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Group Admin

Alright, time to really set down on characters for the story. Since we are close to actually starting it, we need to finally decide.

Main crew

Pinkie , Fluttershy, spike, rarity, rainbow, applejack, twilight, Vinyl (formally a marine)

Random pirates,

Trixie, buggy

Zecora, law

Blueblood, Spandam

Starswirl; Raleigh

Other suggestions: Soarin as Marco, fluffle puff as a comedic role (not doflamingo) oc's like griffon the griffon and echo the diamond dog, Nyx.


Spitfire, Mihawk

Shining armor, kuma

Cadance, boa

Sombra: Blackbeard

My suggestions: chrysalis, Exie (oc) , some one recommended Gilda


Luna, Celestia and someone else

Now most of these are confirmed at the moment, I'll add to the list as we decide more. So please, let's finish this down now and move on to plot (remember, we were gonna change it up through the story)

2167050 wait, why is Cadence boa instead of an Admiral?:rainbowderp:

Group Admin

2167404 it just seemed like a better fit. She isn't a killer. (Although this is alternate universe, hmm)

But there are tons of beautiful ponies that would also fit the description Fleur dis lee comes to mind, and I can't see anypony better for the other Admiral role.


For a a fruit user replacement for focal into you can use my OC Mambay.

His Collar Collar fruit is pretty boss, but it doesn't work in airless places.

Much like Doflamingo's fruit can't work under clouds. It works by using the air and the "bone" like skin that forms the six collars.

They can spread split and morph, but his knuckle collars can't move, his chest collar only can morph into a armor set, his ankle collars allow him to jump and move agile. His neck collar is connected to his wind pipe and through his enlarged lungs he can store and release emense amount of air to where he can float in mid air, to things as large as moving the collars to his knuckles (has to be on solid land for obvious reasons, wood... Ships... Yeah...)


I really liked the idea someone brought up, to have Starswirl as Gol D. Roger and Clover The Clever as Rayleigh.


Boa Hancock has the Mero Mero power. Meromeromero! :heart::heart::heart:

So Who will be Monkey D Dragon

I still say Celestia as Whitebeard and Gilda as Crocodile. What I want to know though is who is Roger?

I thought that that boa personality traits would be more important than her fruit power, being that in the show she is a proud leader whom also hates(looks down upon) men. I don't think seen Cadence as such would be very pleasant.
Although I would be okay with it if as long as there is an OC for the other Admiral. (If there is another Admiral). Because placing another canon pony together with the two princesses doesn't seem right.
Even if it's Blueblood, Fleur dis lee, or even Twilight.

2167784 Cadance's special talent is love. Fleur De Lis's is speaking Fancy... or being Prench, I'm not sure which.

And this is exactly why Celestia and Luna shouldn't be Admirals. Nopony else can hang with their stuff. We should make them Yonko, perhaps Kaido and Big Mom. After all, Kaido is known as "the strongest creature in the world," and Big Mom's insatiable appetite could be used as a parallel for Luna's powerful jealousy. Plus, it's fitting because Sombra is Blackbeard, and he's shown to be on a level of power similar to the Princesses, and it leaves only one of the Yonko undecided: Shanks.

This also opens up the roles of Admirals for Big Mac (strong, red, loyal), Raindrops (absent-minded, yellow, fast), and... uh... Thunderlane (lazy).

2169748 Perhaps Surprise? You know, given the many similarities between Luffy and Roger, Surprise would be a good Pirate Queen.

2170632 Surprise makes a good pirate queen. I still say Celestia should be Whitebeard, I mean it fits her.

I thought about Big Mac, a while ago, and how I would see him as either "Redhide Shanks" or Edward D. Macintosh (Whitebeard, the "strongest man in the world").

I'm still not sure if I was serious about that, or if I'm just feeling punny. :unsuresweetie:

I don't know; it all depends on the delivery of the story.

Chaos what do you think?

Group Admin

2171727>>2171676>>2171509>>2170632 2168505>>2169625 the whole reason Celestia and Luna to be admirals is their position already. They are the ones that keep order in the land, like admirals are. Not only that, but the admirals are aready high in power to most.

Another thing I just thought of was Discord as shanks. Like shanks, discord is one not interested in violence as much as other, along with him being much more powerful than most. And being crazy already kinda matches what pinkie pie was inspired by.

Another big recommendation is maybe thunderlane as Kaku, being a Pegasus rainbow must fight.

Also a big thing I have been thinking on is Octavia. While many have said to let her join the crew, I figured it would be nice to have her be a marine along with vinyl, and after vinyl has to leave and join the crew, Octavia is one who will stay a marine and keep a close eye on vinyl and them, even try to help them throughout the journey.

