Prompt Tag Group Collabs! 54 members · 26 stories
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Someone starts off by posting a 100-1000 word mini-fic about anything related to the last person's song prompt. If you would like to write a 100-1000 word mini-fic relating to that prompt within the next four hours, comment right away to claim that prompt. Post the story when you finish, and add a song for the next person to write a story about.

* The mini-fic can be in any style, any tag, AU, humanized, whatever. It can be a cute scene, a snippet of conversation, or an excerpt from an Equestrian history book. It's not expected to be preread or proofread, and if you've never written before that's just fine. Just try to keep it rated teen or lower and make sure it's 100-500 words of fiction about the theme and it relates somehow to the prompt you claimed.

* Claim prompts with a quick post responding to the last post. Just the word "claimed" is fine. When you finish, make a post with the mini-fic and the next song prompt.

* Your claim is valid for twenty-four hours, to keep someone from accidentally holding things up all day. After four hours, another person could post a claim for the same prompt. If you ran out of time, and no one else has claimed it, and you still want to write it, just go ahead and reclaim it.

* In the event that people become confused, and two fics are posted for the same prompt, the first one posted contains the official next prompt.

* Please include one link to a song at the end of your fic.

First song Prompt:


I just got the perfect idea for this song.



It was quiet in the hospital room, save for the monotonous beep of the heartbeat monitor by the bedside.

There was a knock at the door, and the pony in the bed looked up from her book. "Come in," she said.

The door creaked open, and a tall, white alicorn stepped through. The two ponies looked at each other.

Princess Celestia's lips tried a smile. "Twilight?"

Twilight Sparkle waved a weary hoof and beamed at her mentor. "Hello, Celestia. I'm so glad you could come visit!"

Celestia chuckled. "Of course. I can always find time for my most faithful student."

The two relaxed, ever-so-slightly, and Celestia curled up on the floor by the bed, the cold floor brushing against her warm belly. The two sat in silence for a while, before Celestia spoke up again.

"What's that book you're reading?"

Twilight lifted up the cover so she could see. "My old journal. I thought I'd take a trip down memory lane for a bit." She sighed. "When you move forward so fast, you tend to forget where you came from, you know?"

Celestia nodded, deeply. Yes, she knew that very well. "And have you learned anything new from your... trip?"

Twilight reclined, nibbling her lower lip in thought. "Yes," she said, after some deliberation. "I think I have."

Celestia's politeness turned to genuine curiosity. "And that is?" she asked, a little too eagerly.

"I've had a good life," Twilight said. "I'm happy with... leaving. Even if it is for a long time."

Celestia's smile crumbled somewhat. "You... are?"

Twilight, oblivious, just nodded, her eyes closed with serenity. "Mhm."

Celestia didn't say anything for a while. Long enough for Twilight to take notice. She watched Celestia stare at her, face unreadable.

Then: "I'm glad."

Twilight watched her lips curl into a soft, peaceful smile. Twilight watched her eyes glaze over, becoming both as beautiful and as clear as a diamond.

Twilight sighed.


Celestia flinched.

Twilight leaned over and nuzzled her softly. She whispered into her ear. "What's wrong, love? I know you're lying to—" She moved her head away to cough softly. "To me."

There was silence, for a moment. Then: "I... I just..."

"Yes?" Twilight urged, with infinite patience.

"I... I don't..."

Twilight didn't say anything this time, just wrapped her hooves around her lover's neck for the last time.

"I don't want you to leave me, Twilight." Celestia didn't wail. She didn't shriek. Instead, her body wracked with gasping sobs. "I don't want you to go."

Twilight just smiled sadly. "Shhh, Tia," she said. "I'll be watching over you."

Probably doesn't fit, but I think it does, shut up.

Next prompt: Valiance by Rayden

2207823 I think it fits perfectly well. I still think the romance kinda detracted from the emotion of the peice though...

2207823 When I thought of the word 'valiance', this is what I came up with. I also listened to the song for the entire time I was writing it.


A pony doesn't choose how his life will turn out, he simply makes decisions based on circumstances caused by other pony's decisions. ~Shining Armor

Guards, I salute you today! You ponies have demonstrated remarkable courage, and shown the strength of true warriors. You have all worked hard to earn your ranks, and Celestia willing, you will continue to long after I am gone.

You are the ponies I wanted to lead when I set out to become a member of the royal guard. You are the ponies I wanted to fight with, and you friends, are the ones I have given my life for. You've all made me proud in my time as your commander, and I'm sure you will continue to do so.

Today, continue fighting. If not for your old commander, then for your families and loved ones. Fight so that they can be free. Fight so that they can see another day. Fight so the darkness won't win.

Today friends, is the day I fall, and I don't imagine I will be able pick myself back up. Please, fight so that those I have fought for will know my death was not in vain. Fight for what is good, for it is beautiful.

In the bag around my waist there are two letters, one is for my sister, the other for my wife. Make sure they receive them please. Come back and take them both when the battle is over, and only then.

That will be all soldiers. It has been an honor serving with all of you, and you all have truly shown me what valiance means.

With that a body fell backwards onto the ground beneath it. Blood stains were slightly visible through the smoke, and around the body stood hundreds of ponies, all saluting their fallen commander in one final moment.


A score of ponies busied themselves in the plaza, cleaning up from the previous night's festivities. It was a very rare occasion to celebrate a wedding in Canterlot and when it involved a Princess, the extravagance meant a lot of work to do afterwards.

Princess Celestia stood on her balcony, watching the workers scurry about in the light of the newly-risen sun. She had been generous, waiting to raise the glowing orb later than usual to allow the most sturdy of revelers a little extra sleep. A noise behind Celestia caught her attention, she turned to see Luna stepping out on the balcony.

"Good morning, Luna." Celestia greeted her sister. "It was unfortunate you missed the ceremony, it was a very lovely wedding. Cadance and Shining Armor are just so beautiful together."

"Good day, Sister. We regret we could not attend, but we felt it necessary to attend to other matters." Luna replied casually. We had to begin our preparations for the coup and what better time when you were so distracted, dear sister? Luna thought to herself.

From the moment that Celestia had been overcome by Queen Chrysalis, Luna realized that her sister was a shadow of her former self. Other ponies might not see through Celestia's facade, but Luna knew her sister too well to be fooled. Celestia was vulnerable and no longer fit to rule Equestria. Where Nightmare Moon had failed, Luna would succeed.

It would take time, of course. Luna was not foalish enough to launch her campaign too abruptly. No, her plans had to be cultivated, tended like a fine garden. More importantly, she needed the Elements of Harmony on her side.

Luna gave her sister a broad smile, as genuine as she could muster. "We shall retire to our chambers, Sister. We will attend court later this evening."

"Sleep well, Luna." Celestia said gently. Luna turned and walked from the balcony, leaving Celestia alone with her thoughts. She was tired, raising the sun had taken most of her reduced strength and she allowed herself to lower her head and take a deep breath. After a moment, Celestia lifted her head, straightened her crown, and made ready to attend to the matters of court. She could do this, day by day, and nopony would be the wiser. With a final glance up at the morning sun for courage, Celestia went inside to tend to her royal duties.

Next song: Old and Wise - Alan Parsons Project

2207490 2211411

This is kinda dead, isn't it... I really expected some more peeps to join...

Anyway, you guys can go more than once if you want to, or 2211411, you can claim your own prompt if you want to...

Comment posted by The Princess Rarity deleted Nov 29th, 2013
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