Starving Authors 311 members · 2,709 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Just felt like saying hi.

786682 Hello to you as well! :pinkiehappy: My story finally broke 100 views, so I'm pretty happy about that.

786682 I'm doin' fine, how 'bout yerself?

It sucks how a lot of stories, especially ones where the author put in some serious effort, get buried under the other thousands and thousands of other stories on fimfiction.

Pretty good except for the big headache i've got goin on.
I think i'm getting sick lol

787109 Thanks! I'm currently adding a lot more stuff to it, so maybe more people will see it. It's alright if they don't though. The whole reason I write in the first place is so that I can contribute even my lackluster stories to the fandom in the hopes that someone somewhere will enjoy it.

Group Admin

There's so many authors that go unrecognized because of that :'( And to be honest some of the really recognized ones aren't that great...x.x I hope you get better known :3

788479 Thanks! I never thought I would ever come to hear someone call me a good author when I first started out. No matter how tough life gets, reading and writing always makes me feel better, and I do wish to spread that happiness to those who don't have any. Thank you, and I hope you have a good day. :pinkiehappy:.

787109 Yep! That's why it's important to show your support when you come across an author whose stuff you like. Give them likes, favorites, comments, and tell others how good their work is. Also, add your story to every group it fits in, so people who want the kind of story you're telling can find it in this sea of fiction.:twilightsmile:

And my day is going okay. I have to go to work in an hour...:rainbowdetermined2:

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