Comments ( 273 )
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Viking Hoof
Group Admin

RP sample (3rd person for now):
reason you should be accepted?:
nation of origin:
Cutiemark (dragons and gryphons have invisible ones)):

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

Name: Lolk
Position: School counselor
"So, what is your problem?'
"I'm having trouble focusing on the teacher..."
"Around how much sleep do you get?"
Not much, I'm busy studying.."
"Try getting more sleep, and see if that helps."
10+ Rp experience, And good with people.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2490238 (write some rp about you counseling a student or teaching psychology, doesn't have to be long)

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

(That's kinda hard to do on short notice, without is sounding sterotypical)

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2490490 ( A human female student walks in with a bruise on her right eye. She is tearful, and slightly manic. She claims that a unicorn assualted her. her name is Gray, go.)

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2490490 (test rp with me)

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

"Alright, what exactly happened Go through it step by step."

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2490632 "I-I was walking to lunch when Big Horn from class three showed up. He-he and his friends were calling me name and and then they started chanting monkey. I-I tried to run, but he levitated rocks at me!"

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

"Shh shhs shh....don't worry...You say this was Big Horn? Did you recognize his friends?"

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2490716 *she shakes her head no* (good so far!)

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

"Alright....I'll talk to the other staff members about it, bullying isn't allowed here. Do you feel okay to continue class, or would you like to go home?"

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2490840 ((you pass. This seemed realistic enough. Go post your character in the Principals and Teachers thread.))

Bookworm Guardian
Group Contributor

Name: Tinker Tock (and His Mechanical Owl Clockwerk)
Position: Advanced Robotics and AI Programming
((Shall we RP?))
"Alright all, take your seats, take your seats," said Tinker as he paced behind a large desk. Sitting atop his shoulders was a metallic owl which was giving students a menacing glare, daring them to disobey. "Class is in session!"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Name: Pen Brush

Position: Art and writing Teacher

RP sample: Pen Brush walked around her classroom as she watched her students. They were currently in the middle of sculpting a clay pot.

one of the students, a green Pegasus, called her over, "Yes Little Leaf?" she asked.

Little leaf looked up at her from her pot, which looked a bit more like a big brown ball, "Um...I don't know how to make it look like a pot, I tried a few times but it never looked right." she said.

Pen Brush smiled before she picked up the brown mass from the table into her hooves, "You have to poke your hoof into it to make a hole, then put pressure along the sides of the hole to make it bigger, that way you will be able to make it much easier." she said as she demonstrated, before she used her magic to take another piece of clay out of a bag and gave it to Little leaf, before she walked around again.

reason you should be accepted?: I am fluent in the art of writing and artistry.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2506565 okay, what is their species? and nation of origin? this school is multinational.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

she is a pure breed unicorn from equestrian, more specifically Manehatten

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2506565 also a good friend of mine is applying for an art position, I'm fine with 2 art teachers (In fact I would love to have 2, art is my favorite subject, second only to economics) but what art in specific would you like?

Pen Brush
Group Admin

The kind of art you do with your hands...or hooves or paws. Just not drawing, not the best artist

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2506475 ((species and nation of origin?))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2506904 well, he is a drawing type, so that would compliment each other. I'm asking him about it now.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2506890 that would be fine, but you should take a peak at the species page just to make sure you won't want something else later.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

I am good with unicorn. I love unicorns, Twilight was the master race unicorn before becoming a god alicorn

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2506952 sooooo.... she's kinda racist?

Pen Brush
Group Admin

No no no no. I am just stating that I like unicorns...a bit much, but my OC is not racist.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2506952 slight racism is kinda expected from equestrian ponies in my opinion for new species (look at poor zebras and donkeys) and humans almost wiped canterlot off the face of the earth after Twilight kidnapped and mindwipped a human princess (both were accidents and war was averted)

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2506475 ((I'm assuming AI means Vinlandic, since Equestria is show era))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

I guess that would be a good reason...but Pen is too nice of a pony to be racist

Bookworm Guardian
Group Contributor

((Hm... he is Equestrian. I had assumed that this would be a bit off canon. Tinker is a pony inventor from a technical age. That's how I designed him.))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2507025 well... is it magic based circuitry since it is equestrian? The cannon for the group is that Equestrian has little non magic tech.

