Voice Actors Welcome! 132 members · 11 stories
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Starlight Shadow
Group Admin

Those willing to voice act Discord/Eris.

Application Template:
Links to my past VA work:
Other info:


Character of choice: Discord

Application form:
While voice acting has mostly been a hobby that I've done with friends and sometimes for theater (nothing big, mainly just school related stuff) I've often found that recreating the voice of others is easier for me than having to create a voice from the ground up. Also, I just find discord to be easy to sound like but hard to act like, which is why he's so enjoyable to talk as.

Previous work: as I mentioned in the application form, most of my stuff has been with friends and school. So unfortunately I don't have anything major as of yet.

Other info: (brace yourself)

Microphone/recording program.
I don't have a professional microphone unfortunately, it's not something I've been find of spending money on and it's probably not going to be something I will spend money on. But my microphone is decent, for recording programs I will use sound-recorder on my ipad.

Note that I'm a bit narcissistic, because I've kind if been like that my whole life. But I will try as hard as I can and as many times as necessary to get the work done. Another thing to note, if I am going to do voice acting for you, I'd prefer it not be business like and very formal. Don't expect things to go right the first, second, or even third time we record. So basically I deal badly with immediate pressure, looming pressure is better for me.

(I really hope I made this the right way:twilightsheepish:)

Pump It Up
Group Admin

Seems fine to me. :twilightsmile:


Character: Discord

I do voices for fun and people have told me I can do well with impressions and unique voices, but I'll let you decide that for yourself(see "Previous work").

Previous Work: I've done a demo to test some of my pitches through impressions and my own take on characters, and a voice test for some MLP characters, links are right here...
voice demo
Changeling & Diamond Dog demo

Notes: I'm very friendly and generally mild-mannered, and am willing to go with whatever you ask or need of me, and don't mind redoing recordings and such. My only drawback is that I work two jobs IRL, so my time on weekdays is limited. I'm mainly available on weekends since I don't work then.

My current mic is not best-quality though I am saving up money to get a better one more suited for it, hopefully in a few weeks. :twilightsmile:

The Princess Rarity
Group Contributor

Character of Choice: Eris

Application: Ever since I was little, I've been a fan of doing wacky voices, and I have no idea why - it's just a part of who I am, I guess. I'm almost always free on weekdays, because I'm homeschooled, but my weekends often consist of studying and other things. Yeah, I'm backwards that way. I work during the summer, which means limited computer time, so there's that. Otherwise, I'm free for pretty much any project. My microphone is far from professional, but I try to make it work the best I can.

Previous Work: I've never published anything exclusively, so I am a bit new, but it doesn't mean I won't work hard and try my hardest at what I'm doing! If you hire me, you're sure to get a dedicated actress! (...even if I am a bit lazy from time to time.)

Links to Other Account(s): I have yet to make a Soundcloud account. I'll do so when I get hired for my first project. For now, I use Vocaroo to upload my voice reels.

Programs I Use: For recording, I use Audacity, and my headset is a Plantronics that my school gave me.

Other: I'm only fourteen, so my voice can get a bit wacky sometimes, but I still try. Naturally, I sound a little bit like Rainbow Dash and / or Twilight Sparkle, depending on my mood. I'm not much of a singer, but if required, I'll try. After all, I don't do karaoke in my spare time for nothing!

Why?: I want to do Eris because I'm a huge fangirl of the Spirit of Chaos, no matter what form. Seeing how my voice is far from masculine, I figure I should aim for the female counterpart. I'm no stranger to doing versions of her voice, either - sometimes I just randomly burst into my impression of her whenever I'm bored. (Yeah, I'm weird like that.) I also look up various voice reels of other portrayers doing her on Youtube, so I have an idea of what she might possibly sound like.

Character of Choice: Discord

Application: I've had a background in singing since back in first grade, and through elementary school I discovered I really liked oration, be it public speaking, acting, singing, or even delivering my reports in classes. Currently I'm only voice acting as a hobby, and due to my schedule as a college student, my hours are rather inflexible, and I work all day Sundays. Otherwise, I'd be able to record, as my workload is still somewhat light.

Past Work: Though I haven't really done much yet, I made it for a Gamzee Makara audition for a (now defunct) Homestuck Fanime project, and I have been (meaning to get back to) recording a dramatic reading version of Ruby Eyes and Echoes by Altoid, the first part of which is here.

Other Info:
Current Recording setup: I use a Snowball microphone from Blue. I record using Audacity, and have a beginner-level understanding of audio editing.
About me: I'm currently a 20 year old male, and am attending a technical college for Computer Engineering Techology. I have a decent vocal range, and can adjust myself to many different tones and timbres. I can even manage a few accents consistently, although depending on the kind, it may be pushing it. For most voices, I tend to do better for original voices, although with Mr. DeLancie's voice, I think I can perform a reasonable mimic.

Why I want to do this: I'd love to get myself out there more in the field of voice acting, and places like this, I feel, are a good place to start at least training to be better than I already am. As far as why Discord? Well, I would explain, but it really wouldn't make sense. After all, what fun is there in making sense~?:trollestia:

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Character of choice: Discord

Application: I been acting in High school but my voice acting started in middle school where I did a bunch of voices and I also been doing voices for my Dungeons and Dragons Complain

Past Work: I have not seen anything in the past this is my first time

Other info: I don't have a microphone so I need to someone needs to teach me how to record my voice

Why I want to do this: because Discord is my favorite character in MLP and I can do a very, very great Discord I do hope someone can record this the quote on Chaos is a ladder with their Discord Voice

this is Chaos is a ladder

There's a list of characters needed in the description, so this will be in all threads (sorry if that's annoying. :twilightblush: )

Just send a demo reading and I'll listen to it as soon as I can.

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