The TwiCord Group 653 members · 206 stories
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I don't know about you guys, but I was wondering lately; why Twicord isn't so popular as other Discordish ships? Celecord (maybe it was Celcord? Nah) for example? Save two episodes Discord was paying attection mostly to Twi? Even in these they talked a few times! What do you think? Maybe ask few people outside our lovely group?

And I was wondering also about... why is this group so silent? So... empty? It scares me a bit, so I used little brain of mine (or I didn't?) and here I am, asking you questions about TwiCord - I can definitely write them on my blog, but no one would see these posts. If me posting here is something wrong - let me know. As you can clearly see, I am new here, and being here is more difficult for me than for most of you, so please, understand me. I want to do something for - as you can say - for my OTP, too. I can't write a story here, not a readable one at least,or draw a fanart that's what I can do.

And once again, I apologize for grammar errors, stuff like that.

5213904 I know, right? I mean, I can understand shipping Fluttercord and Dislestia, but IMO, Twilight and Discord would make the perfect couple.
I guess people could argue that Twilight would be way too organized for Discord's taste, but we all know that Twilight can cause chaos when she's in one of her moods.
Discord and Twilight may be different in many ways, but that's what makes them so perfect together. Opposites attract as they say.
So, while Twicord may not be as popular as some of the other Discord ships, it's still and always will be my OTP.

5214033 when someone asks me why do I ship them, I show this;

Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin


[Climbs up out of isolated author pit.] "Yup, still here." [Brushes cider bottles off keyboard.] "And yeah, we're not too active."

I think the reason why Fluttercord is so popular is because it came first and it's "cute." But, meaningful real life relationships don't center around who looks "cute" with whom. They center around compatibility. If you get down to a deep relationship challenge, it's Twicord with no contest. The problem is that authors don't know how to get deep. They only get to the surface. Which is why their are so many crappy fanfictions out there and so few decent ones. The author has to have a mastery of the characters as INDIVIDUALS not just as characters in a show. It's not easy and so most people get lazy and skimp on that department. It's also the reader's fault for accepting crap instead of quality.

[Crawls back into hole. Yawns loudly.] "That's all I've got to say for now . . ." [Holds up picture of gdocs.] "I'm working on book Two of my Aberrant Harmony Twicord series. Eeeyup. Progress. Well, maybe kinda . . ."

I know that I'm responding so late to this, but I honestly don't understand why it's a ship that most people don't follow. Maybe a lot of people don't like the idea of opposites attract? Twilight and Discord are perfect for each other, in my opinion :P I actually came upon this ship a few years ago, and I thought it was weird but then I read some fanfiction and changed my mind. I think if there was a lot more fanfiction, and the great quality kind, more people would follow into this ship.

Well, I can't say for other people, but this ship just hits me in the right spot. Fluttercord seems too unlikely, and Celesticord too likely. Twilight/Discord is just the right amount of interesting. At least I hope it's interesting how I go about writing them.

And for the forum being quiet, I'm sorry about that. At least my silence means that I'm busy writing. Maybe everyone else is too. ^^

5214299 I'm late but idem.
I love It, when writers actually take their type of relation seriously and respect Discord and Twilight's canon personalities but make them more elaborated (always make them stay in character)and not as their fandom's stereotype based on their first appearance on the show (like also real cast's writers stupidly do when they're shown togheter) .

5213904 Twicord is an acquired taste...
If you don't like it, Go acquire yourself some taste.

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