Bookworm Guardian
Group Contributor

((Hm... I could go with a Unicorn Tinker. Would that clear it up? Still, there's the whole thing with artificial intelligences... I dunno.))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2507126 I was just curious how the owl works! How does it? I'm curious what your cannon is, and this group's cannon has huge holes that should be patched up with awesome!

Pen Brush
Group Admin

((It is really odd making a student OC child for my character when I never thought of my OC having a kid before. I put both my applications in))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2507162 ((then don't, it's fine))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

((no I did, it is actually really cute))

Bookworm Guardian
Group Contributor

(My canon for Tinker was that he became an inventor and mechanic during the height if the Technical Age, a time of great advancement in science and technology in Equestria. In this time, steampunk machinery became the norm, and Clockwerk is much like that. He is an Artificial Intelligence and comrade to Tinker, and he runs off of water steam power that lubricates his gears and cools his internal core.

He looks like this:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2507223 umm... yeah there might be some conflict in this....
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... he can be equestrian if you want, but a true AI would be a huge leap forward in pure tech. It would make more sense as a magic, or as a pespectromantic creation. Magic would be Equestrian and he would need crystal power or something. Perspectromancy is Vinlandic and is about imposing perspective upon reality. Perceiving the owl as sentient would make him a powerful perpsectromancer, and probably human

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2507223 water and gears can't think... (( you can keep it as long as the rest of your engineering is modern))

Bookworm Guardian
Group Contributor

((I could do with Crystal Power, and... maybe he has the personality of somepony magically imprinted into the central core?))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2507392 ((that would be perfect! I think engineering whise you seem fine, now let's rp))
Teacher, I can't get this crystal to power up!

Bookworm Guardian
Group Contributor

"The crystal probably needs a little more power," he said as he walked over to the student, "Have you attempted finding either a magical or solar source to power it by?" He had a wry grin on his face, and the owl seemed to be suppressing a chuckle.

((Also, personality wise, Tinker is a cold, calculating, and wry pony at first. As time goes on, he'll get more quirky and likeable.))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2507443 umm no, I've been trying to impose power through the one's third principle of existence and perception... it's not very compatible usually, but I'm sure it will work....

Bookworm Guardian
Group Contributor

Tinker suppressed a sigh, while the owl burst out laughing, its mechanical crawing very much audible throughout the hallway. "Listen, Kid," he said calmly, "I get that you're trying to be creative, but I teach the methods I teach for a reason. It might do you well to... oh, I don't know, listen to teacher every once in a while?"

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2507479 "But I'm sure I can do it... okay sir." The student pulled out a biotranslator and gave it a bionueral charge. "will that work? It's not quite electrical, but it seems to fit."

Bookworm Guardian
Group Contributor

"You can try it," said Tinker with another wry smile, "but don't come to me asking for a nurse pass if and when it blows up in your face." he trotted back to his desk, levitating his papers into his field of view, looking over some reports he'd gotten from his friends in Manehattan.

Comment posted by kragor deleted Jan 2nd, 2014

Name: Kragor

Position: Nurse

RP sample (3rd person for now): ((I hope this isn't too long)) <A young female human enters the nurse office, she appears to be limping badly. The nurse notices quickly and walks over, he picks her up and lays her down on a bed.
"Hello student, may I ask what ails you?" Kragor asks.
"I fell from a window, I think I broke my leg or something." she replies.
"I see, I'm going to have to take a quick x-ray." Kragor responds.
"Alright" She says.
He lifts the girl once again and takes her into a room off to the side. a sign above the door reading "X-ray in use" lights up, and the door closes.
Moments later Kragor exits and places the girl down on the bed again. He boots up a computer off to the side and brings up the X-rays
"Your hip and left leg are fractured, you'll need to be moved to a proper hospital immediately."
Kragor was honestly surprised she was able to make it here in such a state, it confused him. He still knew so little about organic beings.
He called for an ambulance and told one of the other nurses to take her down once the ambulance arrived.> ((Hope that's good enough))

reason you should be accepted?: As an android/robot/whateverthefuck Kragor knows pretty much everything about modern medicine, in fact it was the reason he was created.

ohshizzle, missed some info on androids on the race thread, so I understand if you deny me.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2508468 umm... this is gonna need some work...
please examine yourself and your motivations and try again. Look at other apps for inspiration.

k, I guess it was quickly put together in the first place.

I'll collect my thoughts, rewrite, and resubmit

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