The New Lunar Republic Ground Forces 179 members · 1 stories
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Squad Manticore

I hand out the briefs, which read.

At 1500 there was a call into our 'Common Burglary' sector. It was stated there was a burglary on Faust's Street, and the caller said that he/she was scared. However, he/she hung up before we could get any more vital information out of him/her. Our mission is to investigate in a squad of four which has already been decided. Any help from HQ will be vital, and Stellar Song will maintain a telepathic connection. We will be reporting in as 'Squad Manticore' and this, is Operation: Shattered Glass.

Ok, we're ready with a Squad of four fine members, Sergeant Burnished Winds (Flames), Sergeant Markus Flavius Aquilius (Midnight Rider), Specialist Stellar Song (Raven Melody) and Captain Black Night (RoyalUnicornJohn1994).

Recently there has been a common burglary in an area code-named: Nocturno. It has been marked as a common burglary, but we have no idea of the power or intelligence of this threat, and so we may need back-up.

We will also need planning out, which we can do here at HQ, or out on the field. I will maintain a telepathic connection with HQ while out on the field via Magic, so that in case of any news or discoveries, we can tell you, vice versa, and so that if needed, you may guide us, but I don't think that will be quite necessary unless Captain Black Night is shot down.

Requesting to leave for Nocturno.

Rules of Engagement (Decided by Captain Black Night)

Squad Leader - Captain Black Night (RoyalUnicornJohn1994)
Magical Attack - Specialist Stellar Song (Raven Melody)
Aerial Attack - Sergeant Markus Flavius Aquilius (Midnight Rider)
Speed Attack - Sergeant Burnished Winds (Flames)

Code Words
Nocturno - Trottingham
The Eye - Trottingham Bell-Tower
The Brick - Faust's Street (location of incident)

Italics = Telepathic Message
(Brackets) = Extra Information
[Square Brackets] = Out of RP
"Speech Marks" = Speech
"Italics in Speech Marks" = Radio Transmission

Request received. We may leave at once.
HQ: Requesting more intel about this "nocturno" area. Did somepony saw this "burglar" during the incident?
And, more importantly, what did he/she stole?

'Nocturno' is the code-name for Trottingham.

All we were told was that somepony was scared, there had been a burglary, it was somewhere on Faust's Street and an alarm was audible in the background, we were cut off before we could get any more information from him/her.


"Rules of engagement sir. ID targets before firing?"

"I suggest, since it's 1800, we go out on the field and find a quiet spot where we can plan. Then we'll strike, and they'll never know what hit them."

2843000 "Copy that, I can scout out the area if you want me to, sir."


"Best idea would be to got a high power scope and send a two man team up shooter if needed and spotter. Other wise if the shooters not needed we'll have two spotters looking at one position"

2843294 Bringing the rifle from her resting position, Winds puts her hooves on it, holding it in front of her.

"I've got the rifle and the scope for just this purpose."


"Sounds good. I'l be the spotter then. I'l just use the sight on my rifle" i say whilst lifting the las rifle

"Stellar will do fine thank you." I say, lifting a brow, for I am a mare.

"As I'm Magical Attack, I really don't usually shoot. I just use fire-balls instead." I demonstrate by lighting up my horn, and fiery sparks emerge into a ball which I direct with my magic. It dissolves into the air and I continue, "I can direct and control them, but maximum fire-power requires absolute no control over them."

"I see you're prepared." I say, indicating the weapon.

"I can use location spells if needed so that I can inform you of the coordinates of the enemy. Shall I set up the telepathic connection? It's safer than talking aloud, but there are special devices which can pick up telepathic conversations." I ask, then continue, "However, I could set up a wall to block inteference, but that would require all my concentration into it, and the Moon to have risen." I say, and look toward the window, where sun rays beam through.

[B.T.W. In telepathic connections we talk like this.]


"Well....scouting missions are better done in the dark so a wait would prove useful and considering you magic then i think its a must on this"

"I agree, we all have an advantage in the night, but you'd better check this with Captain Black Night though," I say, then look across the briefing table, "but considering his current status, maybe it would be better to plan ahead instead of wait." I counter myself, but show no sign of it.


