Atheist Bronies V2.2 275 members · 50 stories
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I planned to write this ForumPost long ago, but circumstances intervened:

When I write a post, I ask myself whether it is best as a personal blog or as a ForumPost to a group. I determine that this post is on topic in Prostitution, The Skeptics' Guide to Equestria, Atheist Bronies, and Religious Tolerance. It felt smammy to post to that many groups, so I sat on the post.

I decided to post now because I have a post for the Prostitution about the Election in New Zealand (all countries should copy the policies of New Zealand about prostitution and fighting CoVid19 and reject the policies of Sweden), and to the Skeptics' Guide to Equestria about Trick-Or-Treating and CoVid19 (it is an outdoor activity where children can easily stay more than 2 meters apart and wear masks under their masks, so I say "¡Go Trick-Or-Treating!").

Without further ado, the rise or the ridiculous cult QAnon draws attention to their claim from the AntiProstitutionists claiming that 400 thousand children are SexTrafficked annually in the United States of America. By being calm, the AntiProstitutionists quietly claimed this; thus, slipping this ridiculous meme into peoples brain. Now that QAnon has picked up the claim, people finally look at this claim skeptically and realize that it is off by about 3 orders of magnitude.

Nothing exposes a lie faster than a cult of BatShitCrazy lunatics endorcing it.

¿What do QAnonCultists believe?:

They believe that the leaders of the American Democratic Party are ChildMolesting BabyEating Satanists; but luckily however, God sent President Trump to save us —— ¡you cannot makeup this crap!

Here is a story about a QAnonFollower trying to murder those whom she believes are Pædophiles:

Texas QAnon Supporter Used Car to Attack Strangers She Believed Were ‘Pedophiles’

The conflation of sex trafficking with other sex workers (strippers, escorts, porn stars, etc...) has done so much damage to our society, it’s both sad and infuriating.


DS9 is the best STSeries. Thevast majorityof SexWorkers work voluntarily. The prohibitionists exaggerate SexTrafficking as an excuse fore fighting SexWork.

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