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I'd like to post a few ideas of my own to see how people like them. Now we've all heard the talk of Gilda being a member of the CP9 but how many of you would like to see her as Crocodile instead? And since all we've seen of Blueblood is him being an asshole why don't we use him as Fullbody from the Baratie arc.

Now while I did originally agree with the idea of Celestia as an admiral I realized that with her motherly nature she'd be perfect for the role of Whitebeard, she's inequinely strong and she'd definitely go on a rampage if any of her little ponies were harmed.

Also I like the idea of Cadance as Boa but I also like Medusa Pony, for those of you who know her, as Boa as well, or at least one of the sisters. The last one however if for those of you who have read A Taste of The Good Life. What if Red Foot Zeff was Main Course and Scootaloo took the place of Sanji?

I agree with all of those except the part about Cadence being one of the two Goron sister who ate the snake devil fruits. I think just leave Cadence as Boa, not that I'm saying it's a bad idea, I'm just saying it might not work.

Group Admin

2145563 I have a concern with scootaloo being sanji. how would she fit the role of that character? even though this is a retelling of the story, to put scotaloo as a role like that just doesn't seem to fit.

2145794 Not Cadance, I meant Medusa Pony as one of the sisters.

2145916 Yeah that's the one part I'm having a bit of trouble with too. I'll get back to you on that.


Blueblood might be the most disliked canon character. Fullbody is a jerk in the few scenes he got in the Baratie Arc, but then he got his own side story with Jango, and became more or less rehabilitated.
I still think if we want to use Blueblood's full potential, we should cast him as Spandam, or that Celestial Dragon from Shabaody. (Maybe we should think of another name instead of "Celestial Dragons", though)

Scootaloo as Sanji... The one thing we have more or less agreed on are the Straw Hats. We want the Mane Six + Spike as the first seven Straw Hats, and if we ever get that far I managed to convince chaos2012 and a few other people to consider Vinyl and Octavia for the last two.

Celestia as Whitebeard sounds good (though it brings up the "Celestial Dragons" thing again).

2148799 I like Spandam or a Celestial Dragon as well for Blueblood. It's a tough choice really. But I personally would use Jet Set and Upper Crust for the two Shabondy Dragons.

2145916 I'd like to restate my idea of having the CMC be the Usopp Pirates.

Also, I think Lyra would make a good Yorki. Wait, did I already suggest her for someone? Yeah, I suggested her for Foxy. Or was it Porche? Gah! I have too many ideas.

Anyway, If Bonbon and Lyra are Foxy and Porche, then I'd suggest Octavia and Vinyl for Yorki and Brook. Because, y'know, that'd be really awesome and incredibly fitting.

Of course, Babs Seed seems like an okay Nojiko, given that she's suggested to be the daughter of Aunt and Uncle Orange, and all. Of course, she'd be aged-up, and if nothing else, she makes a decent placeholder equivalent.

As for the Buggy Pirates, how's about putting Clip Clop (the "Too Silly" stallion) as Buggy, with Snips and Snails as Cabaji and Mohji.

Flash Sentry might make a decent Coby or Smoker.

Cranky Doodle Donkey needs to be used. Maybe we could make him Jinbei.

Has anyone made a suggestion for Vivi yet? If not, I'd like to go with Fluttershy. She's a worrier. It fits. Plus, she's still technically a Straw Hat, as the first six Straw Hat Pirates feel that Vivi is as much a Straw Hat as they are. Now, I'm not gonna suggest that without a replacement for her place in the other Straw Hats, so maybe we could put Derpy in the Zoro role (no sense of direction), Rainbow Dash into the place of Franky (huge pervert), and make Rarity the Nami equivalent (shopping!!). Then again, that doesn't help much. Hm, we'd need a new Usopp, right? Darn. Fluttershy's such a magnificent coward, so we'll have to go the boasting liar route, making Trixie the Queen of Snipers. Of course, we'll have to fill the role already given to Trixie... I'm getting a headache. :unsuresweetie:

Group Admin

2149997 actually, some roles you suggested are already taken.

Fluttershy is going to be the chopper of the crew. Rainbow to be zoro. Trixie is possibly gonna be the buggy.
In fact if you didn't see in one of the posts, we have a chapter already in the works if you wanna see.

2150191 Rainbow is the obvious Zoro parallel, yes. I actually remember suggesting Trixie for Buggy a while back, and I had thought Spike would be a better Chopper than Fluttershy.

Seriously, I think she'd make a magnificent Usopp. She's a huge 'fraidy-cat, and none of the other ponies quite manage to match Usopp in that respect. Plus, Spike has the whole "different species" thing going on, and he's actually quite caring. Plus, both Spike and Chopper are the youngest, most childish members of their groups. Okay, there's Pinkie Pie, but she's Luffy! And then there's my original point: We need a Vivi.

But we're agreed on the other things, right? Great.

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