Equestrian Lantern Corps 195 members · 64 stories
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I know this question has been asked before but there's been just so little, no, there's been no activity on the forum whatsoever. I couldn't stand it so I want to know, if a power ring fell from the sky and told you [You have been chosen] what color would it be? What alignment would you take? Would you accept or deny this power? Tell me what you would do in that situation, and before you answer, let me give you an example of a type of specification.

Willpower. You have the ability to overcome great fear.

This means that you tend to be calm and collected even in the most dangerous of situations. No matter what might come your way, you will face it without fear.

Basically all I want you to do is tell me what ring would choose you and why? That's all.

it hard to say, green power come from willpower which I have none, and yellow is fear which I have a lot of, but I not sure, are there other rings??

I honestly believe that I would choose the white lantern.
The ability to create life and protect it sounds interesting to me

Red on a bad day, Indigo on a good day.


I go with ring that has most colors and is op,

i'd almost laugh of it wasn't so sad what do you think the picture for this group is?

that be white though the the non god ring that's most op is orange.

not sure it not loading for me,

more or less joking about that, I really don't knew which ring I would go for, since I only knew about the green and yellow, and neither of them I think would fit me, being a demon pony who try not to be sent back to hell.....


compassion avarice and love aren't what you'd expect

love- they originally were psychotic bitches who trapped men in crystals forever so that they could never leave them in other words yandere.

avarice- will override your mind and force you to be greedy but you gain the ability to make a legion of super powered ghosts and to overcharge the ring to 2,000%

compassion- seeks out the most ruthless beings in the universe and forces them to feel compassion thare essentially slaves to the power and eternally cry for what they have done though if you accept the power they are mostly unchanged.

thank you now let me see hmmmm, well red out I don't have much rages, and indigo is out I am a selfish person, blue may be good for me, white and black don't work for me, hmmmmm I am greedy baster but I do give away money to stuff in order to get early acciess to content....
I think I go with blue for hope or orange for greed....

I wouldn’t mind being a Blue Lantern. Although I am confused on one thing. I constant see the argument that they need a Green Lantern around to use their max power and that “Hope is nothing without the willpower to act on it,” but that is my question. Does a Blue Lantern need a Green Lantern around, or can they use their powers if another source of willpower is around or if they themselves are strong willed?

The white light cannot be wielded by anyone because every human has killed something therefore you have taken life. Even the smallest, most insignificant life. Like say, you swatted a mosquito because it bit you. That makes you unworthy.

5980244That is a shame but ok. Then I would pick the yellow lanterns. To bring terror to my enemies


So it seems that I should've posted some examples of each rings power. There are 9 power rings, Death, Rage, Avarice, Fear, Willpower, Hope, Compassion, Love, and Life.

Let's start with Willpower, the center of the Spectrum. Willpower is the balance of all seven emotions, it can be used with no emotions for every living thing has willpower.

Fear: when I say Fear, I mean being able to instill fear. Like say, terrifying someone with your show of power. Of course, that's only 1/2 of fear's true power. To truly wield the yellow power ring of fear, you must be able to instill fear but you must also feel fear. That is its true power.

Hope: Hope is on the opposite end of Fear, but just like with fear, those who are worthy of the blue light must be able to instill great Hope as well as feel it. That means that no matter what, no matter how bleak and dark a moment may be, you will always believe that "All will be well". But while hope is considered the most powerful emotion of the Spectrum, it cannot reach it's true power without a green ring of willpower. Because the Blue Lanterns are prayers, they believe that the universe will be saved but they will not do anything to save it. There is a chance a Blue Lantern can wield both Hope and Will but only if they can keep the two balanced. And the balance is very fragile, just one lean towards hope and the green light will reject you as you become engulfed by the blue light.

Avarice: Avarice is a very strong and powerful emotion that grips at your heart. It is considered to be very, very, very, VERY powerful due to the fact than an Orange Lantern can turn anything he/she wants into a construct. Even a living creature can become a construct and is a slave to the Orange Lantern. But each living construct is basically an Orange Lantern itself, only its bond to the original orange lantern that powers your ring. Therefore, each orange construct generates a power level that its master has access to 24/7.

Compassion: The Indigo rings work differently than the other power rings. The are two cases for when an Indigo ring chooses its host. The first being that the host is vile, cruel and evil. In this case, the Indigo ring would Force compassion onto the host. The second case is for someone who already possesses great compassion for others. In this case, the Indigo ring would NOT force compassion onto its host, instead, the ring would give its host full control. However, no matter what the case may be, the Indigo ring does cut off its host's connection to every other emotion. But in doing so, the Indigo ring can tap into any other emotion. But do not be confused, the Indigo ring does not change its color, it simply blends its color with another from the spectrum.