A viable addition could be Lyra. Being a goofy and happy pony would be another fun one to add, along with maybe an emotional backstory to give her more depth.


Actually, I thought of Neon Lights as Vinyl's Marine partner, and the one who takes over the lead over her crew after she joins the Straw Hats.
(And it's just that Octavia seems to fit Brook's role so well, y'know?)

Anyway, Discord as Shanks? It's brilliant! Pure genius, why didn't I come up with that? And why do we still not have a little Discord face to put behind this sentence?

P.S.: I have another idea for Rainbow Dash/Zoro, but I think I'll save that for another thread.

Group Admin

2172390 nope, if you have an idea, post it, let's hear it along with any other characters.

(I honestly still don't see how Octavia as brook would work)

2172585 Really? Fancily dressed, black mane, gifted musician. Then again, as long as she and Vinyl are Brook and Yorki, it's cool.

2172112 Dude, seriously? Kaku's a glider, not a flier. Thunderlane is a strong flier, so he's not exactly a great choice, is he? And the Princesses aren't nearly as similar to the Admirals as you think. The Admirals aren't the keepers of order, they barely need to do anything. Heck, most of the Admirals don't really care.

The Yonko are INCREDIBLY powerful by anyone's standards. If you'll recall, the World Government practically soiled itself at the very idea of Shanks and Whitebeard just talking.

As we've all undoubtedly noticed, picking a third Admiral with the other two being Celestia and Luna is INCREDIBLY difficult. If they're Yonko, then it's as easy as Discord, Sombra, pow. Done.

2171509 That's a valid point.

2172901 You have some valid points yourself. I think Celestia would fit Whitebeard because he took in several pirates and called them his sons. He cares for them as if they were really his sons and you don't want to mess with them otherwise you'll risk making Whitebeard angry. For me Celestia just seems to naturally fill this role as she would naturally be mad if anyone harmed one of her little ponies and she's pretty strong herself. Also another idea, Chrysalis as Doflamingo.

Group Admin

2172901 maybe that's the point of being admirals. It's different than most would expect in a story like this. Admirals are already near yonkou power, so it is close to both.

The point of alternate universe is to create ways to change characters.

And question, what are you taking about kaku being a glider? He could never fly in the first place.

2173337 I say since it's a majority vote and this is a collab that Octavia should be Brook.


Well, my idea was to combine Zoro's goal to be the greatest swordsman with RD's goal to become a great flyer.
In the fight with Mihawk at the Baratie Zoro uses an attack called "3000 Worlds", which is said to be the strongest attack of the Three-Sword-Style. My idea was that during his fight with Mihawk, RD attempts to use the strongest attack known in the Pegasus Sword Style (Wingblade Fighting?): The Sonic Rainboom Strike.
In that story, Rainbow Dash hasn't yet made a Sonic Rainboom; it's the goal that she set for herself. She tries to use the attack from time to time, but never gets enough speed to pull it off. It always ends up a regular (but still strong) high speed attack.
Spitfire counters her attack (similar to the manga), but realizes what she has attempted to do. and encourages her to keep training.

I have some ideas for her other attacks that she learns on the way, like "108 color strike", and the Nine-Sword-Style, where she would split into a yellow, a red and a blue version of herself.

2173337 Exactly. He glides, he doesn't fly. Thunderlane is a rather strong flier, so having him in the role of Kaku doesn't make much sense.

You're just dead set on having only two Admirals, aren't you? I'm tellingyu, the only logical path is to make Celestia and Luna Yonko.

2173200 That's a great point, but then we'd have to make Chrysalis the Kaido equivalent. I'm fine with that, but I just wanted you to know.

Group Admin

2181547 who said we only are gonna have two admirals? We can have a third character. And it isn't just me, other people are choosing admiral. It's a group vote.

Also how does kaku gliding have anything to do with it? Zoro doesn't fly yet rainbow dash is going to play the role. We are even going to give her flying techniques to mix into her fighting style

2181547 I know, I just think Chrysalis would make a good Doflamingo.

2184307 Cool, just checking. And I like your Octavia idea.

2181714 Nobody said it, I was just pointing out that with the Princesses as Admirals, nopony else quite measures up, you dig?

Kaku's gliding was something of a special ability of his, and I saw that as his connection to being a pegasus, rather than Rainbow's quest to be the best flier. Still, Kaku's gliding can't go ignored, as it's one of his character-defining traits. Remove those, and why bother being selective about who we make the characters? That's also why I don't want to make Celestia an Admiral. The Princesses have virtually nothing in common with the Admirals, aside from their affiliation with government.

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