Comments ( 25 )
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Darth Redbeard
Group Admin

That's right, I plan on breaking the OC Mary Sue/Gary Stu curse around certain OC's. I've seen people complain too much about that, and I'm setting out to end the curse once and for all.

Can I count on you guys to help me?

Darth Redbeard
Group Admin

3339419 you can guess the OC's, right?

Group Admin

3339423 Nope. But I know that my OC is one of them. *coff coff* commisar holt is hating on him*coff* who said that?!

Darth Redbeard
Group Admin

3339427 the OC's would be Alicorns. All I hear is

This Alicorn is too powerful

No one loves them

They will always get what they want.

It's time to end some of these complaints once and for all.

Group Admin

3339430 Yeah, I have an alicorn OC and he dies in the story he is meant to appear in. I hate people like that, because my Alicorn Iazo Flarewing loses everything. Your move Alicorn haters

Darth Redbeard
Group Admin

3339433 The funny thing, mine wasn't born an Alicorn, but became one after proving himself to his king. At the beginning, he was just an earth pony.

Group Admin

3339441 That too. Mine was born an Alicorn, and he kicked a lot of ass, but after a dark Lord appears in the story, everything goes downwards for him until he gives up his life to save Equestria

Darth Redbeard
Group Admin

3339443 I'm making small changes to the story right now. I'm really glad there are people willing to give me a hand on these things. At the end of something panzerbrony, Lone Swordsman, and I did, my OC lost his ability to fly.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

3339402 You should announce a red and black OC fic competition to promote your ideas.

Darth Redbeard
Group Admin

3339492 maybe. My OC is a blue one, but I did make two red ones.

Group Admin

3339402 Sure, I had one in the works myself which actually didn't get hated to the people I showed it to.

Darth Redbeard
Group Admin

3339671 some of the ones I showed it to, didn't have too much trouble with it. Some can't wait to see it.

Group Admin

3339674 Let me guess your OC Alicorn is your profile pic, but you just put it in a way so we couldn't see the rest of the body? I could be wrong. After all, it's just my guess.

Darth Redbeard
Group Admin

3339685 nope, that's just one that has a flag. The one in the story is different.

Group Admin

3339689 But yeah, I would read it. Since your goal in mind is to make it different, then I'm quite confident it will be good.

Darth Redbeard
Group Admin

3339694 it has a ways to go. I'm making some changes to have more words, and make it so others will understand it better.

Group Admin

3339430 I have an Alicorn OC that's just straight up the fucking devil, does that help?

Darth Redbeard
Group Admin

3340026 just don't make him overpowered.

Group Admin

3340135 Well where's the line? He's the villain, so I want him to be scary powerful. How do I know he's overpowered?

Darth Redbeard
Group Admin

3340151 if he doesn't get beat in a final battle and kills everyone, unless you want evil to triumph.

Group Admin

3340156 :duck: Fair point. I think I'm covered...

Darth Redbeard
Group Admin

3340170 you know, I haven't seen many fics that have evil winning.

Group Admin

3340190 Well what fun is THAT?! unless it's a prequel story...

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