Foal Free Press 30 members · 0 stories
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Dear staff of the Foal Free Press,

I think you have a lot of interesting content on your site. I think some of your most interesting content is your reviews or general information about the fandom. However, I am not a big fan of your drama section. I know; this is a big part of what you do but hear me out. I could understand if you were using the drama section to expose frauds in the community, similar to what Horse News does. For example, people who don't follow through on sales and scam members of the community in some way. I actually wrote a good article about scammers in fandoms on my own blog. It's a topic that definitely needs more coverage so members of the community won't get scammed by conventions, Kickstarter campaigns, or people in general who are trying to trick them out of money.

However, I can't say I am a big fan of some of your articles which bring up the flaws in individuals just for the sake of spreading gossip. A good example is your recent article about Lightening Sword, but there have been others. Again, I realize that this is part of what you do. But I think you could create so much more with your newspaper by reporting on positive things in the brony community. Or funny articles. For example, writing articles that talk about the different charities bronies give to every year. And as for the humor section, maybe having articles where fans can submit their badly drawn OCs or badly made costumes. Or gossip columns about characters on the show. That way, you have the community sharing bad stuff they don't mind that everyone laughs at. You can still have your drama in a fun and positive way. You see what I mean?

I'm just one person and you don't really have to listen to what I have to say. But I think that you could create something really neat with your news site by creating humor with the right focus and not creating gossip for the sake of spreading gossip. Just some advice from a long time reader and someone who would like to see your site become more than just a gossip column.


Lyra Chan

4958486 It pains me to say this about such a clearly heartfelt missive, but that was really naive. The Foal Free Press was created to report on drama; that's its very reason for existing. Your request is akin to asking Knighty to change FIMFiction so it focuses on blogs instead of stories. Some of the blogs may be cool but they aren't the reason most people come here.

There are already a number of outlets that focus on positive pony news. Of the top of my head there's Equestria Daily, Derpy News, and The Roundstable. Most of them actively avoid drama, or at least any drama that doesn't rise to the level of being "newsworthy". Changing focus would force the Free Press to compete for eyeballs with those sites and for what? Anyone who wants that sort of thing already knows where to find it.

Finally I'm surprised that you'd hold up Horse News as a positive example. Not only does Horse News gleefully report on drama, but if none exists they're more than happy to stir some up. They certainly aren't some paragon of virtue that the Free Press should be aspiring toward.

4958486 I feel like it's only a problem to you right now because you're a fan and/or friend of LightningSword's.

4958790 You make a good point there. I didn't mean that Horse News Was necessarily the best example either. I just meant to bring it up as an example of a certain genre that would be interesting for the Foal Free Press to report on.

4959326 No, this is just something that I have felt that has been missing from this particular news outlet for a while now that I thought I would offer my perspective on.

4959387 Well I'll certainly not say no to more news. I'm not going to hold my breath though. Just keeping up with FIMFiction already seems to be stretching the Free Press to their limits.

4959822 I think it would be cool to have more funny posts. Like for example, badly drawn OCs or badly done cosplay that people can submit. Maybe have a place where people can submit angry letters to characters. Or write gossip about characters like Rarity, Princess Celestia, etc. And sections with funny pictures, memes, and funny things in general. Even maybe have a funny meme/ picture submission. Or just troll articles/ funny articles. I think it could be something that sets you apart from Horse News and some of the other people. But hey. This is just the random musings of one fan. I am but one drop of water in a great ocean of voices. Such is the way of the internet.

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