Why am I _X_? 1,112 members · 474 stories
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I like to ask your opinion about get turned into a opposite sex. ( A male human into a female creature )
Would you hold on your gender identity?

Would accept your new life as a opposite sex or keep denying it and stay true for your sexuality?

Even if Stallions and males see you as a sexy female and wanna get closer at you? :raritywink:
A noble: "I like what I see, my dear. And believe me, I don't say that to everyone."

Here's a few of samples from chapters I was writing: ( About a human turned into Gilda. )

Entering Ponyville

I walked around of Ponyville. Oh boy, this is so freaking awesome. Like a virtual reality, but with a better graphics and phycical contact. I could almost squeak like a fangirl for this feeling.

Ahem! No. I told myself. I decided to keep my cool. I may be a chick, but I need keep my manliness intact.

"Suited for Success"

"I've never gotten a chance to test my fashion on the griffons before. First things first, we'll-"

I raised my hands up for protest. "Yeah... How about "no", sweetie?" I said sarcastically. Hoping to knock Rarity out from her wet dreams about me dressing one of her "girly" dresses. No thank you.

"First of, no dresses. I like my style as how it is." I said, stroking my stylish hair.

Rarity seems to be shocked by my refusal.
"But Gilda! You're Princess's the honored guest at a Gala! It would be truly disrespectful toward her royal highness and the nobles to have you showing up without a proper dress like a common ruffian... No offense, Gilda."

"None taken." I replied bluntly.

"Look, if I'm going dress something for the party then I would rather pick a one by myself. Just show me where you keep those a penguin suits."

"A... Tuxedos? Why would you wear... Oh." Rarity covered her mouth from the realization. "I... I'm sorry, my dear. I didn't know that you had such proclivities for such things."

What the heck is she babbling about-- Oh for the love of god!

"Woah woah now! I'm not transgender!" I shouted, holding my hands defensively. "I'm just not into a girly stuff, alright?"


To be honest it's funny to see the males suffer with a gender identity. but if I were the one to change gender I would be ok. Even if males see me as a sexy female and wanna get closer at me


I would accept change. But remain straight (i.e. my new form would be lesbian).

I personally don't think I have a gender Identity. As far as I am concerned, the only impact changing gender would have on me would be the legal and social changes.

It is the mental changes that scare me, if applicable. Which they probably are. As a human, i have a massive number of things my body does automatically, and things I think about without wanting to. Changing those would be scary to me.

Admittedly, I am unusually in that I dont have any interactions with people based on gender. No college parties or sports or w.e, and no girlfriend or even major interaction with females. so changing gender would not effect me there.

I sometimes come up for air out of reading, programming, and playing videogamea, and have to remind myself that gender discrimination is considered normal.

Getting attention from the opposite gender might also be unpleasant depending on the situation.

It would be the most common thing for men to do. Which takes on the next problem: Would you express your sexuality to your friends?
I would find it amusing to see a human anxious for his feelings. Try be normal around his friends. But there is a severals moments where you can't take it. :rainbowlaugh:
( Being taken to the Spa with ladies or taken to the dressing room. Keeping a thoughts about the bedroom with them out your mind )

It is funny indeed.
I would be mostly "a bad girl", who will punch a stallions, who think me as their marefriend.
*Imagine Gilda in a leather jacket. While George Thorogood's "Bad to the bones" plays on the background*

So you would be like Moon Dancer?

Comment posted by hive vs machine deleted Apr 6th, 2018

You have a point in that.I suppose it would be a transition that would help the character to become accustomed to his new gender.but while it will be fun to watch him suffer for a while
that would be funny. hitting the macho for daring to flirt with one us

Sounds about right.
Or Twilight herself before the pilot.
Nerd template. Minimal social skills, obsession with learning, books, and magic/techonolgy.

changingmy body doesn't change who i am. Id accept a new body, grudgingly, but im not going to alter decades of my habits and ways ive dealt with life just cuz you change a few things. putting on different clothes doesn't change who I am, unless im schizophrenic and offmy meds.

Except it will change how others are treating you.

Just means my responses alter. Doesnt mean im suddenly going to start acting like what my views of the other gender act like. Thats putting on an act and i refuse to do that.

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