The Life of A Wanted Changeling Series! 83 members · 7 stories
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Down with Chrysalis
Group Admin

Hellllllooooo one and all to the most recent investment of! This magnificent hall is a archive for every and all OCs that have ever been featured in The Life of a Wanted Changeling Series! From one-shot villains to main-character, from cameo to guest-star! Their all here and waiting to be documented into LOAWC history! So come and enter your OC today!

That's right folks! This forum will be dedicated to documenting and classifying the many OC's of LOAWC. I figured since there have been so many, there should be a "Hall of Fame" kinda thing to help us remember who those OC's are. The rules for this forum are as shown:

1. The OC being documented must have appeared in LOAWC. No exceptions.
2. You can only put in your OCs you have made.
3. Their will be a format for how a post should look right below. Please try to follow it.

Now that those are out of the way, I will now show you all the basic format for OC's:







Basic Background:

Location Currently in Story:

And that's about it! I'll be making one for Bugze later today. I will also be adding my other OCs throughout the next couple of weeks. I hope you all like this idea and participate in it! See ya all later!

Group Admin

Name: The Brown Dog (Real Name: Not Telling)

Species: Diamond Dog (Portrait shown on the left)

Allegiances: Himself, but he does care for his buddies.

Personality:Lazy, Disorderly, Very Unhelpful, Prankster

Likes: Hanging with buddies, messing with people, drinking, eating, trolling, going out of his way to not do important work

Dislikes:Bad Directors, being told what to do, jerks, being bored.

Basic Background:The Brown Dog is a Diamond Dog who is a perpetual troll. He is highly unhelpful, always joking around and his lifelong ambition is just to kill his own boredom. After reading an article about the Hooded Offender, he decided vigilantism and causing property damage sounded like fun, so he quit his mining job, burning every bridge he had, and joined the Horde Club in the nearest city. Somehow, even he still doesn't understand, he rose through the ranks for his trollish and unhelpful ways. Only after Fillydelphia did he realize he may have actually joined a terrorist cell...but he'd already made friends and didn't want to go back to the boredom of his old life. He now hangs with Snap Drake, largely ignoring their duties as they give free reign to those under them. He and Snap constantly go off on their own little adventures because they can.

Location Currently in Story:Travelling with Snap Drake to M. Night Shamalamadingdong's house to start a blood feud between him and Michael Beigh.

Crimson Knight Name: Spartan
Changer (Wasn't given a proper name when born)

Exactly 50% Pony 50% Changeling

His Father Missing, Changeling

Younger: Cheerful, Innocent, Delicate, Emotional
Older: Serious, Controlled (Unless Family's Involved

Food, Family, Video Games (Secretly),

CRIMSON KNIGHTS!, Being told what to do, when certain foods are not present/being sold, friends

Basic Background:
- Born from an unknown mare
- Father (a changeling) ran away with him and went back to the hive
- Given the Drone Number 1331
- Bullied as a child
- Queen found out about a hybrid and made a search for the father and 1331 to have them imprisoned and possibly executed
- Father frees and saves 1331 at his young teen years
- 1331 wanders around Equestria before getting picked up by the Crimson Knights
- turned into a leader as a joke after Flag Burner dies
- 1331 is the weakest out of all the leaders and soilders
- gets bullied some more by the other leaders and members (the name he chose 'Spartan' and other stuff)
- gets left behind to die which drives him to want revenge on all of them who he thought he could trust,
- trains
- gets powerful
- goes on a journey to get revenge on each of the Crimson Kights

Location Currently in Story:
Travelling around, tracking the Crimson Knight leaders one by one

Down with Chrysalis
Group Admin

Name: Bugze/Hooded Offender/Baker Sylvester Tennant/El Hunko/Crimson Vengeance

Species: Half Changeling/ half Pony

Allegiances: Daughter, Selena, Cadence, Appleoosa, Former Horde Members, Aqua, Zecora

Personality: Clumsy, nerdy, smart-ass, sarcastic, caring

Likes: His daughter, references, fire, Sapphire Shores, The Wonderblots, anime, movies, video games,

Dislikes: Lady Luck, those who hurt his family, traitors, The Crimson Knights, Law-Enforcement, The Mane Six (minus Fluttershy), Discord, The Nightmare

Basic Background: The star of LOAWC. He was a normal changeling till the disaster that was the Royal Wedding Invasion. Separated from his Hive, he began a long, and painful, journey where he met new friends, and even more enemies. He soon gains a powerful cloak called "The Nightmare Cloak" and the new persona of "The Hooded Offender," which causes even more trouble for him. Through multiple misunderstandings, speciesism, and really bad luck, Bugze the Changeling became the most wanted being in all of Equestria!