Rage: Rage is the negative emotion that resides on the furthest end of the spectrum, therefore, because it is the furthest from willpower, it has a great affect on its host. When you put on a red ring, you instantly become filled with blood boiling, uncontrollable rage. Your mind is reduced to nothing, your wits and common sense turn to ash as they are burned away by the scarlet red flames of hate. But there is a way to control rage, not by another emotion, but through magic. You see, the first Red Lantern was unable to control his rage so four space mages created the Blood Ocean. A pool of blood that, when a Red Lantern is drowned in, forces him/her to face the moments of her/his life that filled her/his life with rage. If you survive reminiscing the past events and come out of pool not traumatized then you will be able to keep your sanity.

Love: Love is also on the furthest end of the spectrum, but on the positive side. Violet Lanterns only consist of females as the Zamarons (the Guardians of the Star Sapphires) believe that only females can express the true emotion of love, while males are hollow husks incapable of such an emotion. Of course there are many different forms of love, but a Star Sapphire is usually chosen when she has a love for a male.

Life: the White Light is the purest, and most powerful, light in existence. White Lanterns are capable of channeling every emotion from the spectrum, this is what makes them the most powerful Lanterns. However, there are two flaws in the White Light. The first is that to become a White Lantern you cannot have any connection to death, and by that I mean you cannot have killed anything. This is impossible for anyone to become a White Lantern as we have all killed something. Think about it, remember a time when a fly was buzzing around your room and landed on your bed, only for you to squish it as you hand slams down on it. By doing so, you have taken a life, therefore you have a connection to death, therefore you cannot be a White Lantern. But suppose somebody didn't have any connection to death, no matter how small it may be, then they would be vulnerable to the second flaw of being a White Lantern. That second flaw is that each emotion is churning inside your body, and your Willpower is the only thing keeping it all together. But because you wield all emotions, this makes you very...sensitive to emotions. If your surrounded by lots of people expressing the emotion of love, your body will react to it by your Love overpowering your Will.

Death: Death is the absence of Life and emotion. Death was the only thing to exist in this universe until Life entered this universe with a violent intrusion. Life and Death battled for 700 years until Death was sealed away in another dimension of our universe. But Death did not leave Life unscathed, it was the Black that split the White into the seven colors of the Emotional Spectrum. There are two ways you become a Black Lantern. One, you are risen from the grave by Nekron and you're forced to do his biding. Two, you have a very strong connection to Death like Black Hand. You are obsessed with Death and want nothing more than to snuff out the light.

With that said, I would also like to restate that I don't want you to only tell me what ring would choose you. I want you to tell me why.

And if you're confused as to what ring might choose you. I created a quiz that can help determine that.

Here's the link: What Lantern are you?

ok then, well did the test and I got white,.
What Lantern are you?
Your Result: White lantern
Rage, Avarice, Fear, Willpower, Hope, Compassion, Love, and Life. You are the wielder of all seven emotions, and with them you control the first and purest light. The one of white. All life is precious, even those who take it deserve it. Life is for all and all must live and enjoy life. You are the closest to life and protect all.
Result Breakdown:
91% White lantern
89% Violet lantern
88% Blue Lantern
69% Indigo Lantern
60% Red Lantern
60% Orange Lantern
60% Green Lantern
55% Yellow Lantern
3% Black Lantern

Quiz URL: http://www.gotoquiz.com/what_lantern_are_you_1

Well I took the quiz, it surprised me.

Your Result: White lantern
Rage, Avarice, Fear, Willpower, Hope, Compassion, Love, and Life. You are the wielder of all seven emotions, and with them you control the first and purest light. The one of white. All life is precious, even those who take it deserve it. Life is for all and all must live and enjoy life. You are the closest to life and protect all.
Result Breakdown:
79% White lantern
74% Blue Lantern
67% Indigo Lantern
67% Violet lantern
67% Green Lantern
51% Yellow Lantern
33% Red Lantern
25% Orange Lantern
0% Black Lantern


With that said, I would also like to restate that I don't want you to only tell me what ring would choose you. I want you to tell me why.

Didn’t notice that.

Answers kinda simple, the best way to protect myself is to make sure the environment folks live in is good enough that they never have a reason to harm me or anything I see as valuable. I think that covers the rings of Life, Avarice and Fear rather well. :twilightsmile:



Orange my favorite color pulse I took that same exact quiz and it told me I was a Orange Lantern.

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