The Brony group 31 members · 6 stories
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(Ok, here is the new thread for the second section. I believe this is where we left off:)
(Drak was waiting to talk with Alexius, who was talking to Ataxia about how to be better at small talk)
(Indicus was watching Moon and Vakti talk about some personal things)
(Dux is busy making sure the troops are behaving as they march to Hawaiki, Along with Little Light, who was busy with a few strategical ideas…I'm assuming)
(And I believe that is it, so without further ado…let us get started. Also, I suggest that we post the last thing that we said on here, just so we have a way to start responding to each other.)

(To Shadow)
Moon was even more determined to get an answer from him, and she slowly brought her hoof from his face down to his chest, and then even lower, until it was right at his waist.
"If you tell me, then I'll show you a piece of heaven. And I promise-" Before she continued, there was a loud clicking sound, making Moon lose concentration with her vampiric hypnosis. She turned to the source, which was Cuddio, and said in an irritated voice. "What?!"
Cuddio pointed at Vakti, the rubbed his stomach, and then pointed it at her.
It took a while for Moon to digest the information, but once she did, it hit her like a ton of bricks. In her surprise, she dropped her coltfriend, his head hitting the ground roughly and giving him a bad case of blue balls (Yes, I went there).
"He…he loves me?" She asked, getting a nod from the changeling.
"How the hell do you-" Began Scartail, a confused look on his face. Cuddio interrupted him by just giving him a deadpanned stare. "Oh, right...damn changelings and their love eating habits..."
"Vakti…is this true?" She asked, walking up to the vampire.
Vakti hesitated for a moment, and then nodded.
"How…how long?"
"Almost 200 years now, though I only started to try about 175 years ago." He said with a sigh. Moon motioned to the other two to release him, which they both did, letting Vakti fall a bit before he was able to stand on his feet.
Vakti was quiet for a while, and then he sighed, and turning so that he was looking at the ground, he said, "Ever since I saw you, I just…I just got this warm feeling inside of me the like that I never had before. I thought that it was a one time thing, but the feeling stayed with me. I knew that I was in love with you, or something like that at least, and after a good few years, I decided to try and do something about it. But no matter what I tried, it was just thrown in my face, with you none the wiser."
A few tears dropped from the vampire's face, indicating that he was starting to cry a bit. "I…I thought that we could be together forever, you know…since we are both immortal and all, we could…we could have just become lovers and lived a happy life, but instead I was stuck as a blood host. I…I…" At this point, he lost words to say, and simply just stood there, mopping in his sadness.
Moon looked at him for a while, and then she suddenly wrapped him up in a hug, surprising the vampire. "Listen, I care about you, I really do, but I don't feel the same way as you do. I'm sorry, but it's Indicus that I really love right now. I don't want anything to change between us, though, because…because you are one of the few friends that I was able to make, and…and I don't want to lose that." She said, shedding a few tears herself.
Vakti was quiet for a moment, and then he slowly wrapped her in a hug, taking a few deep breaths as he started to calm down.

