The Skeptics’ Guide to Equestria 60 members · 79 stories
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Group Admin

[ satire ]

The Government says that says that I must obey its traffic-laws. If I choose to risk my life by driving recklessly, that is my choice. ¡Free Dumb! I refuse to get a driver's license and never obey traffic-laws. If I die, it is my choice. I have an example from last Tuesday:

I drove drunk, while texting, driving at far over the speed limit, driving on the wrong side of the road, in a school-zone, at 8 AM while screaming "¡Free Dumb!". If one of the 7 kids whom I hit and killed would have gone through my windshield and would have killed me, I would accept my death as the cost of free dumb.

[ / satire ]

The arguments of CoViDiots inspired this satire. The CoViDiots only consider their willingness to risk their own lives; while ignoring the harm their actions inflict on others. CoViDiots are menaces to society.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7585839 Some people break traffic laws. Some people don't get vaccinated. As long as they get punished for it, I'm fine with their freedom.

Group Admin


Yes, we should throw the CoViDiots in prison.

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