Current Location In Story: Currently hunting down The Crimson Knights as the bounty hunter Crimson Vengeance.

Name: Kichi

Species: Changeling

Allegiances: Himself and a group of other changelings

Personality: He is calculator and methodic normally, he is usually pacifist and like to use the words to protect himself but at the same time he like to see his plans working. First of all almost everytime he try to talk before fighting. He can be friendly and make others think he is their friend, only to betray or stab in the back if it could work for him. He don't have any problem in using anything if that could work. He think himself very superior to others but even when he insult his queen, he don't think himself superior to her but think that many changelings are superior to ponies, but of course he don't say that.

Likes: Other Changelings, Love, his plans...

Dislikes: Crimson Vengance, People that ruin his plans,

Basic Background: A changeling infiltrator that was ordered to attack Canterlot, after being throw away by the spell of Cadance and Shining, he lay down a time recovering forces, after that as there was no news of the queen he decided to search for resources to search her and the other changelings that he knows Celestia and Luna imprisoned, at first he tried to infiltrate in the horde to get the love but later he left the horde and joined Flag Burner thinking that maybe he could get a better use from him. It was not hard to ascend and be one of the Crimson Knights. After that he was completely recovered and decided to create a couple of plans to increase the love, that was one of the big problems for the changelings.

He was interesed for a time in the hooded offender, learning about his situation by the comics of the Dark Offender, and if he managed to meet him he was ready to offer him the deal of try to hypnotize the main six so they could recover their true memories if he agreed to work with him, of course he did not know that he is Crimson Vengance or if that could worked.

He listened rumors of others that were searching changelings but he never meet any other faction face to face. In the end he begin to use the mafia to increase the money and connections. In the end he was captured by Crimson Vengance and is currenly in jail.

Location Currently in Story: In jail, waiting to be judged or send away to somewhere else.

Group Contributor

Name: Kersey

Species: Earth Pony

Allegiances: Crimson Knights (Treasurer/Launderer)

Personality: Paranoid, sociopathically antisocial, lazy, controlling, gluttonous, book smart, snobbish

Likes: Movies, food, high body counts

Dislikes: Ponies (most sentient things in general)

Basic Background: Kersey is an obese pony who was one of the original members of the Crimson Knights who handled the groups' funds and used his knowledge of films, serials, and their cliches to help the Crimson Knights with their plans (if he wasn't off laundering money, he would have pointed out to Flag Burner how it was unwise to just keep Bugze locked up with "a conflicted mare with a crush" instead of just "decapitating him while he's drugged asleep, melting the head in the most highly corrosive acid they could find, and incinerating the body in another place far away just to be sure").

He's also sociopathically antisocial and often suggests plans with the highest possible body count (he helped Flag Burner plan and pick out targets for the bombs in the Fillydelphia incident). He's also a paranoid control freak who keeps claiming that BrownDog kicked him out of the Crimson Knights (in reality, he left after Flag Burner died due to his frustration at the unorganized antics of the other Crimson Knight officers), but continues to launder and manage the Crimson Knights funds as he believes that if anypony else handled the CK's funds he would mess up and end up getting everyone exposed and arrested... that and he's genre-savvy enough to know that stealing the entire treasury of a terrorist organization and making a run for it would NOT be a good idea. He LOVES food and movies and combined with his laziness and large appetite, he is obese, but due to his obesity, he can't really run or fight so he's a coward who is trying to make firearms a reality (no luck at all so far).

Location Currently in Story: Imprisoned on a desolate world with all the movies and food he could want... unfortunately the movies are all documentaries and the food is all healthy vegan stuff. Quite frankly death would have been more merciful...

Name: Solarkness / Solark

Species: Timberwolf

Allegiances: Crimson Knights

Personality: He endures everything, he does take measures to make it easier though. For example, he would tell others about it repeatedly, if it is mental stress. He is not a nice person. If he needs to do something, he will do it. He does it only when he has to though, because he is a bit arrogant. He does not go ahead and claim he is the only one fit to rule the world or something. He does not try to hammer it into everyone's skull that they are worse than him. He is however willing to take more risks, because he expects himself to win. His arrogance and his endurance coupled with his species make him an annoying enemy to deal with, and not someone you want to fight a battle of endurance with.
He prefers brute-force over strategy, and only starts to think about how to beat you once he is half-beaten himself.

Likes: Bacon (because he makes it sometimes, also The Rutherford), needlessly violent movies, competence

Dislikes: Incompetence, beggars

Basic Background: He fled the Everfree when his pack got burned (including their lifeforce), was on the run, met the Crimson Knights. They became his new pack, now he would do anything for them, being proud he has become a 'pack-leader'.

