Forum Weapon Arsenal 73 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 10 )
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That's rude. I didn't even get to see the replies.

[insert silly forum weapon pic here]

Also I'm going to touch your butt now.

:ajbemused:The thread fairies. They feed on pointless posts.


This group is pointless. I do what I want.

Group Admin

I was informed by another mod here that it was a spam thread, so they had it baleeted. The forum space on this group is meant to be reserved for storage threads. But you really didn't miss much, anyhow; we capped it for posterity.

Also, I don't consider myself rude. Just morally-challenged.

And kindly refrain from doing so, please. I have a damn good lawyer.

A good ninety percent of groups here are pointless to begin with. At least this one does a service to the ones that decide this is actually useful. If it's not useful to you, then why be here? Please explain that to me. I'm legitimately curious.


Allow me to save Happy a post. :unsuresweetie:

If it's not useful to you, then why be here? Please explain that to me. I'm legitimately curious.


I do what I want.

Group Admin

Pardon me for assuming there was a legitimate reason, then. Clearly I must be on the pipe.

But it's nice knowing that I have some company in that regard, at least.


Trolls are scum. Leave this place.

3301106 "Not against the rules" is not synonymous with "I can do this as much as I want and no one can be mad at me for it." :ajbemused:
In all seriousness though, Happy, pls stahp.

Also, how I believe Happy feels everytime it notices it gets a reply.

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