Good OCs 255 members · 717 stories
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Here's another OC I thought up of that I'm not sure about.

Name: Faint Heart
Gender: Male
Species: Unicorn foal.
Age: about 12.

Appearance: He's a very slim and short foal with a small horn. He has a aquamarine fur coat with a messy teal mane and tail. He also has maroon eyes and his cutiemark is a compass with a pair of wings on it. He also carries around saddle bags with his mark on it and usually wears a beanie on his head.

Personality/bio: FH is very cheerful and upbeat, valuing friendships more than anything. He's always wanting to do something to keep him moving and exploring. He's always seeking adventure and making the best of his life, and for good reason. He has a dark secret. Not really a dark secret, more like a depressing one. He finds out that he's diagnosed with a dreadful and magical disease that's slowly eating away at him and will soon die because of it. At what rate it will kill him is completely unknown to the colt. Rather than be depressed and spend his last few months moping and brooding in a hospital bed, he sets out to have the adventure of a life time. One last happy memory traveling Equestria and making friends before his final moments come.

Because of this, he values every moment of his life and takes his friendships very seriously. He's not afraid to take a risk and will do anything for his friends. Even if it meant going into battle with changelings he would still be by his friends side. He's also got a soft spot for big sister figures, since he's always wanted one. He's also kind of sneaky and impatient, often sneaking into his friends home just to ask them when their next quest is. But he means well and just wants to have a happy final moment before he finally passes.

Thoughts? Takers?

4963023 He reminds me a lot of my OC Selune Darkeye. She had a birth defect that almost killed her. She was so close to death that she lives happily if only to make up for life being suck-ish to her. Like she craves life. Your OC is nice I think.

Eheh, it's the beanie that got me XD He sounds very sweet, and adorable too. Packed to the brim with Dawwws ^-^ He definitely belongs in the Good OCs group, as I think he's the best OC I've seen yet. And I've seen a lot of good stuff from this fandom.

Takers? What does this mean?

4963517 When I say Takers, I usually mean if there's anyone out there who wants to use this OC in their fics or part of their fics.

4963627 Ah. Makes sense. I'd love to take him for a fic if I had the time, but...
Ah well. School will be school.

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