Location Currently in Story: Applewood, probably soon to change to prison (hopefully the same Kichi is in, 'cause evil prisonbreak is the good ol' clichè of villains that were put there)

Name: The Rutherford

Species: Wyvern (relative of a dragon with his wings attached to his arms)

Allegiances: Crimson Knights(Legal Officer/Lawyer), Hooded Offender

Personality: Usually quiet unless he is around his friends or angered. Honorable, Speaks in Nautical Terms, Likes to conduct business legally and since he knows all the laws in place for most major countries (do to working there previously) he makes for the Knights Legal Officer/Lawyer.

Likes: Video Games, Comedies, Bacon, Bar-B-Q, Fish, Respect, Power, Loyalty

Dislikes: Dishonor, Xenophobes, Disloyalty, Discord, Prince Rutherford (the Yak)

Basic Background: Born in to a clan of amphibious wyverns in a foreign nation (Think an island near the Mediterranean Sea on Earth), he grew up in and around the water, and has worked jobs for his father for the better part of 500 years, making him the oldest member of the Crimson Knights (though he thinks that Solarkness is close to his age given his above average intelligence (even compared to ponies) and strength). He was doing work in the Griffon Empire when he heard about the Hooded Offender crashing the Grand Galloping Gala and beating Celestia into submission. Shortly after he entered Equestria, the Discord event happened, furthering his respect of the Offender and he joined the Horde in Fillidelphia where he met Flag Burner. He quickly rose through the ranks and was offered a leadership position in the Crimson Knights before being sent out of Fillydelphia by Flag Burner (who knew that Rutherford would not have allowed him to go with his dishonorable actions). He hoped to meet the Offender to train under him and become stronger, gaining him and his family more respect in Wyvern culture.

Location Currently in Story: About to be taken from his Applewood studio to an undisclosed prison.

Unicorn/windego hybrid
DWC, True Crimson Knights, Hooded Offender, Himself
Keeps to himself, but once you get to know him he's a really nice guy. Kind, shy, a little clumsy, does not do well in awkward moments. A nightmare toward his enemies. Will not hesitate to harm others to defend himself or his friends. Doesn't desire to kill.
Changelings, Crystal Ponies,dragons, griffins, zebra. Chocolate cake, likes to relax when not in action. Video games, training to be the strongest, books, movies, cats and dogs. Children, elderly. Winter, ice.
Uptight people, Equestrian Ponies, Celestia, Blueblood family, Fire, unnecessary violence, Sombra
Basic Background:
As a hybrid between a pony and windego, he was outcast from society in a VERY harsh way. His father, a windego, died before he was born and his mother died in a house fire caused by xenophobic, speciest, mean PONIES in his village trying to kill him when he was no older then 4. Led by Blueblood's ancestor Sir Magnus the first PuzzlingFrost's own village joined together to try and kill him. After that he was on the run for a very long time. He was later adopted by a Crystal pony by the name of Boulder Stronghoof who took him in as his own in the Crystal Empire. Because of his heritage he was very proficient in ice magic and magic in general. His now uncle/guardian decided to send him to a magic teacher by the name of Sly Blossom. She would teach him the ways of magic and how to use his own unique abilities to defend himself. He could cast powerful spells, as well as create weapons out of ice to defend himself, transform into a mist like form to fly and let attacks go right through him (Just think of Obito from Naruto) and summon spires of ice from the ground. However when King Sombra took over the empire, he enslaved both Frost's uncle and gaurdian. Try as Frost might he could not combat the King's dark power. Sombra then captured and experimented on Frost in order to create a super soldier. But, because of Frost being half Windego, Sombra's dark magic could not affect him. However it did leave him with a severe case of PTSD. So Sombra simply sealed away Frost away in a crystal pillar away from the Empire so that he could never challenge Sombra again. However when Sombra was defeated his magic was weaken. 1000 years later, a year before the empire returned the pillar was discovered by a group of scientists. They took the pillar back to Equestria to study it. Specifically, to Fillydelphia, around the same time a certain group of individuals took root there. The Crimson Knights. They took the Pillar thinking it could be a weapon to them. However when they took it to their boss (DWC dun dun dun) The seal was broken and Frost was freed. Having not known where he was he panicked and tried to run. However after a long chase, and a long game Uno, Frost calmed down. While sadden knowing he would never get home, the Crimson Knights offered him a place among them and to continue his training. Learning about the Offender and wishing to be just like him. To one day fight alongside him.
Location Currently in Story:
With DWC and his group of nutjobs.
Hope I did ok its my first time doing something like this :derpytongue2:

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