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Have you seen this movie: "The Imitation Game?". Alan Turing was a great man, yet in my highschool history class there was only a passing mention of him. I thought this movie was very moving. The extended metaphor of The Imitation Game relates to the Turing Test, where upon two subjects would communicate with another without knowing whether the other was a machine. The machine would reply with simulated responses designed to imitate a human being. Are you in a social situation where you must play "The Imitation Game"? I feel I'm always playing.

4103201 It was a good movies despite a few historical inaccuracies.


Mostly with my family, 'cause they're abusive jerks who don't deserve my good side.
My friends, on the other hand, I tend to pick well.

If I spoke what came from my head unfiltered, the only person I would fail to offend is myself.

edit: I don't think I'm playing the "imitation game" but am I being completely myself, unrestrained? No. I don't think anyone is, unless they just don't give a fuck about anything anyone feels.

There's some who theorize Alan Turing had Aspergers. I read that review, I think it's too harsh on it. Yes there's some shoehorned in conflict like Denniston being an impediment rather than an aid, however, I think it's emotionally moving in ways that compensate. I think we'd get a even more negative reaction if Turing was presented as an all conquering hero. Ultimately it shows his humanity, just a different in ways.


He wasn't mentioned at all in my school nor have I heard of the movie. I had actually never heard of him at all until Froey mentioned him.

Sigh... Our history books tend to skip certain sections... the Native American Genocide... Discriminatory Laws(some of which still exist), and influential figures who might have been controversial.

If even a fraction of that article is true, it's more harm than help. :unsuresweetie: We want the real person, not a dramatization, a lie.

He's mostly talked about specifically pertaining to World War II history. He was instrumental in winning the war, yes, but not exactly celebrated as a hero, mostly due to the reasons surrounding his death.

I was shocked to hear they were making a movie out of it at all. Turing is a pretty big smudge on British bigotry, and it was relatively recent as far as history goes.


All the time.

I do choose my friends well, but sometimes it's like I'm playing "The Imitation Game" and I never know what to think. That is why I never tried state my opinion for a while, before deciding I don't care if other people don't like what I say.

Because of this post, I'm going to see that movie now. :pinkiehappy:

People like palatable heroes. I'm surprised that article complained that Turing's depiction was bad because it wasn't close to the "every man". I think it misses the point. Whatever it is, I try to judge movies myself before going to the reviews, unless it is extremely disliked.

Yeah, I think socially it may very be that we all play "the Imitation Game". To some extent we tailor our talks for the specific person and scenario we happen to be speaking with. More is the case, when you're a minority race, opinion, sexuality, or religious/non-religious affiliation. I guess I've always been looking for that individual with which I may take off the last mask : dispensing with machined and simulated responses.


The native genocide was one of the few murrican history things our school brought up :p

4103201 *Pointing at username* Insert Blade Runner joke I'm too tired to make here.

But seriously, yes, I feel constantly like I'm trying to pass for human among other humans. It's weird 'cuz I don't think I'm especially bad at socializing... I make friends really easily and am not afraid to talk to strangers. I just don't find many people I click with, and spending time with people that I can't connect with literally drives me to depression with how much emotional energy it leeches from me.

I love being a robot. :unsuresweetie:


It didn't say it was because he was too far away from the everyman, it said it was because it didn't match the actual historical events and personality of Alan Turing. Did you even read the article?

It's just one interpretations and there's others that contradict that. Again Turing was speculated to have aspergers, so there would be some degree of awkwardness to him(not so much as the movie but still it would be there, it isn't a stereotype: one could argue the film deconstructs it and makes him all the more human) *Shrugs* I just wouldn't prejudge based on one person's assertions. Ideally, you should watch a movie without having too many preconceptions. There will always be naysayers. It's a dramatization, not a complete historical account. For the sake of art, some things were streamlined but would watching someone spend hours pieces together parts be any interesting?:unsuresweetie: In movie montages, the work is condensed or some ommited: it's abbreviated to save the audience from boredom and highlight the story's themes rather than the minutia. :raritywink:

They never told me the graphic details... of which I think would highlight greatly the brutality of it. Such as Christopher Columbus enslaving an island's people, British giving small pox laced blankets to Natives, and tortures the Conquistadors subjected to their conquered peoples. It makes me quite sad thinking about it. :fluttercry:

Blade Runner! I love that movie. Replicants could be among us. :twilightsmile:


Historical inaccuracy for the sake of entertainment is a good reason to not use movies and television as source material for your understanding of someone who died before you were born.

If it might bring awareness to a man otherwise forgotten and white washed away in history. I think we can afford some inaccuracy. I think folks truly interested in the movie might google or wiki Turing there they may see the finer details the movie format might miss. Without this movie, how fewer folks might be talking about Alan Turing? Would we be talking now?

Hate vote me or whatever. Sigh... I'm done here.


If all you're going to do is change the argument so you can declare yourself right and the better person and cast those you suspect of red-thumbing disagreement as "haters", then yes, we're both done here. Your argumentative style is seriously dishonest.

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