Kid Icarus 96 members · 11 stories
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Group Admin

There's a buttload of weapons in Kid Icarus: Uprising. What's your favorite to use.

Since I LOVE Pyrrhon and the Aurum, it's only natural my favorite is the Aurum Orbitars.


I love palms, I don't really have a favorite though.

Group Admin

My weapon of choice would have to be the Rose Staff. Sure, the firing rate and shot speed are lacking, but it's high attack power and short charge time have carried me through at least half of the 9.0 Intensity chapters.

1914058 I'm a big fan of claws in general, recently I've been using the Pandora Claws, which are pretty sweet.

Group Admin

1916188 I use Beam Claws occasionally. Too fun to use at points!

1916195 The Beam Claws definitely have the coolest rapid-fire.

Group Admin

Hey, the arsenal I keep on my save file includes both Pandora Claws and two sets of Beam Claws. Both are awesome.

Group Admin

1914669 And here's this Dunsparce faggot who can only beat chapter 1 on 9.0 and average difficulty is 5.5

Bookish Delight
Group Admin


Hedgehog Claws with high ranged stat for campaign. Raptor Claws with high melee stat for multi. :twilightsmile:

I... also love the Phosphora Bow, even though it's useless. Because it's Phosphora's. :raritydespair:

Group Admin

Hey, that's alright. As far as I'm concerned, you're only pathetic if you're playing the stage below 5.0 Intensity (unless of course you're trying to get those "Complete the chapter without taking damage" achievements on the Treasure Hunts). And most of the 9.0 chapters are quite manageable when you have the right weapon (which can always be fused from weapons you earn on 8.0 or 7.0) and know the level layouts.

Group Admin

1919597 I worked at it today. My average is now 6.7
I currently have a 4 star Melee and 4.5 star Ranged Midnight Palm with +4 speed and +3 backwards cont. fire. I'm too lazy to look and see what else ti gives.


Group Admin

Have you tried The Three Trials, The Chaos Vortex, or Ring of Chaos yet?

Group Admin

1919605 The Three Trials is the current one I cannot get over 5.0 on.
I have 7.0 on Chaos Vortex and 6.5 on Ring on Chaos.
My 2nd lowest one is The Wish Seed at 5.5 because I find the Phoenix to be extremely difficult. It's probably really easy and I'm doing it wrong but still.

Group Admin

The Phoenix... he does have a lot of attacks, but he's also got a noticeable attack pattern. Just be careful about shooting him when he's circling around, unless you want to get blindsided, and make sure you know when and how to dodge each attack. I've beaten him countless times (damn you, boss rush) with the Rose Staff (6-Star Ranged with a forward dash charge shot that does almost 400 damage from 90 meters away, 1.5-Star Melee, Overall defense+2, Health+1, Evasion+3, Item attack+2), so speed and homing aren't really necessary.

As for the three chapters I mentioned, two of them are challenging for their own reasons (mook gauntlet and boss rush), but I loathe Ring of Chaos with a passion.

Group Admin

1919723 Really? I like that level. Sure there's 12 waves of enemies, but I REALLY like the boss and level design. Personally, I hate The Reaper's Line of Sight.

Group Admin

I never said I hated Chaos Vortex. In fact, it's a great level. I just said that it's challenging on 9.0. Hell, I needed a specially made pair of Beam Claws to get through it. Chapter 18 is the one I hate. The control scheme does not lend itself to Magnus' abilities at all (no ranged attacks, no equipped powers), and the Centurions' arrows have a painfully strong homing ability that pretty much required me to use a club.

Though I'll agree that The Reaper's Line of Sight is unpleasant. It's dull, depressing, and by throwing Reapers, Ornes, a Clubberskull and an Eggplant Wizard at you, it makes for one hell of a difficulty spike.

Actually, Lightning Battle is pretty easy even at 9.0. The Forces of Nature and Underworld Army spend more time attacking each other than Pit in the air battle section, there's plenty of food, and the Thunder Cloud Temple barely has any enemies in it. But Phosphora might be tough, if only because she's agile.

Group Admin

1919861 I find Phosphora to be the easiest boss behind Twinbellows and Great Reaper.

...Yes I died on Gaol on my first playthrough on 3.5 difficulty shut up I suck at dodging.

I'll play with pretty much any weapon as long as its stats are good, whether its a First Blade or an End-All Arm. But I'll never, ever use Clubs. They suck. Balls. Hard.

Group Admin

2069552 Rather quite, I'm very handy with a Magnus Club. I'm more of a "smash it with a hammer" guy. Even in real life. My motto is "If I can end the situation by hitting it with a hammer, I'ma hit it with two hammers."

2069582 The thing is that the game is DESIGNED so that you never have to worry about not being able to shoot enemies. But the Clubs are designed so that you only have charged shots. The only way I would be able to complete a chapter with a Club would be if: A) it was an easy chapter on a low Intensity, or B) it's a frikkin' god-like Club, with the absolute perfect stat in everything.

Group Admin

2069602 I've 9.0'd Dark Pit, The Lightning Chariot, and Lord of the Underworld with the Magnus Club. Sure, shortest range, but also quickest charge shot build. I'm not afraid to dodge up and get up in their faces to smash 'em. Also in flight I love how clubs reflect enemy fire.

Edit: Magnus Club is pretty light too.

Group Admin

Clubs also reflect enemy fire on land too. And yeah, the Magnus Club is intended to be a powerful melee weapon and give you quick movement, but at the cost of any long-range attack power. Actually, that's why I stopped trying to 9.0 The Lightning Chariot with a Magnus Club. I need something with range to it.

Actually, the melee attacks of any weapon can deflect enemy projectiles. You might not notice it though; there's not much opportunity to melee with a non-club without a target in front of you. Usually the only way to do that is to get a running start, then pull the circle pad in the opposite direction and hit the R button. Instant melee dash attack, even if there's nothing in front of you. Not much use for it though.

I also recommend to the both of you that you try a long-range club on any chapters that have a lot of cover for you to hide behind. Another benefit to clubs is that some of their shots (usually just standing charged shots) pass through walls, so you can hide behind a wall and still attack.

2070021 So something like the Earthmaul club. Who knows, maybe I'll actually fuse a half-decent one so I can actually 9.0 Ch. 23.

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