Writers With Learning Disorders 223 members · 1,543 stories
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I would like to present a panel at next years Bronycon in Baltimore. I wana do a panel about fanfic writers with reading and learning disorders. As a dyslexic and ADD individual, wring fanfiction and even forums has been challenging for me. People always pointing out the numerous typos I make, yet somehow I've manage to build a decent following on fimfiction. To me, I feel like my imagination and love of story telling has helped me accomplished this. Yet, my difficulties make it more challenging for me.

I sure that there are a'lot of you here who with similar learning problems that feel discourage cause of your short comings. That's why I wanna do a presentation at Bronycon (If they let me) to explain our dissabilties and how we compensate for them when writing our fics.

This idea is entirely hypothetical, and would most likely require a'lot of planning and collaboration between both myself, the BC 2014 staff, and whoever feels confident and talented enough to work with me. It would be really good if we could a variety of learning disabled writers, so that we can add diversity too the panel.

If you feel like you can answer quetions and present information clearly to hundreds of people on stage, pleas PM me and we can work out a plan. We have alot of time before the 2014 staff start planing for next year, witch means that we have time too organise a potential panel.

I can definitely answer questions and do public speaking, plus give some perspective on living independently with Asperger's, but the trouble would be getting out to Baltimore. Between work, possibly classes, and trying to keep my finances in order...

You know what, if I can make it, I'd totally do it. By then I should have at least a couple stories complete, too.

Group Admin

I wish I could, but I have severe difficulty talking and explaining things. :fluttershysad:

2085298 I suprisingly can speak and explain things pretty well in front of large crowds. Talking to people I don't know individually though... I tend to trip up :derpytongue2:
I'd probably have trouble getting down to Baltimore though. school would also be an issue... when exactly is bronycon 2014 going to happen?

2094886 Probably at the begging of August again. It's quite expensive to go. There's booking the hotel, buying the passes, bring money for food and over prices fan made merchandise. I had an excellent time last year, but it was extremely crowded. Also if you wana an out graph form one of the Voice Actors or writers from the show, you need to buy a voucher. It's a very surreal experience, but one worth checking out if its convenient.

2095379 oh ok, that's the end of the summer. let me see calculating... I think I might actually have enough. Oh I don't need to buy overpriced fan merchandise, I can live without it... hopefully. Food, yeah, food might be important.
I've heard that they're fun, and from what I've watched it is a great experience and I've wanted to go to one so bad.
an out graph? or an autograph? wow, if it was the latter, that's a bit.. excessive just to get an autograph.

2097124 Unless it's Terra Strong, John Galancy, or Lauren Faust her self, vouchers are normally 20 dollars. Even then from what I've heard the autographs are way cheaper then the once Shatner and other charge at Comicon.

2097203 ye'ouch, that's a bit of a hefty sum for a name on a piece of paper. although having John De Lancie's autograph would be nice, and Lauren Faust. Personally I'm not that materialistic, if they were free hell yeah I'd be in line, but to me it isn't worth paying all that money. I'm weird I know.

Wow, interesting idea, I like it. If only there are actual people doing this on a daily basis. Blah, forget that.

Anyway yes great idea, this might encourage other people with the same problems as us to pursue writing or drawing when they were told they can't. I wish I could go, but getting to Baltimore from Oklahoma can be pricy and well . . . I have bad stage fright. :fluttershyouch:

Go for it, if you are able. :rainbowdetermined2:

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