Humans Are Bastards 214 members · 216 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Personally, I despise the stupidity that can be found in this fucking species.
We are the result of billions of years of evolutionary success. Yet, we're held back by
"The Fuckin' Sweet Book of Made Up Fairy Tales" Written and published by Egoraptor.
And you know what, screw morality! Lets legalize the testing of scientific areas previously seen as inhumane. I wan't laser eyes. Just because a few people die of radiation poisoning doesn't mean we have to stop. Lets go balls on the walls and push the boundaries.

Sounds good. I'll get on that while you get on learning which words are and aren't contractions. :rainbowdetermined2:

I' do'n't fu'k'ing' ca're' you s'lut.
:heart: :rainbowkiss:

"Slut"? I'll have you know that I couldn't get laid by a $5 whore if I waved a $100 bill in her face. So there. :moustache:

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