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Dragonborne Fox
Group Admin

That title is a misnomer. I'll admit, the synopsis is an excellent hook for what it is—I was genuinely surprised to find the actual story... well, we'll get to that in a bit. Needn't rush ourselves, after all.

Genre is Adventure, Crossover, and Random. Crossover with what, one may ask? BIONICLE. I wasn't terribly invested in BIONICLE myself, but I own a figure somewhere—I do understand its appeal. Also, this one needs AU tag, but I'll get to why in a few.

Wordcount is... 1,098 words long. The story has two chapters, but the first has all the words. The second is basically an author's note spieling news regarding the author's fics, which should be in blog form. Gon' need a lot more words to cover the Adventure and Crossover aspects of the story, mate. The fic is on hiatus, so it likely won't seen an expansion anytime soon in the future.

Grammar: 9/10. Near-flawless. Only found one wording error, and formatting is sound here. Though half of it is in italic snippets.

Characterization: 1/10. It's too short to flesh them out; half the chapter is some spiel about how the Tree of Harmony came to exist in the MLP world, the other is just bits and pieces of—get this—villains being villains and getting their butts kicked. It's... disjointed, and fragmented, to say the least.

Use of show canon: 4/10; Tree of Harmony's located in the Everfree Forest, and the fragments of villains being villains remains true to show canon, even though they're about three sentences long on approximation. Mind you, I'm also being generous here. Last I checked, Tree of Harmony was already there for Celestia and Luna to use, and I'm not sure it was Twilight Sparkle who planted the damned thing via time travel spell.

Plot consistency: 2/10, due to aforementioned fragmenting of half the chapter.

Coherence: 5/10. I followed the fragments, as well as the intro, but... it was like going straight into a brick wall nonetheless. How the hell did Twilight plant the Tree of Harmony? I'd love to know the answer.

Extra things depending on genre: Random scores a 5/10, because though it slapped me across the face, it wasn't in the clusterfuckery sense. Crossover and Adventure, though, get 1/10 EACH. Again, not much here, as far as covering the damned bases are concerned. It also needs the Alternate Universe tag, which it sorely lacks, so that's another 1/10 here. I won't do OC grading, because as far as I can tell, none are used. I'm erring on the side of caution here, since I'm not terribly invested in BIONICLE as much as I should be.

Verdict time. *sigh* After doing the math, this story scores 29/90, or a 32%. Soundly, squarely, swiftly rejected. It has potential, if the synopsis is anything to go by, but... as it is, it doesn't fly. It simply did not live up to its hook.

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