Black Feather Development 23 members · 2 stories
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I'd like to make Rumble's Let's Meet profile. But first, let's gather what we know about him here. Then, I'll compile it together into a single profile. :)

Will delete this thread when finished.

Rumble is a rather interesting character. He doesn't really do "context". Let's see what everyone comes up with.

He is obnoxious in the best way.

I probably couldn't be in the same room as him for very long because his utter disregard for safety would clash with my neurotic bordering on paranoid personality.

On the other he is quite clearly insanely devoted to Nyx and obviously I love him for that.

Dunno, those where the first three that come to mind.

you know what? you are his creator, so the answers are inside your head. I am going to go all socratic method on you and ask the questions I want to see answered in this profile . In no particular order except how the pop inmy head.

1. What did Rumble want to be " when he grew up"? In other words what would the ideal version of his life be like if there was no Nyx and there was no war?

2. Tell me be about Rumble's family. One's family environment ( or lack thereof) is the single biggest determining factor in our personality , so tell me about Rumble's. Was it a happy home? an unhappy one? Who were his parents? Were did they come from? Did he have any other siblings apart from Thunderlane?

3. Rumble and Nyx part one. So what precisely attracted Rumble to Nyx? What attracted Nyx to Rumble ( hopefully something more than " he dared to ask her out and treat her like a normal person" though I am sure of course that that was part of it) ?

4. Rumble and Nyx part two. On that note, what is the fundamental thing about Rumble that allowed him to ask out and eventually form a relationship with nyx? I mean Nyx probably came to be accepted as a good friendly pony in ponyville pretty quickly, and I have argued that being an alicorn, she would ( eyes and fangs aside) probably be considered a very pretty mare indeed by the stallions in town. Yet somehow I doubt that many ( if any!) stallions other than rumble seriously considered trying to form a relationship with Nyx. Why was Rumble different? ( Don't answer " because he is brave" yeah, that is pretty clear. The question is not what character trait enabled him to do this, but why does he possess this character trait)

5. And on that note... what is it that allowed Rumble to stay in a relatioship with Nyx, which in and of itself is a pretty stressful situation? I mean the pressure to think of choosing another less.... problematic mate must have been very strong. I have a pretty good notion of why Nyx is so fond of Rumble... but why is Rumble so fond of Nyx? How does Nyx " complete " Rumble? What does she provide him that no other mare could in terms of a relationship/ partnership.

I will ask more questions If i think of them. But those five should keep you busy for a bit

Rumble is very self-assured, he has absolute confidence in his abilities but not in a cocky or smug way. Though this confidence can make it seem he has a casual disregard for safety, particularly with explosives:derpytongue2: Carries himself with an easy charm and never one to big himself up at the expense of others.

I see Rumble as being very instinctual, when confronted by a problem he acts, sometimes without thinking the situation through, jumping in with both feet. I think it'd be a rare thing to see Rumble surprised into inaction. This habit of jumping the gun can make him blurt out things that might seem inappropriate to others, however.

A stallion who loves the simple things: food, tech, guns and explosions! He still has a child-like sense of wonder especially when he encounters new places or tech.

He's very loyal and devoted to Nyx who serves as his mate and his watcher to keep him out of trouble:derpytongue2: Is very aware of the subtle changes in her emotions. When it comes to her not much gets past him. He admires Nyxs devotion to helping others but fears it comes at the expense of herself.

I'd say he has a pragmatic view to combat, he doesn't hate the Zebra or have a strong blood lust for battle, they're just a foe to fight. Very much a you shoot me, I shoot you mentality. Though this would change if Nyx or other ponies were threatened I think.

5697367 , I might have a rusty memory, so feel free to correct me.

-Pegasus pony
-Thunderlane's little brother
-Was introduced to Nyx at a young age
-Started developing feelings for Nyx and later on, got hitched
-Quick to act, headstrong
-Kind of attracted to using explosives

Group Admin


Mmm... Those are some good questions! But I'm rather surprised that after all this time, I never shared with you the story of how Nyx and Rumble got together. There's enough material there to make a whole side story of it. It began with Flitter and how she was their babysitter for a while and took them on adventures together. Then Flitter could sense feelings for Nyx in Rumble (being an empath) by the time she had her 13th birthday party, which is provided in a flashback in chapter 9. But most importantly was that critical moment when Nyx was horribly embarrassed shortly after her 16th birthday, and she needed Luna as a confidant, but Luna was not available due to the war with the zebras having just been declared. Nyx ends up switching her attention to Rumble, and they become a couple.

Does any of this sound familiar, or did I seriously neglect to tell you about all that?

Regarding the other questions, those are perfect. We'll need to flesh all that out.

Also, yours and 5697897 insights are very good. This is pretty much how he's turned out, isn't it? I really like how Rumble has grown organically as a character, rather than being an archetype with a few minor tweaks.

Have you dropped the sexual assault thing?

5699352 I knew that flitter was both their babysitter and that she helped to set them up, I also knew that Rumble ended up being able to fill an emotional void when Luna stopped being as accessible to nyx due to the outbreak of the war. But that is it, and none of that really answers any of my questions.

I do remember you stating you wanted to write a story about the courtship / early relationship of these two. Perhaps it would be a good idea to make a very rough quick outline of this story so as to have it " alive" in your head from this point out

5699590 that is a bizzare and loaded question? Who got sexually assaulted ( well apart from Fluttershy.. kind of)

Group Admin


This doesn't ring a bell... :rainbowhuh:

It doesn't? Eh. You described the original circumstances of Nyx and Rumble beginning their relationship, and I raised the point that the scenario you described was bizarrely and unnecessarily rapey. It was such a strange scenario with no real narrative necessity that I guessed that you might have changed it since we spoke about it. If you really don't remember that discussion I could dig it up, although that would take a while.
In any case, this conversation would be better suited to the Discord chat. I'll summarise it here afterwards.

Group Admin

Ahh, that. Presentation is up for grabs, but Nyx going into heat and getting super interested in Rumble very suddenly, in class, creating a highly embarrassing moment... that's still on the books.

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