"All due respect to the captain but it would be better to wait till night. We'll have cover will be easier to move around and your magic powers will be useful to their full amount"


"Right now, it's about 1815, our best option as of time to leave would be 2000, since the Sun will probably have gone down by then, giving us 1hour and 45mins to prepare, but then the threat may have escaped, for the attack was at 1500. I suggest we send one member undercover out onto the field to keep an eye on the status, and I can maintain an easy telepathic connection between us."


"I volunteer. Drop me anywhere and i'l do it"

(Im off for now bye)

"Ok, according to some maps of the place, there's an old belltower on a hill near Faust's Street," I summon a map and mark a spot with an 'X' on it using a quill that has been dipped in red ink, "you should have a good view of the area there, and the walls of it are thick, X-ray magic shouldn't be able to track you."

[Kay, bye, 'Time Freeze' for now.]

"This is Captain Black Knight. I've taken notice of your suggestions. First things' first. We need to investigate the place of the incident.
I've already checked out your profiles, and I've seen that none of you has good abilities with close quarters combat. I'll go first.
Stellar, I want you covering my back.
Markus and Burn; I want you to cover us from distance. Keep an eye on the surroundings. If you see anything suspicious, report immediately. Don't open fire if not necessary. Done this, Stellar and me will proceed to get there and inspect. Get to the bell tower and stay in there.
Markus, you don't have permission to fly. If there's something going on, you might be an easy target. Stay on the ground as much as possible.
Burn: you inspect the surrounding buildings. You'll be our "eye in the sky". Any intel will be fine.
The bell-tower will be code-named 'The Eye'. The incident place will be code-named 'The Brick'"
I pick up my rifle.
"Right. You have your orders. The mission will start at 2000. Any questions?"

2845339 "I copy all, boss. Should I be actively taking out targets during recon and when we jump into the shit, or should I just call targets and eliminate flankers passively?"

Slowly moving across the room, Winds slides a magazine out of her plate carrier and clicks it into place in her rifle's magwell. Jumping up and down a few times, she checks for any items that may shake or otherwise rattle and tapes them down. She glances up to acknowledge one more time.

((I'm gonna leave it at that for today. I gotta go do some family stuff))

"Let's keep cool for now. When the shooting starts, then I will tell you which ones you shot. Otherwise, don't reveal your position if not necessary. Understood?"

"Oh, and one more thing. Make sure that when you plan something without me, you tell me. I'm open to all suggestions. After all, we're a team. And I expect us to act like one. Understood?"

"Sounds like a plan to me boss. Shall we still send Markus out to the eye right now? I don't want to risk loosing sight of the enemy," I say, but retort, "however, Markus is good at CQC, it just isn't his speciality."

I sip some hot, black, tea, and reply, "Well, I think, do what you're best at and what is best in the given situation."

"Sorry sir, but fire-balls can not be cooled once made," I explain,"they're the closest I have to a gun, and are quicker to generate when created in series."

"Understood Sir." I confirm, then look as if I'm going to retort, but keep my mouth shut.


"Aye sir....I understand. Should be hard to notice where im firing my rifle from with her compensator on" as i finish i attach the flash and sound compensator to the barrel. I pull out the old Las pack and slot in a fresh one with a soft hiss and set the beam for medium intensity.


"Thank you for noticing. It may not be my speciality but after fighting orks in trenches on vielus. It becomes second nature"

2849505 "Understood boss. ROE is understood."
Winds packs another pair of eyes into her plate carrier, safely tucking it into one of the pockets.

2850270 "I guess sitting back and waiting is the best course of action, Stellar. See you on the battlefield!"
She grins in excitement. Being her first time on the field, she's ready for the action to start.

2850437 "That compensator should come in handy if we need to do some snatch-and-grab. Good thinking."
Winds nods at Markus.


"Its standard equipment for a imperial marksmen i also got night vision encreasing sensors in my helmet. But if were all ready to leave lets go"

"Well, I couldn't just leave the leader with inaccurate info now, could I?" I explain.

"I look forward to fighting alongst side you, all of you." I tell them, and it too, is my first time.

"You're all making me feel under-prepared, all I have is Schindo and my Magic." I half joke, yet it still has truth to it's word.


"Im making you feel un-prepared!? You have magic i have the technology that was with me when i was killed in a crash landing. And by the emperor this stuffs temperamental at times."


(Sorry for double post)

"Right im going to the LUP with your permission sir."

