Trans-Cosmos 17 members · 1 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Radiant Dawn
Group Admin

This thread is created for the sole purpose of new stories to be added to this universe. It's a place to easily talk to the other readers and myself to ensure your story doesn't conflict with the canon in severe ways.

It's also a place to post ideas if you have them, but don't want to write your own story.

4168731 Right now, the idea of a human couple taking in a lost pony child popped in my head, but I've got too many projects to flesh it out.

Radiant Dawn
Group Admin

4168760 Same. Another reader might see this and want to pick it up though, so there's that possibility.

Some people are already write, just give it time.

I like the idea of something on par with the Oregon Trail. Where mixed groups of humans, ponies and other races travel to a set location. Be it real or rumored, a town of multiple races working together to survive.

Hey Radiant, I wanted to start writing my own little story in this universe but I wanted to make sure everything will be lore friendly. First question: do you have anything planned out for Cadance? If not I would like to write the story of what happens to her when she arrives and possibly with Shining, I’m fine with you not wanting this because of possible clashes and having to wait to make sure the pores are compatible.
Secondly, would it be lore friendly if a human have a Mobile command center (like the halo mammoth but much smaller) and a semi advanced suit of armor (like a mix of the iron man suits built in the cave and the one after, without the abalities of flight and advanced weapons) under the explanations of secrect military projects that were in the works but got abandoned?
P.S. this will be my first fan-fic.

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