Padded Ponies and Adult Foals 1,304 members · 968 stories
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Applejack was babying Applebloom and even gave her a crib!


That sounds something I might create.

"Power of Filial Hatred and Padding, come to me, and possess my body!"

3034997 Let's not forget that Rarity was called in to babysit Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. We've got two ideas for fanfics.

3035155 she was? I must of missed that part some how

If we're throwing around fic ideas, I think a more convoluted plot might be a bit more believable rather than having AJ go completely OOC immediately:

The events occur roughly the same as they did in the episode, although with more focus given to how AB was treated by AJ. AJ ends up admitting that AB is responsible enough to not always need adult supervision, and generally starts treating her little sister like more of an adult. AB is delighted with this arrangement initially, but after a week or so the novelty wears off and she realises that responsibility isn't much fun. She starts to miss how AJ used to treat her, confides in the other crusaders, and together they try to figure out how to get things to go back to how they were before. They come up with some fairly ridiculous plans to demonstrate that AB isn't ready for adult responsibility, probably including stuff like intentional bed wetting and stuff. Inevitably their ideas don't quite go to plan, potentially leading to punishments for all of them, and AJ starts treating AB even more foalishly than in the episode. Where it goes from here I'm not quite sure, but the ending would ideally involve AJ and AB talking things over reaching a happy compromise.

If anyone wants to write anything along these lines, feel free. I waive all rights to any of these ideas, although I doubt they're very good ideas anyway.

Applejack even said something to the effect of "What if she has to go to the bathroom?" when she finds out the AB went to deliver the pies. That seems like a good place to start - even if it's OOC for AJ generally, it could be in character for the episode.

3035253 When Applejack sets off to find Apple Bloom she says to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo "Rarity's coming by to look after you."

3036446 oh it seems my reciver did not record all of it pity

3036553 Yeah. It was a brief moment, but still Rarity has been shown in the past to have her fill of babysitting. And I doubt that's changed over the past two seasons.

I certain at least one fic will be based off this episode.

Somebody has to make a story were she takes it farther! Please! :pinkiehappy:

I have to ask, it's been a while since the episode ran, so is anybody beside me actually working off of the material presented in it? Or was this too easy for your tastes? :pinkiecrazy:

3085257 You seem to be the only one. Though there was a lighthearted fic involving Sweetie Belle in diapers with cover art from "Somepony to Watch Over Me".

3085276 I have to admit, that's a bit disappointing. I would've loved to see what different writers would do with the material. Well, maybe something will appear in due time. We already got some neat pieces of art.


And the Sweetie Belle fic was mine. :twilightblush:

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