(To everyone)
Tumult was a little stunned by this, but otherwise the hit didn't really hurt him that much. Once he saw Light leave, the rest followed as well, except of Drak, who was still a bit stunned by what he saw happened.
The unicorn sighed, and then turning to Dux, he said, "So…that happened."
Dux snorted in frustration, and then stomped his hoof horde onto the ground, leaving a little indent. "Well it serves your right! Not only did you make her upset, but you made a fool out of me in front of all my troops." He then turned to the soldiers that were around him and shouted, "ALRIGHT MEN! TIME TO MARCH TO HAWAIKI" With that, he got the march started, before getting up to join them.
Tumult quickly got up as well, and then shaking Drak back into reality, they two began to follow the General. A few moments later, Tumult decided to speak up again.
"So, in all seriousness, I'm happy that you actually found someone that you have feel ins for, and-"
Dux interrupted him in a low tone. "I already said that I don't have feelings for her."
"Oh come on, and you expect me to-"
"I SAID NO! We got a mission right now, and I want all of you guys to be ready for the upcoming fight. Now get going!" With that, he quickly began to march faster, so he would be at the head of his company, as well as getting a good view of the area that they ere going to fight in.
Tumult sighed in disappointment and turning to Drak, he said, "Drak."
"Yes?" The human asked, curious as to what he wanted.
"Two…no, three things. First…I blew it…big time. I thought that it would have gone a bit smoother then that, at least I thought she would talk to him first before she got physical." Drak simply nodded. "Two, I would like it if you could help me salvage this mistake."
Drak gave a low whistle. "So, you want me to try and get Dux...who I have looked up to as a a relationship with Light…who I have started to look up to as my own mother?" Tumult nodded. "As much as I wouldn't mind, I still think that will be next to impossible. They are just both so stubborn. Dux will most likely want to stay away from her now, while Light might possible do the same. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they ended killing each other because of this."
"Which is why I wan't you to do this for me. We both know that you are better at handling these situations then me, unless it comes to yourself, of course. Anyways, if there is anyone to try and get them together, it is you."
"I guess I could try…keyword, 'try', but I still need to ask you why you want them together?"
"Well, let's just say that in all my years that I have been with Dux, besides the time that he was training you, when he said that he kissed her, I was able to sense the slightest shimmer of happiness in his voice. I'm sure that if you were looking in his eyes at that moment, you would have seen it as well."
Drak just thought over what he said. He did have a point, Dux seemed to react…a lot different to her then he did to anyone else. This thought alone gave him hope that there might be a chance in this after all.
He then remembered that Tumult said he had three things to say. "Ok, I guess I can understand that, but what's the third thing then?"
Tumult gave a small smile. "The third thing that I want you to do is to go and finish talking to Alexius. I notice that she was trying to say something, but you just ignored her. Last time I checked, that isn't the Drak that I know."
Drak was quiet for a second, an then he groaned as he remembered that Alexius was indeed trying to tell him something before he got distracted. He simply nodded, and then began to jog on over to his marefriend, leaving Tumult to think over a few things by himself.

(To Surprise and Regan)
Drak jogged quickly up to the white unicorn, wanting to forgive her for being so rude to her before, but he then noticed that she was already talking to the hybrid, and stopped right next to them, deciding to wait for a chance to say something.

(To surprise)

Ataxia started to think of a way they could practise, suddenly she got an idea "ok Alexus, if you want to be comfortable at talking to people, try go and talk to one of Dux's troops. I'm sure they would love somepony to go and welcome them to the group. Or if you think that is a bit to hard right now, then you can just try talking to me."

Group Admin

3147793 I groaned in pain, and got up watching as Vakti hugged Moon as a friendly gesture, I put my cowl on and smiled.

Group Admin

3147802 (Well we still need to move I found an established RP website)

Comment posted by Shadow-Dancer deleted Mar 25th, 2014

(Wait, why did you delete that post? I just signed up to the sight)

Group Admin

3148102 (oh sorry I have no idea why. here it is,)

(So, we still need to move it, huh?)

Group Admin

3148121 (yep but we still can look back on it with out fear of deletion)

(So, just go to the site the Shadow has linked. Don't worry, it should be easier, and I think we will be able to communicate better on it as well)

Group Admin

3148128 (it also has a friend system)

3148124 (we are allowed to do it here, why should we move and complicate things?)

Group Admin

3148172 this is why

Hi guys. Friendly reminder that roleplaying still isn't allowed on Fimfiction, as per knighty's announcement a week ago. We understand that there may've been some confusion on that, since knighty said that he'd only delete the problematic threads, but for all intents and purposes, roleplaying itself isn't allowed on the site anymore. You're free to organize or discuss on Fimfic, but any actual roleplaying has to take place somewhere else. Sorry.

(So, in that case, just get it set up, and we will join you, ok?)

Who posted that? Send me a link.

Group Admin

3148186 The RP is set up.)

Wait, so are we starting here then, or on the other one?:rainbowhuh:

Group Admin

3148776 (lets just continue here for now.)

(I'm so confused…So, just continue on this site?)

Group Admin

3148785 (yea if we get notified for it then we can move)

Group Admin

3148991 (you may continue the think with Moon and Vakti I replied already)

(In a bit, I'm a bit busy right now)

Group Admin

3149053 (okay I'll just look for a place to put the RP if we must move.

(Well apparently we're staying here until further notice, so I'm gonna go out on a whim and post. Also, there's a huge reference here)

"Well, in that case...sure." said Alexius, eyes scanning the soldiers around them. She settled on talking to an earth pony stallion with an ivory coat and a short blonde mane, who appeared to be talking to an elderly mare. She trotted up to them, un noticing of Drakalian standing next to her and Ataxia.

"Um...hi." she said, smiling. The stallion looked over at her with bright blue eyes, pushing his glasses up.

"Hello." he replied. The old mare looked at her as well.

"I'm Alexius. What's your name?"

"Cecil. This is Old Woman Josie." he said, gesturing to the old mare next to him. Alexius looked at Cecil, then at Old Woman Josie, then back at Cecil.

