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Let me give you a quick rundown on the lore I'm trying to work off,

Far away on an island shrouded in mist. There are those upon this island, their bravest warriors who have a connection to an otherworldly force known as the Steam.

Jealous of the power, some tried to augment themselves with similar powers, but failed. Those who were not born to the power and were not trained to contain it became corrupted, their ambitions blinded them and they became known as Diesels.

A war has waged for many years since, the corrupted Diesels battling the pure hearted steam.

This war shall soon end, the question is in whose favor?

The characters have their physical form as normal humans or whatever, but when entering the Realm of Steam they become an astral form as in they become trains.

Different trains have different representations in their skills (much like the racial bonuses normally).

Here's some of them I have so far.


A kindhearted rouge, tricky though instrumental for his skills. He's known to mess with some of the others, though it comes from a good place.

Sir Edward

One of the eldest knights on the island, his age is getting to him but his wisdom is getting to him more, his connection to the Steam has allowed him to merge his powers becoming a mage knight.

Sir Gordon

This brave knight is known for one thing, his philosophy that might makes right. Arrogant, he believes himself the greatest knight, though others have been able to equal him.

Sir Toby

An elderly knight brought in from a far away land, he is known for his unbeatable defense and honer.

Lady Daisy

A noblewoman who prefers not to take part with the affairs of the commoners, though she herself has augments but the training to prevent being corrupted.

Lady Flora

A priestess of the Steam, kind and soft spoken she works her best to prevent anyone from falling in battle and healing the wounded. Especially Toby.


Sir Toby's squire, she was augmented and brought in to be trained so that she would not fall for the corruption. She's headstrong but comes through when needed.



A top agent of the Diesel's, a suave master of manipulation, able to convince anyone whatever he needs.

Diesel 10

The leader of the Diesel's, the first to fall for the corruption when he found the Clawed Blade, he believes the Steam to be nothing but a fairy tail, and that those who follow it should be put down.



A pure incarnation from the Steam, her powers from it are unmatched and she assists her followers as much as she can, but in the end there is only so much even she can do.

Some things I'm thinking of but aren't a hundred percent yet, I was thinking the coaches and special trains could be their weapons. Like Annie and Clarabel being the twin blades of Thomas, and the Express being Gordon's broadsword, known for its swiftness despite the size.

Alright so what do you all think? I'm open to any ideas on how to make this better, I'm open to anything that would build the lore, I'm especially open to anyone I couldn't think of how to do. I'm open to any ideas that you think may be better.

I'm also open to anyone's character in this world, just include what their astral form is (since it'll affect their stats on the human plane), their class, a backstory, and you know the normal things that would be on a D&D sheet.

Also as a side note as long as you're trained properly you can be a Diesel and not be corrupted, not all Diesel's are evil.

more Characters

The Pirate Crew

A team of ex-pirates, who have set up their old ship as a shop near the docks. They're known for great deals on rare items, and amazing stories of their adventures.


An old pirate, he's done with sailing and has set up permanent residence at the docks. He has very minor augmentations, what he's really known for is his stories and the wears he sells out of his boat. Though if push came to shove he's still up for a fight.


The strongman of Salty's old crew, he's worked to the bone and has a less then pleasant disposition because of it. He can lift four crates by himself, and would be able to take someones head off with just his fists. But the hooks he fights with help immensely.


Porter is one of the youngest men on the crew, he has a connection to the Steam, and was brought aboard to train Salty after his augmentations. He's worked and has basically became the second mate.


Come on, did you really think the corrupted were the only danger you'd be fighting?

Troublesome Trucks

More of an annoyance then anything, but still trouble. Roving bands attracted to settlements. Why isn't known.

Most are just roving bands, but there is some known to have a leader.

S. C. Ruffey

Once the most feared leader, but he was beat by Oliver (we'll get to him when I can think of him) and Toad. After his defeat, the Trucks didn't meddle with Oliver anymore.

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