Nightmare Night 154 members · 220 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Group Admin

We are starting the Library of Nightmares, a hall of fame for horror stories here on Fimfiction. This is the thread for nominations, please post the best spooky stories you have found on the site here.

One post for each nominated story. Include a link and a brief word about why you think the story belongs in the Library of Nightmares. Vote for stories by rating the post. The stories with the highest rating will be inducted into the Library of Nightmares this Halloween night.

If this goes well this could become an annual event. Good reading, everyone!

Group Admin

I nominate Malus Maleficarum, by SaddlesoapOpera. This came in forth place in the 2012 EQD Nightmare Night contest. Frankly, I think SaddlesoapOpera was robbed.

Horror and ponies are almost diametric opposites, and this story synthesizes them wonderfully.

Group Admin

I also nominate Twilight Sparkle: Night Shift. It's long, but it;s worth the time invested.

Group Admin

I also nominate NIGEB by aquaman. This is another one from the 2012 EQD contest, and it won a judges award. It's a creepy little series of nightmares, but you can still hold on to hope - right up to the moment you realize Twilight has made a big mistake.

Group Admin

There have been no new nominations, no votes on existing nominations, no comments, and no feedback of any kind. Is anyone interested in this at all?

On a more personal note, I have 4 stories that might qualify, and no one has nominated any of them, I shall pout now. (but then, I'm a whiney attention whore, and you should ignore this part).

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