"So......where are you from?"

"I...can't remember exactly...I think it had the word 'Night' in it. I do remember that I used to be a radio broadcaster, though."

"Radio? What's a radio?"

"It...doesn't really matter."

"...Okay then..." she said. Alexius could sense that the conversation was coming to a close, so she tried desperately to think of something to say. The first thing that popped into her head was "Would you and Old Woman Josie like to meet the Crusaders of Harmony?"

"Okay...sure." he said, which was followed by a nod from Old Woman Josie. Feeling satisfied with herself, Alexius turned around and led them to where Ataxia- and Drakalian, now that she looked again- were walking.

"It went great, Ataxia!" she whispered excitedly to the hybrid before taking a step back and introducing them. "Cecil, Josie, meet Drakalian and Ataxia." Alexius gestured to each of them in turn, smiling all the while.

Drak was a bit hesitant, pulling his hood up a bit, but he still gave small smile to the two. "Hello, I don;t remember you two being in the unit before I left, so I'm assuming that you guys joined recently?"
(WHY DOES IT SOUND SO FAMILIAR:raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry:)

(I don't know, why does it? :trollestia:)

"...I'm pretty sure we joined last week." Cecil said, looking over at Josie for conformation. She nodded in response. "Yes, it was definitely last week."

(…ok, I give, what is the reference here?)
Drak smiled and then nodded, before turning to face his marefriend. "Hey, Alexuis, I'm sorry that I didn't listen to before, I was…well, there isn't a real good reason, I was just surprised by what I heard. Anyways, what is it that you were trying to ask me?"


(Welcome to Night Vale :pinkiehappy:)

"It's nothing serious, really. I noticed that I can't really talk to others well, and I...I just needed some help." she said, rubbing the back of her neck absent-mindedly while Cecil and Josie idly talked with Ataxia.

Little Light walked over to Dux. "About just then... I'm sorry about the eavesdropping thing. I was curious, and I didn't think he'd disturb you by dispelling the invisibility like that. The reason I lashed out like that was because I was embarrassed and annoyed at Tumult for outing me. I apologize for the incident."

Drak nodded in understanding. "Well, if it's all right, I would love to help you, though it will have to be at a latter date, since i do have a few things that I need to do…explaining to Light what's going on with Dux being one of them." He said, giving her a quick kiss on her cheek. With that, he began to walk off, but after a few steps turning around he said, "Also, we need to look for a good place for our first date, just leting you know." He then turned back and began to walk were he last seen her.

(Sorry, but I'm getting a bit tired now. Do yours in the morning)

(Ok, ready now, sorry for the wait)
Dux just shook his head a little, but otherwise didn't look at her. "It's fine, he most likely did that just to get revenge on me for saying how old he is. In case you haven't noticed, he doesn't like others to talk about him without his knowledge." He then went quiet, not really in the mood for talking anymore, not that he knew what else to say due to what happened.

3149482 Ataxia smiled at the two troups, "hello my name is Ataxia. It's good to have you in the group, the more the better!" She said grinning.

3149082 (I'm not sure if any of you have noticed but Ataxia's character has changed a bit, when I started off I made her too serious even though she is meant to be fun and hyper,)

Group Admin

3150797 (Progressive change that is reasonable is good for the character to keep them from feeling empty)

"Yes, but I was complicit. I didn't really want you to be upset like that."

Dux snorted a bit in frustration. "I'm not mad at you, if that's what your worried about. I just…well…" He started to stare off in the distance as they continued to march.

Comment posted by Shadow-Dancer deleted Mar 27th, 2014

(ok, just give me a sec)

Group Admin

3151840 (okay I'll be reading)

They continued to hug each other for a while, and then they released each other. She gave him a nudge, and with a few steps, he was next to the young Assassin.
"Listen, I…I've just had a hard life, and when i saw you with her, after all that I've been through to just try and be with her…it hurt me a lot. I know now that what I did was…unacceptable, and i shall accept any punishment that you deem fit for me to serve." With that. he waited patiently for him, the rest just watching.

Group Admin

3151856 I looked at Vakti, and patted him on the shoulder, "Yes what you did was wrong and could have gone better but, the way I look at it, I'm unharmed the injuries healed, and at the end of the line I have made huge fuckups in my life as well, so no I will not punish you, your apology is good enough."

Vakti gives the human a nod, and then with a smile, he says, "Well, just do me a favor. Just…just keep her safe, and not just from others either."

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