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Last night, I was doing some farming, and I came across two individuals who helped solidify the reason I rarely play with or talk to randoms when in an online game. I'll leave specifics in spoilers, because the specific mission is locked behind a handful of story quests. But basically, one didn't even know how the mission works, and tried to call me out on not being in the know. The other was more concerned with berating me for not min-maxing a certain way, when I don't like to play that way. I blocked both players, but I still feel crappy.

I was in the Ropalolyst Assassination mission. I'd not played it myself before, so I looked up how the boss fight works. Pretty easy stuff. First, trick it into charging one of the three surrounding pylons, deplete its shields with Operator, then mount it and ram it into the charged pylon. Second, attack one of two nodes (a la Eidolon) to open it to attack from a specific button (and you gotta be quick on the button). Third, once both nodes are down, you're free to attack its body to open it up to the final finisher.
Now, I was playing my Excalibur Umbra with Braton Prime, Aklex, and Skiajati. And the only "intentional Modding" I did was making sure the Umbral Mods were used. I like to think of him as my "Anti-Sentient" 'frame. I chose him because, as implied by his 2, his signature weapon, and all the Umbral Polarities, he's kinda supposed to be the Anti-Sentient Warframe. And I like playing within the confines of the lore. That's what I think is fun.
So I go into the fight. I get the Main BP, the Neuro BP, and the Systems BP rather quickly. All I need is Chassis and I'm good to go. And on one particular run, I end up with two randos. "deaddude" something and some other guy, I forget his name. "deaddude" starts ramming the Ropalolyst into uncharged pylons, not getting the fight, and telling me I don't know anything when I say "you gotta charge the pylons". The other guy is more into telling me that I'm "useless" because I didn't min-max for DPS. "Mastery Rank 18 and you still don't know how to mod? Worthless." Thing is, I've only just now reached a point where I feel like I need to start custom modding instead of hitting "Auto Install" (around Eris, Sedna, Void Branch 3, Kuva Fortress, and Kuva Lich Hunting).
Now, I'm not all that great at aiming. And the Rope moves around so quickly that I have a hard time with it until Phase 3. But what I _am_ good at is getting rid of the ever respawning mooks to protect the people that can aim.

Instead of getting into a huge fight with them, I just added them to my "Ignore" list and moved on. And I get that I got unlucky and encountered the toxic minority. But it still lingers, you know? It just goes to reinforce why I don't play Actively Multiplayer games that often. Warframe is really the only one I do play anymore (Star Wars: TOR doesn't really count until you do things like Flashpoints and Operations and such). IDK. Maybe it's just me. I just know that the experience still makes me emotionally hurt even after a full night of sleep.

Ah yes big flying Sentient moth

A lot of people still playing Warframe to that level are the toxic sludge-spawn that prefer to Riven their stuff to the absolute maximum. To them, if you can't delete a Steel Path Eidolon with one hit, you're worthless. Just ignore them and play the game the way you want to enjoy it, trying to chase the meta makes you horrible. Trust me, I chased the meta for a while and became a complete dickhead to everyone. Once some people started blocking me and telling me what a shit I was I took a few weeks off and realized how awful it is not only to be around me, but just being a metawhore wasn't satisfying. Needless to say, I'm now a fan of randomizing my loadout before missions just to douse the whole meta chasing thing.

Right? I like to use the "Signature" Loadouts of my Warframes! So, for example, Baruuk. I only use Cobra & Cane with him. Saryn Prime only has the stuff that came in her bundle. It forces me to think about how I play! I also like to use specific Warframes for specific tasks! Like when fighting infestation? Saryn or Ember. Corpus? Volt. Grineer? Rhino. It helps keep me on my toes!

Honestly makes me glad I'm part of a clan that doesn't have that kind of player.

Trust me, I've had to deal with jerks in other games like World of Tanks, so I know the feeling.

Unfortunately, it will always be prevalent in gaming and I've been know to berate people from time to time. In an instance like that, I would rather have run the fight a second time and let them wallow in their inability to know what to do instead of trying to keep struggling like that.

The fact of the matter is that WF has gotten more popular over the years, which inevitably leads to more people getting involved, which means there's a higher chance for those people to be pricks and/or min-maxing munchkins. The community used to be more inviting when it was DE's little passion project back in the golden days of 2013-2015 because it was flying under the radar and fans wanted other people to experience the game, and the icing on the shit cake is that, well, WF hasn't been doing as hot as it was back then. 2018 was sorta the last time the game could truly do no wrong (if I'm remembering correctly), bc in 2019 we got the half-baked Kuva Lich update and then the quarter-baked Empyrean update was so bad it forced DE's parent company to put them up for auction.

Ain't your fault, my guy. Just the effects of being famous.

...last I checked, the game is stronger than ever.
Kuva Lich and Empyrean are still in some form of "Beta State". KL isn't quite finished, per se, but it's not totally unplayable.
Earth Proxima and Saturn Proxima might be Grineer-focused, but Empyrean also has the Sentient stuff in Void Proxima added during Scarlet Spear; and from what I've seen in the Corpus Fleet tileset update, Empyrean for Corpus could very well be on the horizon with all the reworks and additions that could bring.
Not to mention the brand new Deadlock Protocol quest with the new Warframe, four new weapons, new accessories, new lore, new mini-game mission, and alternate Solaris Standing acquisition it brought!
There was ALSO the Titania Prime Access and the more recent Inaros Prime Access!
AND Heart of Deimos is dropping this month, which is adding a Railjack-load of new stuff including a new moon, new open world section with its own fauna and flora, another new Warframe (which was helped in design by the community!), a quest to introduce it all, and probably a lot more that we didn't get to see during TennoLive!
2019 was a drip-feed because all this big stuff was in the works, and 2020 has only been picking up speed now because of current world health events. That's the nature of this kind of game. So it's really not fair of you to say that the game is going downhill in any context other than your own opinion.

I'll admit, I don't necessarily know how popular WF is or isn't doing; I just saw some videos from BetterNamePending, Tactical Potato, and Quite Shallow talking about how Leyou (DE's parent company) is selling them off, and on top of that I just haven't been playing the game as much as I was two/three years ago. The grind must be getting to me...

(Not gonna change the fact that I'm gonna play through the Heart of Deimos update til I burn out. Again)

Last I heard about the selling thing, it was just a possibility. And I honestly wouldn't take anyone but DE's word on that front. With production picking back up and a massive new update about to drop, the only guess I'd wager is that Leyou would reconsider selling atm. Unless they got an offer they couldn't refuse. But, again, I'd really only trust DE's word on that, when they get to share new info.

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