaving carts in the isle even for a moment. If I ignored it I'd be written for obvious reasons. If I tried to stuff the carts somewhere then come then I'd be written up for taking too long. No matter what I did I'd be written up for something.) That way, they would have a legit excuse to fire you before you got anything other than your measily paycheck. You would not have to worry about giving you a raise, about giving you any of the benefits they promised.
And don't tell me that this "just one company". It's pretty much like this for EVERYWHERE. Next time you go to mcdonalds or walmart or anywhere else for example, go up to the first employee you see and ask their name. Come back a quarter or half a year later, and ask for that person again. Odds are, you'll get "they aren't here anymore".

Thing is, nobody does anything about this sort of predatory behavior. Not the government (why would they? they're the tool of the ruling class, and the apparatus of maintaing class antagonisms,) not the consumers (they don't give two fucks. No thanks to first worldist capitalist culture and advertising. "ignorance is bliss" as they say.) And certainly not due to the so-called free market for reasons stated above.

And this by the way a first world problem. It's far worse. People being forced to work so long they literally fall asleep on the job, where they have to put up suicide nets around the buildings because their lives are so shitty.

And if you think having a grandoise education will save you, guess again. Automation and computerization is killing what immigration and offshoring can't.
This is hardly new, though. Before we had the Industrial Revoution, you had all sorts of specialized jobs. Jobs that took years if not generations to train and perfect: Smiths, Tailors, etc. However, the Industrial Revolution brought about it machines. Machines that could do the same job on a mass scale that these "specialists" could do. Machines that just about anyone could operate, thus putting these specialists out of work and forcing them to reduce themselves down to mere workers.
Same thing is happening here, only with computerization.

(It's Venus project, but still applies)

All the time I hear stories of people going to college for years, getting their degrees... only to be laden with debt and only able to find work at the most bare bones job imaginable. People going to college studying business/politics/etc for years with giant hopes of getting into politics... only to become used car salesmen or burger flippers.

Seriously, I love it when pretentious first world dumbasses like you ask "how does communism work out for x country". Because then I can respond "So how's capitalism working out for any country that isn't America, Canada, the UK, Europe, or Australia?"

Why do you think illegal immigration is a thing? Why do you think they ship jobs over to third world countries to "less intelligent, less qualified" participants?

That's one of the aspects of human nature that communism/socialism doesn't live up to.

Human nature is not even a thing. What crappies like you love to call human nature is actually human behaviors. Behaviors that are imprinted by and shaped by the society around it and the material conditions that we live in.

If we truly did have the same "human nature" back in our (prehistorical) infancy as we have now, we would never have made it out of the stone ages.

"a socialist sees a mansion and thinks that no one should be allowed to live like that; a capitalist sees a mansion and thinks that everyone should be allowed to live like that."

Spoken by a complete dumbass that doesn't understand either. Or does, and pretends otherwise to lull gullible middle class idiots like you into working against your own interests.

I'm not a Maoist Third Worldist, but I'm really beginning to see their point when they say that the first world really has no revolutionary potential.

4273733 Excluding the arguments for and against Capitalism and Communism, what do you think of when you see the mansion?

When I see a mansion, I certainly want everyone to live like that. Even though I know it's financially impossible.


"*Sigh*. What a waste."

4276971 Fair enough.

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