The Defenders of Luna 620 members · 718 stories
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The Accursed One
Group Admin

Again, screw your numbering system. Also Darksiders 2 is amazing. Just started playing it recently but w/e, amirite

Fact! Christmas is about 45 days away! Get hyped!

Joke! Okay, the time is 1940 or so, in Nazi Germany. Hitler's got a mining operation going, mining iron, silver, nickel, and other metals and he's running out of space. So, one day, Hitler's council asks him, "Hey, Adolf, buddy... Whatcha gonna do about all this mining? We're kinda low on space." So Hitler replies, "Eh, I figure we could mine less ore." BUT SUDDENLY, LITERAL GRAMMAR NAZI BURSTS IN AND YELLS, "MINE FEWER!" Hitler quickly responds with "Eh? What? At ease!"

Random thing!


Yes, Dustin, it's pony.

Riddle! Yesterday's answer was the letter E! Congrats to dj-pon3fan! Dustin Lange and Twilights Paladin had the funniest answers! Today's riddle: There are four brothers in this world that were all born together. The first runs and never tires. The second eats and is never full. The third drinks and is always thirsty. The fourth sings a song that is never good. Who are they?

Question! Anyone hyped for season 5?

3783290 I am nervicited about season 5. I really hope it's great.

Good to know that you're playing my video game. Please enjoy it.

After reading that joke:

:yay: I love that song! :yay:

The third drinks and is always thirsty.

Sounds like me...
Answer: In order Water, fire, earth, and wind!

Every time I think about it, I start to smile! It can't start soon enough!

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