Voice Actors Welcome! 132 members · 11 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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ok, I thought I found a va, but I was wrong.

I can't find a voice actress for this one god damn trailer I was working on! this is not what I came here for, this project only needs one actress, Just one! I thought I found an actress, but she just left me!

and even If I'm not trying to cancel it, would somebody just be willing to voice a character in the trailer for me!?

I'm starting to give up already

here is the cover art for the fic

I hate to say this, but actors are impossible to find. there for I'm starting to quit.

but out of curiosity, is there anybody who is willing to voice nightfall nod for me?

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7595025 One thing you should consider is that this group only has 124 members and some of them are already as dead as the fandom.

Perhaps you should also try to search in other groups with more members. Maybe then you will be able to catch yourself a live one.

how, what group should I go to?

and it's impossible to tell which of them is available or not.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7595030 Just click on this link and you'll get the groups with the most members:

Try to find one where your request will be accepted. The list is virtually endless, so you're bound to find appropriate groups eventually.

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