Human Magic 1,867 members · 760 stories
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Something has been on my mind for a while. I was browsing TvTropes when I came across the Domain Holder page. Since then, I've been thinking a lot about this trope as a form of magic.

The magic would work like this. In a set space, you are omnipotent. This set space could be somewhere preexisting or a pocket dimension of your creation. You can do anything you want with no foreseeable consequences. The only real limit is that this only works in your domain.

Here are my questions to you. If you could wake up tomorrow and have access to this magic and have the freedom to choose where your domain will be, preexisting space or pocket dimension, what would this space be? What would you do in this space and why? What name would you give this space?

To answer my own question, I would make my domain a pocket dimension of my own creation. I would use my newfound omnipotence to create my own self-sufficient home. As for a name, I can't think of anything because I suck at naming things.

So say, if i made everything exactly like the regular world, it would be like living on earth, except your god? Im in!

Considering a pocket dimension could span an infinite distance, i'd go with it. Pretty much i'd recreate the universe so that i could watch everything go from one eon to another. Changing things as i saw fit, like creating mer (elves, demi-humans, dragons) giving people magic, stuff like that. The entire point would be to see if humans would once again prove the dominant species with magic, as well as if they proved better rulers of the world than the current earth humans. Or would another race rise as the rulers of the world, would the dragons learn magic, would the magic itself be corrupted and used for evil/good/neutral etc.

5910388 ...
You know what this reminds me of?

5911206 I don't know who that is.

To answer the hypothetical question, I would make my domain as a pocket dimension. But instead of it the size of the universe, I just make it where it's the size of a city block. I'm going to dedicate this entire place into a Recreational Center for the sole purpose of having a good time. The "Block" would have pretty much everything to waste time on such as; arcades, movie theaters, restaurants, "special hotels", etc. All the things where people can have fun and waste their time. Though, I wonder, if you enjoy wasting time, is the time really wasted? The answer would be no as my dimension does not have the concept of time. A person could spend a decade in the place and they wouldn't age a day after arriving. When they leave the "Block", they would learn that a second hasn't even passed after entering my domain. It's a perfect place to waste time while not wasting it at all. I would call my domain "Tick Tock Block". I would just use the place to relieve stress and enjoy life without worrying about time putting me down. Just to encourage me to get out more often, the longer you stay in my domain, the more "bland" everything will become. The food would lose their flavor, the movies would become less vibrant, the music would lose their quality, etc.

If I were god of my own world, I'd make a world a lot like this one except everyone is genuinely kind and appreciates the world. There are no cars, but there are bikes. There is no government, because no one needs protecting when everyone is kind to everyone, and when some one is an asshole, they are BRUTALLY BEATEN AND THEY ARE MADE TO FEEL BAD ABOUT THEMSELVES BY BEING TOLD HOW THEY ARE WRONG FOR WHAT THEY DID.
There is no money, because everyone contributes to society as a whole, so everyone has done there dues. There is no rich people nor poor people, because everyone is satisfied with their small, quaint homes. There are villages, but no actual cities.
Science progresses slowly but surely because they make neat things that make life easier. The wildlife are magical and kind.
There area variety plants that create a meat-like substance that provides a lot of protein, so there are no cattle.
It will be called Paradise, and the only way to enter is through a covenant, swearing to never harm another nor yourself intentionally, to never be overly cruel, and to never hold prejudice against anyone based on their looks, background, nor beliefs.
Basically, don't be a fucking dick and you'll be fine.
If one has a problem, its solved through intelligent conversations. If one wants to fight, there are many arenas that you can test your might in- its like the roman arenas except no one dies and no one is a slave and everyone involved are having fun. And your basically a celebrity if you make it to the top twenty fighters.
The best thing about it? Everyone has magic, and everyone can use it. Anyone can master it, and anything anyone can do, you can do to if you practice hard enough.

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