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is it kinda odd that with that school shooting no one talk no more about the Las Vegas shooting no more it like never happen and it just something of a side note now, but the truth is it was the biggest deadest one coming what 2nd of the 9/11 attacks?

sure 9/11 they use aircraft but it was still a deadly attack of the people, now we are getting reports of the government officials going to there bunkers now, while also funding cops with gear they need for those nuts but really give them for drug user that never hurt anyone in there life but there own.

something just feel all off about this

Because leftists are dumber then a bag of hammers and the fake media only play what makes views and money to further stupify the nation.

also they should not be blaming guns at this point there's a part in the Amendments and its number 13 where a slave is legal for anyone who go to jail

Amendment 13
Abolition of slavery

Section 1.Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2.Congress shall have the power to enforce these article by appropriate legislation.

They're organized disasters meant to push the agenda. When 1 doesn't work well enough, they do another on a softer target. The Parkland attack story holds as much water as a colander, or sieve if you prefer. Teachers who witnessed the gunman say he wore Full body armor and mask(and when you think about it, that doesn't fit into the official timeline. Get out of the Uber car, and get in full armor gear in under 1 minute and start shooting... hmmmm, no.). Another said "I thought they would use blanks". A student actually spoke to the alleged shooter, during the attack itself, in a different building.

Vegas, if you know anything about guns for real, you can hear a minimum of 2 shooters; Not just 1. Every camera there recorded it. Automatic fire, far too rhythmic to be a "bump stock" is heard all over the place. Bump stocks don't have the same cadence. They have hiccups in their cadence, either from the gunman pulling too hard or not hard enough. This cadence was bloody perfect. 2 different calibers can be heard. 1 high pitch sound, .223/5.56, another is low pitch. .30 cals. And why has there STILL been no ballistics report? When the first shots were fired, If the alleged shooter has 23 guns in his room, why does it take 30 seconds to reload or swap guns? A recreational shooter who was bored on a Saturday flipped through the audio from Vegas, and found the first shooter WAS indeed in Mandalay Bay, roughly 400 or so yards, and the second was much closer at around 250 yards away.

No ballistics reports,
Automatic cadence heard
2 guns heard,
2 different ranges,
Timeline inconsistencies,
What followed immediately after? Gun Ban policies.

Different gunman than claimed,
alleged gunmen was in different location from report
No ballistics report
Officers don't intervene
timeline inconsistencies
What followed immediately after? Gun Ban policies

Waco, Columbine, Boston Marathon Bombs, OK Bombing, Ruby Ridge, Pulse Nightclub, etc. What followed all of them? Gun Ban policies.

Group Contributor


You're going to need more than coincidence to prove your conspiracy. You need to show us intent.

You forgot to mention that one of the parkland “students” campaigning for the government to disarm us is a 25 year old crisis actor.

I say that completely unironically.

Cars kill 37000 people a year and are the leading killer of teens amd opioid sbise kills 42000 people a year, last time I checked... that was BANNED! Still waiting on the outcry on that.

What is any government's intent when they say "Ban Guns!"? Control. How do you convince a stubborn people to WILLINGLY hand over or destroy their guns and rights? Create tragedies, blame the tools and political opposition, saying it's for safety. Take away the guns, then you can wipe out everything else with impunity; like Amendment 1. Speaking your mind is considered "Hate Speech" in many parts of the country, Like California(I speak from experience.). Friends and I were parting ways at a mall and we said "Merry Christmas!" to each other. We were promptly kicked out of the mall for "Hate Speech"; Never shopped there again. One of my best friends gamer tag was "ABlackSmurf", but had to change it 'cause "Hate Speech". Last I checked, Free speech was absolute. It covers EVERY form of speech. "Hate" or not.
Or Amendment 4. After the Boston Marathon bombings, The Police were going around illegally breaching the 4th(Unlawful search and seizure), in the name of "Safety". The FBI had been watching those two for years, and sat with their thumbs up their bums, wanking off to Pornhub.
When a government says "You don't need guns"... that should be reason enough. Again, all these inconsistencies or changes to the official story/timeline, witnesses claiming they saw different, Video and audio recordings that show a different story, It all screams false flag. And when I said immediately after, I mean the bodies aren't even cold or in the morgue, and we see "Gun Control" bills in the works. After Vegas it was what? 36 hours after the shooting when we heard "Ban bump stocks/rate increasing devices"(Now going into law).
The intent is control. Take away the guns, control the people. How to take away guns? Create tragedies, and blame guns/political opposition,
& convince people that it's for safety. Take away guns, you can take away the other amendments. (1)You can't say this, it makes people uncomfortable. (2)You have a gun, your a murderer. (3)Oh No! A Soldier kicked in my door and is sleeping in my bed but I can't kick him out or I'll be arrested or killed! (4)Your not a suspect but we're the police and we're going to search your house for ANYTHING potentially illegal anyway.

Yes I did, thank you for bringing that up. "Hoggwash" has actually admitted ON CAMERA that he is an actor, when he was thanking everybody for their conspiracy theories about him. "It's good for publicity, it's good for me as an actor."
Edit: Did anyone else happen to notice David Hogg's Nazi impression at #MarchForOurLives?

make me wonder why crossbows have not been outlaw yet too given you can get a good cheap ass one on amzone for just 150$

I love how that chick during the first speech claimed that he couldn't do that much damage with a knife. Yet on the same day as Sandy Hook, a man killed MORE people then Patkland with a damn knife.

true that and also a gun take cover, a knife is RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

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