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5 statements below are true. 5 are false. Can you guess which is which?
The statements:
1) 8 is false, whereas 10 is true.
2) The statements between 3 and 6 are both true.
3) Two false statements in the lower half of this list are adjacent.
4) 8 is true, along with two statements that add up to 8.
5) Every statement on this list is adjacent to at least one of the same answer.
6) 2 is adjacent to a false answer.
7) Most of the answers beneath this one are false.
8) 5 and 10 share the same answer.
9) A majority of the True statements are in the upper half of the list.
10) All of the 3-divisible statements have the same answer.
Correct answers win a virtual brisket.
"I-give-uppers" will be PMed the answer.

Your riddle is boring.

This one is better:
What is everywhere yet ideally not in the government?
What was prevalent in the beginning of human history not in the middle not in the end and yet has always been present throughout?
What is considered extremely refreshing to a few, and soul crushingly terrifying to most?

Help to figure it out:
What is a raincoat made of rubberized fabric that sits on the top of my lap? Those who made this raincoat are golden.


The first five are true. The last five are false.

false1, 2, 5, 9, 10
true 3, 4, 6, 7, 8


i was so sure that i had the right answer,,,,

true 2, 3, 6.7. 8
false 1. 4. 5. 9. 10

Wrong again.

(By what I wrote. If there are any other right answers out there, I apologize).

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