"You don't get a joke? Well, remember, my magic isn't too powerful during the day, and though I may seem powerful, my strongest magic can do things which Twilight Sparkle could do with the blink of an eye." I tell him, then ask, confused, "wait, are you dead or something?"


"Well...the soul of my imperial guardsmen is standing guard to the throne room of the god emporer till he rises again. But technically the way i came here was by death so in a way yes im dead"

"Think I need to hear this story, but after the mission. Right now it's 1820, so we have about 1 hour 40 minutes 'till 2000."


"We got a while its a short story as well"

We might as well make use of that time, anything you need?"


"Got everything here. Spare las packs rifle sight helmet rebreather portable glow lamp i got everything"

"Well, I got Schindo, my saddle, my belt and my magic, I'm good."


"What is shcindo by the way?"

"Schindo is my dagger."


"Ahh that makes sense."

I show myself in the room.
"Sorry to interrupt you. But it's 1900. Get your things. We'll meet at 1930 in the eye. Try not to look suspicious."
After that, I get out of the room, carrying my rifle.

"Yes Sir, and no interruptions have been made since the last time somepony spoke in this room, it was 1830." I tell him, then add, "But wouldn't you like to reconsider the time at which we meet? My magic will be close to useless until we are thirty minutes in." and just for those uncertain glances I say, "Yes, I know I can still make fireballs, but one of those can't even penetrate through thin cloth!" I walk out of the room, holding a map and muttering something to myself.

I got out of the room following you. "As much as I'd like to consider your request, I'm afraid I cannot. The more time we delay this, the more time the burglar will have to escape." I stand next to you.
"Also, Sun will be out by then. Your magic will be stronger. Trust me."
Then, I turn to you, grinning.
"You're the specialist. I trust you."
I turn around and got into the room again.
"Prepare your things. We'll meet in the eye at 1930 hours."

"I'm sorry to inform you sir, but I have been keeping up with my Solunology, and though, yes, the Sun will have set by then, the Moon will not yet be up," I tell him, then say, "but orders are orders, so yes sir, I will be there at 1930 without fail, unless something is to hange your mind, which I can see, it will not."

"That's the why you're coming with me. Also, I didn't said that we'll get in exactly at that hour. Manticore 2, the pair at the eye, will be watching from far. Manticore 1, you and me, will stay close enough. to the brick, but we'll not get in 'till the moon rises. Got it?"

"Understood, sir. Shall I set up the telepathic connection?"

"That might be a good idea." I said while I get up.
"Alright, Manticore. Move out."


"So we finally moving out?"

"That's is correct. We'll meet at the Eye at 1930. Then, mission will start at 2000. Two teams will be acting: Manticore 1, Me and Stellar. We will investigate the Brick, in search for any clue of the burglar. Manticore 2, Burn and Markus, will stay in the Eye and watch for the surroundings. Anything unusual, report immediately. Wait for orders. Otherwise, don't do anything stupid.


"Sir" i nod whilst putting my armor on

"Yes sir." I put my head down and my horn is alight, navy blue magic flies, then fades, and I put my head up.

Okay. That's done, everyone online?

I answer through thought.

It seems that this is the case. From now on, can we please all speak through thought? It might take some getting used to, but it's pretty simple, and certainly more private. You can actually direct your thoughts at a single pony, even if you are linked with a group, if you try hard enough.

Again, I answer by thought, just so that the rest of my team can accustom themselves to this form of communication.

Undestood, sir. The plan seems fine by me, I hope it will run just as smoothly as you have directed this team so far. Anything else I need to do, or more precisely, we need to do?

By the way, this is going to seem really creepy for somepony who's never experienced this kind of communication before, because literally, it feels like someones's smuggled their way inside of your thoughts, so freaking out is really, completely normal. Actually, it's considered paranormal for a pony to not show some form of confused fear. Need any guidance with this? It definetely isn't my first time speaking through a telapthic connection, and won't be your last.

[Just a heads up about an event that I'm planning to include further ahead in the RP, basically, Stellar's telepathic connection is going to be attacked, and she's going to be struck unconcious. The telepathic connection will then be terminated, and it will not go unnoticed. So yeah, it's a spoiler so you don't see it if you want a surprise.]

Hears good for me. Conversation can be private, so make sure it is so. I respect other's intimacy.

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