Conservatives 49 members · 33 stories
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Hello, this is the Doctor!

A serious group for Conservatives is refreshing!

I think of myself as a Barry Goldwater Conservatives (basically, small federal government and an actually free market; and yet, I also believe that your private life, like who you bang, is your own business) but that's just my opinion!

So, introduce yourselves now!


I'm a conservative libertarian, in favor of free markets and ending the whole category of victimless crimes -- but also hawkish on defense and foreign policy.

4276523 Hi, I'm Jack, and I'm a Barry Goldwater Conservative as well.

Hello. I'm a closet Burke Imperialist, with an oddly Libertarian bent.

Or more appropriately, "an a$$h0le."

Mainly, though, I guess I'm just a Romantic (in the traditional sense) who believes in such things as good and evil, but knows that there are shades of gray in between in this imperfect universe, and that the Road to Hell can indeed be paved with good intentions. I believe people are mostly good, and that great personal freedom is the way to construct a just and fair society, but I consider myself rational enough to understand that there must be some compromise, and a willingness to learn, change, adapt, and grow, when needed.

I see this as a mostly Modern Conservative viewpoint, as the Modern Liberal viewpoint is that "humans are animals and the masses are too dumb/uneducated to know what's good for them so we have to think for you." (A far cry from the Classical Liberal view, which is more in line with Modern Conservatism.) This offends me greatly, as being a common man I think I can look after my own affairs and understand my own interests, thank you very much.

This thread kinda old but whatever.

I'm a former Marxist who is now a moderate Conservative.

You know, that sounds like what I believe in; maybe that's what I really am.

Im a conservative pegasister Republican who has on more than one occasion has been screamed at by a Black Lives Matter fanatic that I am a racist b**** when all I said was that I don't approve of the hate on policemen.
That being said, I am also a crazy, insane, russian-german-spanish American who speaks her mind. If I offended you, good. I probably intended so.

Chaos out.

Hello I am Corren, who recently found out his Screen name is apparently the nickname of a Swedish newspaper, who'd have guessed. Technically I am Corren Skyblazer but I shortened the name on fimfiction, this time around. I am a fairly traditional Conservative with some Libertarian beliefs, but I would certainly say my beliefs are firmly entrenched in Right wing politics and morals. I am also a Protestant Christian and I am also very open minded about the existence of other things that are not really acknowledged by my religion, afterall, whom am I to say that someone else's beliefs don't hold some degree of merrit? Good to see there is someone else with a bloodline similar to mine on here ponybird21, though add in some Welsh blood along with a little Irish on the side. My friends have often joked I am a genetic mutt, and honestly I agree. Mutts are great dogs often times, so no problem with being compared to that in my mind.

Yo, I'm knightcommander, and I consider myself an old school "throne and altar" conservative, with traditional Catholic leanings.

I'm ProfReynolds316. And while I consider myself a conservative, I have completely rejected mainstream conservatism as defined by the Republican Party. I consider myself a "traditionalist conservative" or "classical conservative" (or as it's known in the UK and Canada, a "Tory"). And yes, as you might have guessed from the "traditionalist conservative" part, I am not opposed to the idea of having a monarchy. In fact, I would say that it's ideal, but unlikely to happen in the US.
Also, like a lot of tradcons, I am more of a high church Christian whose theology is closer to the Catholic Church, but due to some major disagreements on things like birth control (I don't want a dozen kids!), I chose to settle with more liturgical Protestant groups like the Anglican churches.

"Throne and altar" conservative? Do you go to the Throne and Altar website, by any chance?

Well, I looked it up, and "throne and altar" actually seems to be a thing, not just the name of a website. Wikipedia said it could refer to the ideology of Joseph de Maistre, monarchism in France, or relations between the Catholic Church and the state.

I'm a former communist who's now a conservative.

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