Returning from the Storm 15 members · 1 stories
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I just had a thought that could help us all out on the collab.
Youncould make a list of the monster that your going to have in your story so the other know what is roaming around after the storm.
In the world my character (twilight) is being send to there will be chnaglings there and making more appearances later on as well.
If you could do this im sure it would help everyone out thanks.

Group Admin

I already designed the Changeling Empire in another thread, but that's some pretty cool art work. I was planning on including them in my story as the last great empire

I liked the way this art portrayed the changing so I thought I'll add it to give a idea of what some of the other changling types could be.
And I want to know like are there say zombies or mutant ponies after the storm or something more reasonable like hyrda leaving the everfree and stuff like that.

Group Admin

Both? The story is yours run with it. As long as you're not saying that there are thousands of hydras wearing power armour and using ship board cannons :P
Just be sensible really

Lol not just because of the chaos hyrdas (normal hyrdas) have left there natural habit and began settling else where for example. (No zombie in my part just an example hydra I might use thought as my setting is in the everfree for the beginning)

Group Admin

Yeah, Hydras in my mind only lived in the forests before because the guard made sure they didn't attack ponies too often. Now there are no guards, creatures have a lot more ability to roam wherever they want

Probably gonna be gangs and riots cause of lack of food and sanitation as well if it a acopaliptic world. What monster/creature s are in your story or are you thinking of adding?


Group Admin

Changelings as the main enemy Blueblood and co will be facing, starving ponies, other warlords, mutated creates, you know, the usual stuff. I'm going after Luna after all :)

Group Admin


Just to point out: Races, Beasties, and Friends and Foes. Those three threads are for the creatures around. You've also got my threads for the Witcher-verse and the Dforgrym-verse that have some information in them that can be used in Equestria.

With regards to other things, well, zombies are certainly going to be about, since those are the main 'minion' enemy for my squad while going through their initial encounters with Scarlet Diamond, though the actual scenes for them will be showing up when I post the actual return fic rather than the prequel to it. Likewise in that fic there's an encounter with a pack of manticores and a wraith, both of which are tagged in the beasties lexicon thread linked above. There are certainly changeponies/mutants around as Scarlet and another character I'm planning on using later are that and there are changelings that aren't part of Chrys' empire as well (Smoke and Shadow). Gangs are also about, along with rogue councils (first encounter between the Flower Ponies and Cloudsdale).

With regards to particular thingsā€¦ undead is a state of being more than a type of creature. Pretty much any living creature can become most forms of undead, though some are unlikely to become certain types, for example I don't really see changelings becoming ghouls or vampires if they're only eating emotions, I also don't really see the hreathrae breeds of dragon being infected by viral undead types (no viral zombie, vampire or were-creature) because due to how they came about there's already a virus that does similar and it's not going to allow another of a similar type.

In terms of creature spread, well, I wouldn't be surprised by it, but some types of creature are environmentally adapted, so even if the storms have spread them around, it's entirely possible that they're only just hanging on if they're still alive at all in certain areas. The manticores live in forests, they're probably not going to be as good in open plains and would likely die in desert areas or arctic ones, the hydra we see is a swamp dweller, while it might have spread, it's most likely going to be sticking near larger bodies of (preferably stagnant) water, you certainly wouldn't find any of the local breed hanging around in a mountain cave unless a storm dropped it there and it's since been stuck and probably starving. Of course that said, post storms there's not only change-beings (which you can possibly use the mutant creator from Warhammer Fantasy RolePlay or one of the D&D creature creators for) but actually alien to Equestria beings from just about any sci-fi/fantasy/horror story whether it's movies, books, comics or games (video and tabletop both). Might be interesting to have out world counters to local things facing off, changelings vs arachnids, xenos or hedrachin for instance, or maybe have an encounter with a mikura (mechanised demon that subsists on blood).

That said, it's probably best if the more powerful things are rare and things that are strong in numbers have something that is capable of culling them, for a Dforgrym-verse example, hedrachin are nasty little blighters that could easily swarm things under, but they're preyed on by drathrae, beings less than a tenth their size, but capable of finding and burning them out. Likewise the tinirri are a prey species that could possibly force out cattle, but at the same time, if lothoryn, franthoryn or hedrachin are around, those will cull them down as well as potentially scrap amongst themselves.

The main thing with deciding the creatures and such around is who your characters are and what they're capable of so what would be a challenge. For my group by the time they're in Equestria, normal viral zombies (you kill House of the Dead ones with a 9mm pistol, a 400kJ laser rifle will do a lot more damage per shot given 9mil rounds rate around 0.8-1.2kJ on impact) aren't a challenge unless they're outnumbered by a lot, however Scarlet is planned as being a returning antagonist, meaning she's going to be someone that is a challenge for them, maybe not in an out and out fight or going against their equipment, but she'll have something that puts her on the level that makes her a threat. The Cloudsdale council will probably be another longer running threat, once again maybe not for physical or mechanical abilities, but for something that will keep them around and keep them coming back.

For my stories (planning 3 at present, 1 posted, 1 sequel to it, 1 side-story linked to sequel). We have the following so far:

Returning: Hunters of Fire, Guardians of Shadow

Spitfire and Nightshade:

rogue mages,

Sparkler, Lemon, Rose, Lily Jacinth and J'kreth (and Spitfire & Nightshade when they join):

hreathraen rogues,
human rogues,

Return: Sunset of Fate

giant spiders
Fate (more a 'friendly' antagonist than an out and out enemy)

Return: Equestrian Knights

zombies (House of the Dead type)
gangs (including the one racketeering in Ponyville)
Cloudsdale council w/ guards
Scarlet Diamond w/ guards
The Doctor's captor w/guards

Might be other things later.

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