The Skeptics’ Guide to Equestria 60 members · 82 stories
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My girlfriend has tonsillitis. I suspect an abscess in her left tonsil (quinsy). She does not have healthinsurance.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7967194 It usually takes 1-2 weeks to recover from that. Though, she might have to abstain from deepthroating for some time.

Group Admin


She probably needs it lanced, drain, antibiotics, and a tonsillectomy, but, thanks to the American HealthCareSystem, she has no insurance.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7967200 If it's a viral infection, doctors would just tell her to drink lots of water.

Does your GF even want to go to the doctor? There might be needles involved.

Group Admin


She is in so much pain that lancing without anesthetic would be an improvement. Needles are the least of her worries, but she does not have insurance, and, because of previous events, we are in debt.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7967208 Lancing is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Has she tried taking a painkiller?

"My woosy girlfriend has tonsilitis (I suspect that she has an abscess in her left tonsil (Quinsy)), but, thanks to Lieberman who killed the public option (single-payer), we do not have healthinsurance."

Have you tried applying for Obamacare? The exchanges have a lot more affordable options then a lot of people think they do....

Group Admin


Lancing drains the infection, which can end it. The effects of LanceCuts heal:

"Ubi pus, ibi evacua."

Some people even prefer lancing whiteheads over the satisfaction of popping them so that they splatter all over the mirror:

A few years ago, I dated this woman. I noticed a beautiful whitehead on my face. I almost popped it, but thought that I should have it for her —— ¡not popping it was torture!

The next day, ¡she did not want to pop it! ¡I could not wait any longer and ran to the mirror and popped it! It splattered all over the mirror!

Back in 2009, I had this girlfriend. We took turns expressing each others backne (mostly blackheads). ¡That was bliss! Unfortunately, most of her blackheads were 1 and done, ¡but 1 blackhead kept refilling so that I got to express it over-&-over again!

Over-the-counter painkillers do not cut it. Maybe a few grams of fentanyl would do it (if 1 gram of fentanyl is good, 10 grams of fentanyl is 10 times better). Fentanyl will not change the fact that she could die from sepsis.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7967226 So, there are needles involved?

The last time your GF had to choose between a needle and death, she chose death.

Group Admin


One can lance with scalpels and lancets.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7967231 Do you even need a doctor for that?

Group Admin


Frankly, I might have to risk lancing the abscess.

¡Ain't American Healthcare grand!

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7967238 It could be worse. You could have to pay for your healthcare while receiving none.

Group Admin


I suppose.

Remember to drain puss and infection. Lancing is your friend. If we cannot get a physician by the weekend, I shall have to try mine hand at lancing.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7967294 Make sure to disinfect your lance with fire or alcohol.

Also, if you put ice on the area, it will lower the pain and inflamation.

Group Admin


Tonsils are in the back of the mouth; it is hard to ice them, and doing so can cause a cerebral hæmorrhage:

Headaches from drinking and eating cold drinks and food are the result of overcompensating for cold by dilating arteries in the brain to the point where they could rupture. ¡remove the source of the cold immediately or one could have a cerebral hæmorrhage!

Evidently, you never had an abscess in a tonsil. The pain is horrendous; the lancing is a short stab of pain, followed by instant relief.

Peritonsillar Abscess

Ideally, about a month after lancing, she should get a tonsillectomy:;


Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7967305 She should only get tonsillectomy if this is a repeat occurrence. Tonsils have a function, you know?

Group Admin


If she requires lancing and draining (they are probably full of grey stinking puss, chunks of necrotic rotting tissue, gas, and tonsilliths), they will be gutted and just trap rotting food, leading to reinfection. That happened to me.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7967310 She'll probably need a doctor for tonsillectomy, though. I wouldn't recommend using scissors.

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