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Am not going to lie that is a good song, i know the song is for a cult but man this would make a great protesting song to keep the USA gun rights

Ah the choir version. I love that version. Much better than the country/rock version you hear on the in game radio(but not as good as this version

featured as the background music for Jacob's lading screen). The lyrics would need a bit of a rewrite for it to work as a protest song; As it is it does make us gun advocates look like a cult, as anti gunners like to see us as.

to tell you this at this point the think us gun lovers have to make a deal with the devil.

Because even tho basically 90% of gun owners are the good guys and the 1% that buy the gun to look cool (look at the movie of the 44 mag revolver and you know what I mean) and the rest are bad guys

I think at this point cults the kkk and others know that if we lose our gun rights they're going to become the new Waco Massacre

Civil War 2 you mean?
The KKK... now that is a cult if I ever saw one, and probably the most successful.
The stat is closer to 98% are civil and law abiding, and 2% for fashion. Majority of criminals and mass killers are from the anti gun stock. The guy who shot republican Steve Scalise, Anti gun, voted for Bernie. Alleged Vegas shooter was anti gun, voted for Clinton. There is a literal list of shooters proving this.
Sad thing about Waco was they never did anything wrong. They were originally a branch of 7th day Adventists. They say Vegas was the worst mass murder? Incorrect. Waco has it beat by 20+ bodies.

And Waco was the domino that set off a bombing of a government building.

Civil war 2 would be a week-long battle, we need air, the land and sea we got that cover but not the air. We need to get our own drones in the air and air craft if the civil war 2 is going to have any leg room.

so far the anti-gun people don't know this when they say this "you can't buy a fighter jet" but the truth is you can it just cost as a new home and "you can't buy a tank" tell that to the money people that buy tanks right now old and new (mostly from the ww2 and gulf war eara"

My favourite part of the game is when the national guard come and "smoke them out."

so far the anti-gun people don't know this when they say this "you can't buy a fighter jet" but the truth is you can it just cost as a new home

Homes generally don't cost 96 million dollars.

when am talking about buying a fighter jet like a home I think of those huge ass ones like a mansion

plus didn't homes cost almost 1 million$ during the housing bubble?

but tanks on the other hand.... well ask this guy

wait didn't one time buy a fighter jet on ebay for 70k$?


when am talking about buying a fighter jet like a home I think of those huge ass ones like a mansion

1) Regular people can't afford mansions so it's a non point
2) Mansions don't cost 96 million dollars

but tanks on the other hand.... well ask this guy

He's driving a vehicle several generations behind what the US Army has. It wouldn't stand a chance.

ya i look it up the jet fighters anyone can buy is old ones during the cold war era

and most tanks is the cold war era too so ya vs an f-35 ya i say it's going to be a long time before anyway can fight US air force... how every when it com,e to drones there be the more practical.

It is hell to fight off a shit ton of tiny ones armed with flamethrowers and guns

Drones don't have an air to air capability


but there great to making take off a hell, just fly a tiny drone into the jet engine and its not taking off no more

because AA guns don't exist.

or automatic weapons the military possesses

or helicopters

or aircraft carriers

or radar

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