Returning from the Storm 15 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

Post up any idea's you have for any creatures that roam Aedries these days, be they native to the planet or dropped there due to the storms

Group Admin

Manticore (native) - The basic manticore of Aedries is generally found in wild forests, particularly the Everfree, or the parts of it that were warped around the planet. They stand about three times the height of a pony and have a lion's body, with bat-like wings and a scorpion's tail. They are venomous and powerful, but not overly aggressive normally.

Manticore (mutant) - Mutant manticores are similar to the normal manticores, except for two major points, firstly their colours are brighter, with neon blue or green along the tail and oranges, yellows or reds in patterns along their flanks, and secondly, they can send a spray of needles from their tails, each tipped with the same venom as their sting.

Wraiths - Mostly ethereal undead sapient creatures that hate the living. They are generally ghosts that have lost sense of who and what they were or why they were hanging around. Most wraiths are vulnerable to coherent light weapons or silver, or can be sent back by finding and completing their remaining task and convincing them that it is done. Items like holy water or rock salt can also disrupt a wraith.

Timber wolves (native) - Wolves made entirely out of wood, timber wolves come in several varieties, though most are vulnerable to flame. They are also aggressive and pack minded. You will rarely find a normal size (around 1.5-2 x pony height) timber wolf alone.

Rock beast - Similar to timber wolves, rock beasts are less living more magical, though in their case they are animated rock piles that take the form of local animals or monsters. Usually they're fairly docile, content to eat minerals or ores, or simply guard materials that strike their fancy, they are virtually immune to small arms and basically unstoppable short of vehicles or vehicle-killer weapons

Star beast (native) - Star beasts are animated patches of the night sky given the form of an animal, often something similar to one of the constellations, such as the Ursas, Canis or others. Like rock beasts, they're virtually immune to harm from low calibre weaponry, but generally don't go searching for trouble.

Cockatrice (native) - Cockatrices are as evil as the cockerels they partially resemble, however they're heavily scaled and have a habit of turning other creatures to stone if the other creature doesn't manage to kill them or stare them down before this happens. Most weapons should kill one of these beasts.

I'll add more later, after checking the MLP wiki to see what it has.

Name: Shred Serpent
Type: Serpent (Mutant)
Description: A Shred Serpent is a snake-like abomination with four, small, pure black slits for eyes. It has an original horizontal mouth, but if it desires, it will open up it's vertical mouth with the sound of a fleshy zipper, revealing talon-like fangs and teeth. It's throat is only two feet across, but the first three feet of it's esophagus is lined with serrated teeth that resembles a Great White's. Even worse, the serrated teeth spin rapidly while forcing food down it's gullet. It has a literal spike of a tongue, and it can launch outwards, impale it's prey, and drag it into it's mouth, where it chomps down a few times before swallowing it, letting it's throat-teeth finish the job.
It's scale coloration varies between age, gender, and habitat. The older the Serpent, the darker the colors. Some of the oldest have been known to be so dark that it makes a moonless night in the deepest reaches of the Everfree Forest seem like a clear midday. The males tend to have a lighter hue of color when compared to the females. The habitat plays the biggest role when it comes to the scale coloration. A forest habitat will grow to contain Shred Serpents with a dark green top fading to a sickly yellow underbelly. Likewise, a rocky habitat will grow to contain Shred Serpents with a more natural grayish-brown coloration.
The females have been known to grow up to 75+ feet in length, 20~ feet in width, and 15~ feet in height. The males are slight smaller, with a length of 50-60 feet, width of 10-15, and height of 12-15. The largest male and female Shred Serpent have been rumored to be upwards of 100-200 feet in length, 35 feet in width, and a staggering 25-35 feet in height.

Group Admin

Damn. That thing sounds brutal.

4113954 It's my favorite creation.

Group Admin

Well it certainly sounds like it will be a challenge without heavy weapons. You planning on making a character?

4117340 I've been brain-storming a few things with a few different characters, but haven't been able to think of a pre-existing universe to put them. I've tried original ones in the past *glances at My Little Fallout: New York* but they always seem to fall flat and never go anywhere.

Speaking of Fallout, these were actually supposed to be one of the seven "super beasts" of me and my group's version of Fallout 4. Kind of like the Deathclaws and Cazadors of Fallout: New Vegas. The deathclaws are number seven while the Shred Serpent is number three.

EDIT: On a side note, if you've played Fallout, it would take the equivalent of 5-7 mini-nukes to kill an adult shred serpent at full health.

Group Admin


They're probably not the nastiest things I've seen or sent people against, but they're certainly up there. They also seem to draw some inspiration from Dune somewhere along the line looking at them. There or the sarlacc pit monster in Star Wars.

With regards to the universe, originals are fine. My group mostly end up in or were born in my own universe out the gate, though a couple (my protagonists) end up getting there a little late to the party. Speaking of my group, I wonder whether there'd be anything 'interesting' in that thing's corpse, if they manage to get hold of one without access to artillery or orbital fire support.

But, yeah, if you're interested in writing, you've still got a fair number of potential characters and a lot of universes even discounting making up your own. The main thing would be do you know one well enough to know how it would change someone and what they're likely to encounter. Most of the rest will probably be bits and pieces since we're mostly focused on what happens after the last few groups being written for get back to Equestria.

4121787 I have no idea what "Dune" is and have only seen Star Wars once. If anything the only creature that I could say that I drew any inspiration from was the Thresher Maw from Mass Effect. Even then it might've only been a subconscious inspiration.

Group Admin


Dune is a series by Frank Herbert, there's actually both a book series and a TV series, though the books are older. I think either them or Star Wars were the first place to have overgrown worm or snake type critters, since Dune takes place on a desert world where people mine spice and try to avoid getting eaten by worms big enough to swallow some of the narrower tower blocks. I'm not completely sure, but I think Mass Effect, Tremors and other things using giant worms get inspiration from there somewhere along the line (if you trace back enough).


Inside one's mouth

Smaller ones against humans, note the left is one right next to a pair of humans and it looks like it's about as thick as ten humans standing on each others' heads are tall

And the Sandworm entry on the Dune wikia. Dang things can apparently get up to a kilometre in length, meaning they're actually potentially longer than the Ent-E or the Victory-class Star Destroyer.

Group Admin

I have a feeling The Good Prince would struggle with taking those things on.

Group Admin


I don't know about the ones USNCSS-MrDenim created, but for the Dune sandworms, apparently they're ridiculously vulnerable to water, so refit The Good Prince with some water cannons similar to the ones police use to control crowds/riots and you'd probably kill them pretty easily, as long as you're to their side or rear. If you're in front… well, nice knowing you.

Group Admin

Well let's just hope we don't run into any of them. The tank is probably the best chance we have for killing giant beasts.

Group Admin

At least the tank is so far. We could probably do with a few more folks with war machines if we end up with too many behemoths, on a lower level 'giant' though, I think most people would have something capable of dealing with some of the 'giant races' such as trolls, giants, jottuns, ettins, ogres and the like. That said, might also be interesting (in an 'oh buck me, run away!' scenario) to see some 'wild' zoids around. The Good Prince can probably handle a few random encounters with them, provided they don't swarm you.

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