Humans Are Bastards 214 members · 216 stories
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I saw it and this worked so perfectly for this group, I just had to post it.

Group Admin

The fuck....

2112104 I know, but It's called human's are bastards for a reason, so if I see shit like this I'll probably end up sharing. As well, at some point I'm probably going to go off on a rant or something, but still.. Christ, that's fucked.

2112071 2112137
Well, according to this news report:

State Fire Marshal Investigator Scott Stoneberger said that a firefighter in full gear attempted to enter the home but the flames were too hot.

I think those so called heartless police officers probably saved his life. Not exactly humans are bastards material.

2112158 That was once firefighters arrived, after he was tasered and arrested. And I can tell you right now that that man would have rather ran into that burning house and died trying to save his son, than sit there and do nothing.

Are you daft? :twilightangry2:
They tazed him then waited, sitting around doing nothing until the Firefighters arrived.
He could have easily grabbed the child between the time that the firefighters arrived and the time the fire became too dangerous.

2112205 2112192
Read the news report

The original 911 call came in at 12:58 a.m. at 405 S. Main St. Firefighters arrived at the scene at 1:03 a.m.

It took 5 minutes for the fire-fighters to arrive. The police couldn't have possibly arrived more than a couple of minutes ahead.

Hell, they were probably trying to get the guy away so that the fire-fighters could do their damned jobs.

The report in the OP is a biased piece of shit. It claims the man was taken to jail, which is false. He went to the hospital and was released the next day.


I can tell you right now that that man would have rather ran into that burning house and died trying to save his son, than sit there and do nothing.

That is just fucking great, but it is the job of the police to save people not to assist them when they decide to commit a noble and very much pointless suicide.

Are you being serious?
In a fire. A few minutes can make all the difference. I'm not gonna sit here and argue with you on whether he would have lived or died. All I'm gonna say is that there was a chance to save that boy, that chance was wasted the second they did nothing to save him.

Is it? :trixieshiftright:

Group Admin

It's a parody group, yes. But people are more than welcome to make threads like this.

The group is 2 thirds for fun and 1 third for this sort of thing.

2112078 2112071 2112137 2112246 2112158

There isn't enough evidence to support arguments born from speculation.
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