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I won't go into details but what happened is I'm now failing two college courses which is going to end up with my scholarships revoked at the end of the year, meaning I'll have to change colleges and I'm probably also going to owe my school $11,000. Sure has made my week suck knowing this.


I went to a year and a half of University for Music before deciding I hated it and dropping out. I did later go back and get my Bachelor but it was basically like starting from scratch since it was a Business degree. I have heard from a lot of people who make mistakes in choosing majors or flunking classes. You are not alone in College mistakes.

Here is Cadance huging a pineapple;

I almost committed suicide yesterday when my Pre Calc teacher told me to drop.

2028086 herm...

It sounds like you haven't gotten your daily dose of badass!! :rainbowdetermined2:

Thank your for sharing and is there anyone who might be able to settle a financial deal to lessen the burden on you? Was the two failed courses solely your own mistake or was it caused by a schism with the school itself (if the latter then you might be able to get a stipend for the transfer to a new school).

Group Admin



Do your best in life, and work and think your way out of situations! If you don't mind, I'll pray for you, that things will be better.

2028086 Well that's rough, the only way I can see that may make you feel better short term, is to try to one up your suffering...

I had a half a semester left in Technical College Best class I could ever take, a bunch of friends, great teacher, and even a few Bronies, But I had been sick all the off days I was allowed, I knew that if I missed one more day I'd fail No big deal right? Then my home got foreclosed, I had to pack up and leave, so I had to quit classes. Now I'm a forty five minute commute away and with Gas the way it costs, I couldn't afford it and tuition.

I don't know why you're failing those classes, or what's going on in your personal life, but know you got a friend here Pal.

And I'm sure you will be successful in your next college endeavors. We are all here for you if you need a helping hand and who knows, maybe what didn't work out wasn't right for you anyhow. You may come to love your new path and above all else, you should never give up. If you know what you want then all that is left is finding a means to that end. And if you need someone to help you figure out what that mean is...

We are all your friends,
David Brony

2028112 That's messed up. No one who acts like that should be should allowed to teach. It's their job to bring knowledge to the next generation, not tell them to give up, and get out. What class was this for, and what kind of an asshole says something like that to a student!?


Hey, if it doesn't work out for you, it's good to know that you have us to come to. Who knows, maybe you'll find a new and exciting path to tred on. Oh, and also...

It was college Pre Calc, and I had gotten sick, so I missed a few days. I come back, and she tells me to drop the class.

2030497 Wow, that is just fucked up. Is she normally like that? I've known some douche teachers but that's on a whole new level.

Before that, she was rather nice.

2030537 But you being sick just made her flip a tit? Was there anything else that set her off?

I'm not sure. I know I missed a test during that time.

First of all, you're not alone. There are hundreds of people who've made college mistakes, big and small.
And second, maybe the college wasn't meant to be. You had scholarships, which obviously means there's some smarts in that brain of yours. If you were failing two clases, chances are it wasn't your fit. It didn't match with you as a person.
Always look on the bright side: For every bad thing, there is always something that is just as good.

2030545 That was most likely part of it. Did she let you re-take it?

Nope. She just told me to drop.

2030668 Well, I would guess that, that test was worth a big chunk of your grade. Still, she has no right to speak to you like that.

What's worse was that she made me sit outside her office for an hour to tell me.

2030760 Just so she could tell you to fuck off? Are you still in the class?

2030812 Well then there's nothing more to be done about it I suppose. Just don't let her get to you, anyone who acts like that isn't worth your time, or worry.

I was more worried about my father's reaction than getting out of the class. I thought he would evict me. Turns out he took it better than me.

2030867 Well at least he has your back. Would he seriously evict you for that:rainbowderp:

To put it in perspective, he's the entire reason I'm going to college in the first place, and has on several occasions threatened to hit me over minor shit.

2030883 I want to say he's just doing what he thinks is best for, but...

But it's bullshit. I'm looking for other places to live, but on my minimum wage salary, I just can't afford it.

2030905 I know what you mean, I wanna move out of my folk's place more than anything, but I just can't afford it. Also, did you mean he has threatened to actually hit you?

Considering that he once threw an ashtray at me, probably.

2030919 What the hell did he do that for!?!

You know, I don't actually remember the why.

2031006 Geez, and I thought my dad was a douche.

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