Story Standards 268 members · 189 stories
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Dragonborne Fox
Group Admin

Yes, this is a thing. Featuring Discord. What more do you bloody want!?

The genre is, as follows, Comedy, Random, Slice of Life, and Mature for Sex.

Wordcount is 1,152 words in length—could be longer, for a one-shot, but beggars can't be choosers.

Grammar: 9/10, near-flawless for this sort of thing.

Characterization: 9/10, again near-flawless. Not a full ten, because Discord is mean to Fluttershy, albeit with a good reason on Discord's behalf.

Use of show canon: 2/10; in that Angel being groomed by Fluttershy and Discord's chaotic powers are at play.

Plot consistency: 10/10. Stupidly easy to follow.

Coherence: 10/10, see above.

Extras, depending on genre: 5/10 for Random, because that is the bulk of this story—again, Discord's chaotic powers, what the fuck do you expect? 8/10 for Comedy; my sides did not quite go into orbit, but I laughed nonetheless. 5/10 for SoL. Sex... 3/10, if only because there's no 'clop,' but more or less there as an aesthetic of sorts. I will not include touchy topics here; at most, it's just dick-kicking. Nothing more, and nothing less.

And now, the verdict. This story scores at a 68% if rounded off. Sadly, it fails, and it's a pity too. I managed to get some laughs out of it. Maybe if it had been expanded a thousand words or so, I might have been more generous with the rating, as it had missed the opportunity to add in more Discord-themed comedy otherwise. As it stands now, though, it needs heavy improvement.

Edit: redid the math here. Story still pratfalls, though.

Huh. It seemed like you gave the story more praise than the final grade would suggest.

Maybe this is a "guilty pleasure" kind of read. :trixieshiftright:

Dragonborne Fox
Group Admin

5612302 It did get me to laugh, so it would... sorta constitute as that. Pity that it's short; it had lots of opportunity for Discordant hilarity.

Group Admin

5611630 Looking at this, it seems like it would actually pass if not for some trivial points. Particularly the points for Canon and Sex.

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